Richard Spencer needs to step aside. Nathan Damigo should be the face, Mike Enoch the voice, and the Vandal Brothers the energy of this thing. Richard should run it from behind the scenes I guess. He's fine as an academic. But he doesn't have the charisma or the public speaking skills to be the leader he wants to be, and his flabby effete try hard approach and inability to relate to people who aren't already /ourguys/ takes credibility away from the movement. He needs to go.
Richard Spencer needs to step aside. Nathan Damigo should be the face, Mike Enoch the voice...
>Nathan "I fight for Israel" Domingo
>Mike "the Kike" Enoch
>Vandal Brothers (literally nobodies I don't even have a nickname for them)
Listen you dumb Jewish bastard:
I've destroyed your Richard Spencer in the court of public opinion. And I will destroy your every pawn.
Stop making threads.
Oh look another thread where we try to oust Richard even though he's already done the work to become a household name and NOBODY EVEN KNOWS WHO ENOCH IS.
Enoch has passion but its all "ummm" and "uhhhh", Richard is the memelord and if you have a problem with it you can take it up with your toe and a shotgun trigger.
what is with the meme that richard spencer is only capable of related to people who are already /ourguys/?
We need a soft face for a movement, at least in the beginning so that we don't seem like mean old nazis.
Also him getting punched probably did the most good for the movement since ... anything
I seriously don't understand why whenever literally anybody has any opinion close to Sup Forums they immediately hate them
I'm not saying he should lead us forever, but right now he is the thing we need.
More public figures speaking out for this is what we need, not to ask people to "step aside" whenever they get traction.
Best explained by the fact that some here are actually natsoc and some are just whatever edgy political ideology suits them for the year.
OP should be burnt aliiiiive
Because it's easy spotting a weak and ineffective leader.
You should all drink some bleach.
The problem with Richard is he desperately wants to be seen as an intellectual. That causes him to take positions that are ridiculous. He advocates for single payer healthcare and supports the EU. He also likes to countersignal Trump to appear independent. I like the guy but to many times he comes off as straight up retarded.
I'm not saying he needs to go. I'm saying he should stop being the keynote speaker of every event he's at. His "inspirational" screaming speeches worked when it was a closed meeting following trumps election. But in public, they're cringeworthy. He's not trying to speak to bystanders, he talks in intellectual presumed-knowledge floweryness with the grace of a college freshman floundering through his first public speaking assignment.
He's good for the movement and even a decent (though not great) one on one interviewer. But listening to him is bringing NO ONE new in. Listening to Enoch has changed people's lives. The vandals are fun. Nathan has the stature and confidence of a man despite being 4'11. Richard is just cringeworthy. He has a place, absolutely, but not at the head.
I like Enoch. Things got a little crazy and I took a break from listening to him after the Jew wife ordeal, but I listened to him again and it was pretty good. But as much as I like Enoch I don't think he should be the face of the movement, but it shouldn't be spencer either
It should be Jared Taylor but I don't think he's willing or we'd have seen much more from him.
Richard is second best because he has the podcasts with Bowden which imo lend him creedance
There's nobody stopping Nathan Damigo from being a face, nobody stopping Mike Enoch from speaking.
And I agree with
We need a soft face for a movement, at least in the beginning so that we don't seem like mean old nazis.
Also him getting punched probably did the most good for the movement since ... anything
>I seriously don't understand why whenever literally anybody has any opinion close to Sup Forums they immediately hate them
Really a combination of two:
They are leftists following the last of Saul Alinsky's rules: Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, make the target hurt - but above all, isolate the target from sympathy, isolate it from supporters. Isolating Lauren Southern and Spencer from support is step 1 to removing them. It worked that way with Milo as well. Milo got isolated from support, and immediately neutralized.
The other group is angry bitter neckbeard NEETs who hate themselves and the world and lash out at anything, particularly what's close and easy to lash out at.
Historical and academic credence does not mean they're charismatic leaders. Intellectuals have a role, but not at the head, regardless of where they stand in relation to the godfathers of the movement.
>He advocates for single payer healthcare
So did Nazi Germany have this """single payer healthcare"""?
>Richard Spencer isn't nazi enough
>also he advocates for single payer healthcare
I think spencer should stick t being a media personality for the movement, as in running popular podcasts and being the "morale" for everyone in a sense. He's great at commentary
>Nathan "I fight for Israel" Domingo
>Mike "the Kike" Enoch
He left his jew wife iirc, and hes still being a positive influence for the movement
How is Dick not charismatic? Because he can't convince niggers at A&M and Auburn to side with us?
Like...what are you even talking about?
Then ideally get whoever is actually smart to hold an introduction. The introduction turns into a long speech. Even if Spencer makes a fool of himself, at least people remember the first speaker.
But this "ideally remove X and have Y speak" ignores that Y can generally speaking already speak. Why isn't the world as ideal as OP wants already? There's a reason for that.
I'm neither of those. This isn't a "spencer is a shill" thread. This is a "spencer is a founder of this thing so has understandably thrust himself at the head of it after its grown even though it's a bigger thing than soft spoken podcasts now and needs charisma in the spotlight to continue to grow" thread.
Surely you can admit that a founder isn't always the best CEO once a company goes public? I'm just saying Richard should stay the Chairman of the Board, but it's time we had a CEO. Eli Mosley may fill this role I reckon. I just hope by the time an actual leader steps up that Spencer's ego isn't so intertwined with his view of this as "his" movement that it creates factionalization.
Heimbach's actually been STELLER with this. He has his group of guys that he leads, he built the TWP before altright was a blip, yet at the big group events he's off to the side, knowing he isn't that kind of frontman.
I'm just saying Spencer needs to be like Heimbach.
You don't fall into the "immediately hate" category.
When people post here to simple take a giant shit on Spencer, I'd say those two categories cover it.
Just fucking clone Hitler already...
Heimbach is great but he's a fat fuck. He also plays right into media hands, seems naive somewhat. People just say "oh sure, he just shows how dumb smart guys can be hurr durr"
You can't have single payer healthcare when your country has millions of niggers and Mexicans in it. If you do it means that white men are slaves to providing freeloading garbage with healthcare while they smoke pot and rape white women. It's fucking ridiculous.
Who the fuck are you, faggot?
Dick doesn't want niggers and mexicans in our country, what else don't you understand about this who alt-right thing, maybe I can fill you in, pleb
Damigo is well spoken and pleasant
Spencer's not that different m8. He's a pudgy smart guy with little self awareness. Just Spencer comes from upper middle class and Heimbach from lower middle class. Otherwise they're pretty damn similar in both their goods and bads.
This guy just hates everybody. He's everything Sup Forums despises and so he takes his anger out on the winners of the community. Sour grapes much you fuckin nigger?
>tfw want hitler youth
>probably won't look good
o well
wow so right wing! /ourguy/ lol! :^)
No I'd say Heimbach is quite a bit fatter and possibly better at generalized debates, not even dialectics. Spencer is a much more engaging speaker and I'd wager he knows more.
>step aside
From what? He's not anyone's fucking emperor, he's just a guy with some good ideas and some media presence.
Spencer's great. Yes he's effete but so was this other guy with a short mustache that did nothing wrong
Right. Well in that case is expand on the NEET category, to point out that that brand of 8pol Spencer/altright haters have internalized their identity as extreme Nazis, but they don't actually believe it, they're just looking for an excuse as to why they're "different" than everyone else. They're essentially tumblr genderqueers or more aptly Ignatius J Reilly
Nathan literally went to prison for assaulting a dude. It's a terrible idea to make him the public face of the movement.
Because Sup Forums has no beliefs everyone is a contrarian fag
Already 50% of Sup Forums has turned on Trump, in 5 years this board will be radical centrists.
This. He isn't the leader of a party we started lol
the only thing you did is make a fool of yourself.
every fucking thread i see your retarded drivel.
And Hitler went to prison for a failed coup. We don't need "one face" yet anyway. We just need someone for the next stage of growth that speaks to normies instead of someone cringily trying to play inspirational academic Hitler every time he talks.
I honestly think Mike and Nathan should do a college speaking tour which is 75% QA. That would redpill the most people.
>another CIA limited hangout thread
dont you faggots ever get tired of astroturfing?
>50% has turned on Trump
So 50% of us are ideologically consistent and not YAY TEAM RED fanboys even after internationalism and close ties to Jews? That's a problem to you?
>only government shills have beliefs or put their names behind what they believe
I want anonymoose edgetarians to leave
I've been thinking the same for about 6 months. He's a bad face for us. Nathan is by far more articulate and masculine.
This, the punching right meme doesn't apply to them. That's for people with reasonable ideas.
The kikes are never gonna get gassed again, sorry guys.
kill yourself loser
Hey you stupid fucking mouthbreather the niggers and Mexicans are here and we're talking about a healthcare system for now not in some fantasy white America. Jesus Christ how are stupid fucking assholes like allowed to live.
Hurr Durr, we're gonna kill every nigger and spic right?
Go ahead then you worthless faggot LARPer, everybody is waiting for you to erase every non-white from America. Come on hero, you're smart enough to do it right?
No, really, fuck off faggot.
There's a cogent argument that niggers and Mexicans are already a massive drain on the system since they just use Medicaid and emergency room services as if they already have universal healthcare and whites are already paying for it, so universal healthcare would mostly help whites, and it'd be the same outcome for blacks and Browns (and maybe even cheaper, given the emergency room math).
Not saying i agree, but the arguments definitely there.
That said, Richard is clearly a liberal in many respects. Few would argue about that. His pan-European dream is retarded outside of the US. But that doesn't make him a shill, it just makes him wrong. This is part of why I think he should stick to high minded dialectics on podcasts and in print -- go crazy with thought experiments, just leave them out of the white populist movement of the now.
This guys mad. You've gotta go back, Paco. You left Mexico because it sucks and you wanted to live in a white country. Well so do we.
That isn't going to happen. As far as I can tell only Greg Johnson doesn't like Richard.
Look at Sam Dickson showing respect to Richard.
These are people who know Dick outside of what he puts on Youtube.
If Sam Dickson stands with Richard, I stand with Richard.
If Richard stand with white people, I stand with Richard.
It doesn't matter. Listen to what I'm telling you.
This doesn't mean anything to a hyperborean
Now can we get a "schizophrenia explained" infographic?
>the actual quote
>from the actual book
>source cited
The Jew is afraid.
You forgot to teleport behind me before saying that.
...'re implying through these threads that Richard is a jewish shill.
Look, I know Alt-right people irl and nobody fucking believes this, so you're either a dope, a nut, or a troll.
Stop namefagging
Dick is the only leader in the American white nationalist movement who's actually white.
Prove me wrong.
I stand with Richard too? Why can't you recognize the difference between "he has no place in the movement" and "he is not the strategic best person for the face of the movement"?
>nobody believes this
>his own words aren't proof enough
>I know Alt-Right
You think I'm here for the Alt-Right? Interesting...
You got the link to his video? I can't find it. It's always good for a laugh.
Because he's already fucking DONE THE WORK. He was smart enough to meme his way to the top at the right time, now you want to throw him under the bus
I think you're here to be a faggot, probably from reddit. Enjoy.
No one gives a shit about those people outsode of TRS and the handlers in the MSM
>I think you're here to be a faggot, probably from reddit. Enjoy.
Is that what you think? :^)
I don't. I want the movement to succeed. Is the founder of a company always the best CEO at all levels of growth? No.
Growing is more important than honoring what Richards done to grow the movement. You can respect and honor his contributions without thinking that he "deserves" to be the face regardless of how effective or ineffective he is as such.
>I want the movement to succeed
>By giving all the power to Jews and Zionists
toplel. if i was richard spencer laughing this hard i'd likely giggle myself into a state of uncontrollable lactation.
Not if you're a Democrat
No ones buying what you're selling guy. Sorry that people are willing to put their names behind things they believe.
>names behind things they believe
I have a name. You don't seem to tho, Anonymous?
I don't think he "deserves" anything. Nobody else is coming to the forefront, you obviously didn't watch in CVille today when basically every alt-right figurehead bowed to Spencer and let him speak. He cucks everyone else. Nobody can even point to anything besides "muh EU" that they disagree with him on.
The idea that we can be as liberal as we want in an all white nation is what we should be aspiring to. I'd wager most of us believe that practically any system of government can survive in an all white ethnostate.
Get on the phone to JayTay if it's so important.
Dicky isn't going anywhere.
I agree completely.
I guess Spencer is an okay guy and I can agree with him on most things, but he's also a preppy metrosexual mama's boy who lets twiggy little anarchist fags hit him and get away with it. The only thing he has going for him is that he's attractive.
Only thing Damigo has going against him is that he's a manlet.
>sometime when I shill on Sup Forums I...I lose confidence
lol he has gyno
It wouldn't work that way though, if you give everybody the care that niggers and Mexicans have we would get the same quality they have. The only thing that protects whites from being forced to go to shitty hospitals with nigger nurses and Mexican cleaning staff is we actually pay for it. If you make the feds pay for it then they will staff hospitals and doctors offices with fat nigger women and slovenly Mexicans with street shitter doctors. You won't have a choice where you go so you'll be stuck dealing with these subhuman scum when you're in your most vulnerable state. The idea is mad.
>sometimes when I shill on Sup Forums I..I can't attack Moarpheus' points nor dismiss his proofs, so I attack his namefagging because it's all I can attack
post yfw you realize everything I do and say fights the Jewish Plot
This guy?
CVilles what prompted this thread. Just as cringey as at Auburn. The childish effete screaming mostly. Nathan was unpolished as hell but still 10x better.
wtf i hate ethno-nationalism now
Why do all the shills namefag?
>I've destroyed your Richard Spencer in the court of public opinion.
Post link or don't make cryptic claims
Because they fundamentally misunderstand this board
He's not wrong, Israel is pretty based and what every white nationalist wants their country to be like. You can't live in the country if you aren't the same race, fucking hate muslims, extremely difficult immigration, 70%+ population are right-wing. I mean, think if Europe had the same idea like Israel.
i dont even have a twitter account and thats just one of my maymays.
the war is fought on the battlefield of the mind, not in the streets.
> Israel is pretty based
Haha want to post the rest of that comment chain you dumb cocksucker? Or should I?
>implying you don't have a messiah complex and can't be murdered
Why is his wife a stalinist?
He is also a violent felon. People like him have no business being in any sort of public or leadership position.
>he advocates for racial nationalism rather than ethno-nationalism
>Must be a shill, must not just be a (wrong) philosophical difference!
Do you genuinely not realize his meaning, or are you being dishonest on purpose?
Are you the one with the shield ?
This. This is the king of pol. Search your heart, you know it be true.
HAHAHAHA you really are just an idiot
TRS larping is for 12 year olds. The philosophy (if you can call it that) doesn't hold up. It's better to just be a race realist and stop wasting your time with the ethno-state pipe dream. Get people to accept reality instead of roman saluting your way into irrelevance.
Rcaial nationalism has no basis in reality. Culture is ethnically bound and racial nationalism is nothing internationalist multiculturalism repackaged. Ethnicity has always been the basis of a nation.
These people don't recognize that gassing the likes isn't an option for public facing opinion, but "Israel for Israelis, white countries for whites" is. They think of people who care about optics as "PRfags." They're perfectly happy with the degradation of white countries continuing and the Jewish diaspora continuing to infiltrate their land, as long as they remain the ones with the purist most edgiest opinions on their anime message boards.
You're pretty the Barneyfag of Sup Forums
nice argument fag
I wouldn't know. You are all shills to me.{display:none !important;}