These are the creatures you share the board with
This is the true face of the Alt Right and Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I take it you've never seen pictures of chan meetups before?
that's why we're anonymous, if i knew who you were i wouldn't talk to you.
jesus what a bunch of nerds
>what a bunch of virgins! xD
>How dare you slut shame that woman! ABLOO BLOO BLOO
Were you expecting square-jawed, tall, well built perfect soldiers?
They lack discipline, that's all. One day it will be provided to them and then we will see you if you can still laugh while strung up to a lamp pole.
They don't look that bad desu.
I'd rather them than the limp-wristed faggot nerd virgin shills that Brock has been sending to Sup Forums for the past month. Fuck off, saged.
Cherry picked photos, there nerds were a lot worse than our nerds
They're outside on a Saturday unlike everyone here. Props to them.
I didnt know he had such a nice rack.
>everyone has to be a 6'8" chad or I can't fap to this
You're a fag tbqh
shit nigga never go full bogdanoff
Now lets compare to leftists
pretty sure thats the_donald and twitter tards
They've made the first step. Diet, exercise and some combatives and they'll be good to go.
WTF, I love these people now
>First wave virgins
We got 72 of them for each of you Mudslime faggots.
>he thinks people who protest in rl go on Sup Forums
No they're our pawns. We move our pieces while staying comfy at home.
Arthur would beat the shit out of that faggot
Why do shills always have named .jpgs?
ITT: buttblasted antifags trying to deflect from the fact that no one paid attention to their autistic screeching from the hill
Kek, share blue will never understand why attacking vanity works for us against them but not the opposite.
I genuinely feel bad for these people some days; then I remember they want my way of life killed off.
It looks like they need an alt-right father figure to teach them to shave.
no, post them
he looks like Edward Snowden.
The funniest thing to come out of all of this is the simple fact everyone on both sides of the argument are wearing some form of protective head gear because of bike locks and sticks as if guns with bullets didn't exists.
>he thinks these people are being serious
Most Trump guys who go to these 'protests' know it's just a day to LARP around for fun.
Some '101 crips' member just threatened to kill one of the larpers at the antifa livestream. lol
people arent getting shot at these protests hurrrdurrrphhh
I don't think I've saved any in years, so I cba to dig back to find any. They generally look about this retarted -- not full retard, but enough to make you wish you didn't know what the people you've been shitposting with look like.
tfw you get runned down so hard you start to become a bog-master
Is this YLYL? Cause I lost, my sides hurt
t. Virgin
They might not be impressive individually but they come in numbers. Wave after wave of autists, geeks and virgin neckbeards can plow through the best that the Left has to offer....
More pics of her
what? we had to send children so it would be a fair fight against antifags
> tfw balding
> tfw probably look like this in a few years
At least suicide is an option
They are mostly quite young and haven't developed their own aesthetics yet. Also, they don't look that bad senpai, have you seen the other guys?
3 threads against patriots fighting antifa on the streets. Literally fighting commies. And we are supposed to be against this? Please tell me why? Go on consensus cracking shill!
>ugly people shouldn't have an opinion or have a right to protest
Sounding very fascist these days.
*blocks your bench*
They're outside, having fun, meeting people. Hopefully they'll kick some commie ass too. I don't see the problem, they're Americans.
Except for the jewry this isn't cringy. Hell, if the flag was gone and the guy was wearing a maga hat it'd be pretty decent.
Armor plates are expensive and people have not been getting shot. Use your resources to best prepare for the most likely tactics. If somebody whips out a gun in the middle of a crowd of Boston cops, the armor probably wouldn't matter anyways because the shooter is getting dropped.
The other guys have long hair, poorly fitted women's blouses, male nipple piercings, which is still ok. To each his own...
Yet.... people aren't getting shot yet. Those rainbow warrior ANTIFA are going to sucker punch the wrong American at one of these protests. Then all hell will break loose. That Trump supporting veteran with PTSD will flip his/her shit. Then shoot all of those rainbow faggots
cool, now post a picture of your ugly mug, you fat fuck
Please do not tell me that this is /k/
ANTIFA and the Alt-Right are controlled opposition.
Jews control them both.
Zionists lead them both.
Yall niggas postin in a CIA thread.
burgers amerifats are ugly,how is this news?
dress up like antifa and go wipe out these fags then
It's antifa
>uhh herro prease thanka yuuu. I am a hafu japanesa thanka yuh and I coma froma japan today thanka yuuu
this user is a MOSSAD agent.
>pic related
Stay safe, Anonymous.
t. Terry Davis
They all look like normal dudes except the fag on the far left.
And those nerds can beat the shit out of your nerds, Leddit faggot.
>One day it will be provided to them
Discipline doesn't work like that at all you dipshit.
Yup, everyone is controlled by the Jew's, time to kill ourselves. You first though.
It better be
now its getting defficult.... no wait... same paranoid bullshit as the last 5 years.
>purity spiral thread #62 today
There should honestly be a rule that if you look like this you should be forbidden to going to public events. It's embarrassing. Every single one of you should be in the gym.
ANTIFA was created in 1933.
The Jews used them in an attempt to conquer Germany.
Hitler rose to become Fuhrer largely by fighting ANTIFA.
Jews are still controlling ANTIFA today.
ANTIFA is controlled opposition.
The Alt-Right is controlled opposition.
(((They))) want you distracted fighting other members of your society that you might not notice the Jews and Zionists taking over the Nations.
You're literally doing God's work, user :3
The Alt-Right is not Jewish.
Please don't tell me you think MAGA cucks are Alt-Right...
My thoughts exactly. As soon as one of those fuckers hit one of us. Just start dealing punches to the back of his head.
Or better yet, get a cattle prod (easily purchased at any farm supply) shock them into a coma.
The way you guys larp on here, yes, I expected it.
>like normal dudes
>7 guys
> 2 non white
>2 not sure (far left and third from the right)
>goofy long hair
>99 cent clothing without class
Only guy I would trust is second from the left and that is assuming he is not gay
They were the antifa that went to pikesville dude. Yknow the fags who couldn't shoot
>mfw this thread again
Don't give a fuck, you arse. At least they are standing up and being counted. I'd be happy to stand with them.
I'm a thin guy, ectomorphic. And not even i'm as skinny as this guy.
What the actual fuck?
Actually it was created 1919
You are simply autistic.
Not everyone has to be a 6'2" chad in full Nazi regalia.
Maybe you were watching the wrong stream, our goys were btfoing cucks in virginia meanwhile.
We are too busy Lifting in our Temples of Iron
Besides Operation Virgin Shield seems to be working nicely.
Why the fuck do you go to these things if you look like a massive faggot? Don't they realize their presence does more harm then good?
I miss seeing that memo. Really got everyone riled up during election time.