Opinions on LBJ? I need a quick run down

Opinions on LBJ? I need a quick run down.

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Lyndon "I'll have those Negros voting democrat for 200 years" Johnson

I believe he said "uppity niggers"


Kike that had kennedy killed so he couldn't remove AIPAC.

Third worst president

He's shit.

Who's #2?

Worst presidents:


Obama was worse than Carter. At least Carter was somewhat anti-establishment in his incompetence.

why him? ww, clinton, obama were a lot worse

Worst presidents

1. Wilson
2. Buchanan
3. LBJ
4. Dubya
5. Carter

obama was worse than carter
and Jackson was best

Teddy Roosevelt wins biggest asshole. Single-handedly gave us Wilson.

>USS liberty

Worst president ever, more so than FDR, Wilson, Buchanan, Carter, Bush II, etc...

Because he rammed The Great Society programs into law, and completely changed the face of America by BTFO the white populace with the stroke of his pen in legislating immigration reform that gradually altered the demography from 90% white to sub-60% white now.

Cashed in all the progressive chips at once. Passed medicare, civil rights act, great society.

Unleashed the backlash that ruined democrats for a generation and broke the coalition of FDR. He is more responsible for the modern republican party than anyone else.

He's part of the people who killed JFK

Naw.I vote for Woodrow Wilson. Any man that helped create the federal reserve is pure evil.This.

Meh, more like 4th or 5th.

quick and to the point


>Bigger kill list than Hillary Clinton
>Drug us into full-blown war with Vietnam using Gulf of Tonkin false flag (1,353,000 Total combined dead)
>Tried to drag us into Arab-Israeli war using USS Liberty false flag (37 dead)
>Ruled the white house by literally waving his dick around.
Possibly the biggest scumbag whoever disgraced the Presidency.

I will give Carter some credit for sticking to his morals and ethics. His fatal flaw was his spinelessness. America was the world's doormat for 4 excruciating years.
> Pussyness was 9000/10.

It's pretty much obvious he had JFK killed

Why do people say FDR was the worst president?

Crypto jew. USS Liberty cover up.


Jumpstarted the Great Niggering of America