the "trickle down" criticism is nonsense
tax cuts for the rich are nonsense
Google bar stool economics, moron.
>people making $50,000 a year expect a $200,000 tax cut
>Right wing retard shillcucks think millionaires need tax cuts
because people actually believe that we have European meritocracy and free market capitalism
>replying to obamaleaf
he always has the same filenames too
>he still believes in trickle down economics
Good goy.
Surely the solution to this is more trickle down tax cuts.
t. right wing retards
Shit what gave me away?!
brb getting food
They vote for whichever candidate can mansplain the most, not that complicated desu
yup. we need more immigration, more tax cuts for the rich and wall street deregulation to keep the ponzi... i mean economy booming
Because neocons disguise it as a tax cut for all or the """"""middle-class""""""".
And while this does mean they technically do get a tax cut it's hardly anything. When you actually look at how much lower class income earners get from a tax cut it's like an extra $100 a year.
But when they campaign it's this MASSIVE tax cut worth BILLIONS of dollars.
This you faggot It's the same reaction image you use in every thread
or, more accuretaly, the opposite of this.
its pinkos and leftists who believe in trickle down economics. That after the government has spent the lion's share of their tax money on bombs and boner pills for 90 year olds there might be a little left over to spend on the wasteful bureaucracy of welfare.
That is one stupid fucking chart, leaf.
Unless you're part of the 1%, you won't get shit.
> The Upper Canada Rebellion was an insurrection against the oligarchic government of the British colony of Upper Canada (present day Ontario) in December 1837. While public grievances had existed for years, it was the Rebellion in Lower Canada (present day Quebec) that emboldened rebels in Upper Canada to openly revolt soon after. The Upper Canada Rebellion was largely defeated shortly after it began, although resistance lingered until 1838 (and became more violent) - mainly through the support of the Hunters' Lodges, a secret anti-British, US-based militia that emerged around the Great Lakes. They launched the Patriot War in 1838-39. The rebellion led directly to Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America and to The British North America Act, 1840 which partially reformed the British provinces into a unitary system.
See, money is how you get insincere people to do shit. Free people aren't too concerned about money faggot.
your just jelly that you dont have the power to fire the people who decide to criminally investigate you
>why didn't you vote for hillary and more taxes on the middle class
At least my taxes aren't going up desu. Your argument is shit.
>can't defend his own backwards ass retarded economic policies so he brings up da ess jay dubya boogeyman
yeah if all of your income comes from gibbies you probably wouldnt get much from a tax cut, but im telling you that if i got to keep what was taken out of my paycheck every week it would drastically improve my life.
Because they're smarter than to fall for the socialism meme
Why do you need their money so much?
> Mackenzie, Duncombe, John Rolph and 200 supporters fled to Navy Island in the Niagara River, where they declared themselves the Republic of Canada on December 13. They obtained supplies from supporters in the United States, resulting in British reprisals (see Caroline affair). On January 13, 1838, under attack by British armaments, the rebels fled. Mackenzie went to the United States where he was arrested and charged under the Neutrality Act.[39] The other major leaders, Van Egmond, Samuel Lount, and Peter Matthews were arrested by the British; Van Egmond died in prison, and Lount and Matthews were executed at 8 AM on April 12, 1838, in Toronto. Their last words were: "Mr. Jarvis, do your duty; we are prepared to meet death and our Judge."
I can relate two unrelated topics and present them in an alarming manner as well.
not an argument
put that in percentage of income and let's then make a judgement.
You can keep what you think you owe, what does that have to do with the rich and elite getting massive tax breaks all in the hopes that some of the huge wealth they're about to accrue will trickle down to us commoners?
Why do liberals think that inflation created by demand side economics will make us all rich?
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
>literally never mentioned SJW's
Good one. Distracts that you can't defend your position that the money should be spent on more bombs.
because the big bar is bigger than the little bar and that's not fair
percentages be fuckin' bullshit
m80, we've only had income taxes for 100 years.
We should not even have income taxes!
We aren't at war, there is no reason to have a vast government. The government serves no purpose.
>can't read
guess it's hard to understand basic economics when you're illiterate eh kikelover
Leftists fell for the catchy buzzphrase "Trickle Down Economics'
What economic illiterate, leftists never understand, is that 'Trickle down" in essence means economic growth is occurring, unlike what the US saw under the Obama administration.
>increase taxes on the wealthy so corporations can be given bigger tax breaks to hire immigrants
>more money for bombing brown people
>more money for the boomer Ponzi scheme
Oniggerleaf unironically believes that the Democratic Party would actually invest this money in things like infrastructure and healthcare for rural whites. Everyone laugh at xer.
>The government serves no purpose.
No one else is going to fucking build our roads.
GUYS DID YOU KNOW 5% OF $100,000,000 IS MORE THAN 20% OF $25,000?
liberals don't into percentages
I can't wait for the democrat tax plan that will save someone making $20,000 per annum $1.4M per annum
it goes without saying that the numbers for wealthier people will be larger so why did you make the scale so damn large?
show me the $0-$200,000 zoomed in for this to be useful
roads can be funded by gas tax
why do we need an income tax?
Go ahead and quote where anyone in this thread mentions SJW's.
This is where the lib in me comes out. Wealthy already hide all their monies away and pay little to nothing in tax, savings from their "cuts" will not cycle back into the economy at all. Nor will they be inclined to hire more, because they've already figured out they can squeeze the work of two people out of one, and simply offshore the rest. Rich are the last people who need gibs.
To run the government.
The state certainly doesn't
Suburbs are full of middle class well-to-do assholes who think they're hot shit and perpetually on the brink of fabulous wealth. They're reactionary retards and useful idiots.
Poor rural people vote Republican (when they bother to vote at all) because all of their tax money gets taken to fund bullshit in the cities that they don't care about. They actually have a legitimate reason to support tax cuts, because tax funding isn't ever taken away from the things they DO benefit from. They also tend to be "land rich, money poor", so while they appear poor from an income standpoint they are often better off than middle income snobs in the suburbs.
t. corporate cum guzzlers
I want nu pol to leave
We never used to have an income tax and we were able to fund the government
Why do we need one now?
>I don't understand how modern banking and economics works
>billionaire gets a 1% tax cut and saves more money than someone earning $100k would get with a 100% tax cut
Why does that need to be done with an income tax?
not an argument but i didn't expect much of one anyway
most corporations are loaded up in debt and they need the welfare state to create inflation and give poor people money to buy their useless crap
The world is a bigger place.
We used to have slaves to pay for that sort of thing.
They don't even know "trickle down" has only ever been used by leftists.
You're right senpai, we should copy the high tax European model
The world is literally the same size it always was, idiot.
anyone who has to get up every day and go to work, should not pay a cent of those earnings to the government.
That's the result of their work. Leave it alone!
Such a blatantly dishonest way to display tax cuts. Its getting insulting how dumb libshit propagandists think Americans are
The council (or more accurately the Scottish government, since the roads budget isn't local) recently closed a 400 yard stretch of road for 5 days to resurface it. This caused enormous delays since it was a main road, and poor planning sent B-double artics down single lane residential streets. The worst part being the road DIDN'T NEED RESURFACED, IT WAS FINE.
Meanwhile the SAME MAIN ROAD is literally falling into the sea a few mile down the road, but they won't do anything about it except cone off the seaside lane and put in temporary traffic lights.
Fuck Transport Scotland is what I'm trying to say.
This is where leftists show their ignorance again...in recent election cycles, most of Wall St. has donated more Democrat party candidades, meaning the scale has been tipped to where there are more Limosine Liberals running corporations and Hedge Fund companies, than the older days of the Country Club Republicans running the show, you shit for brains.
The feds never owned slaves
What are you even talking about
>Radius: 3,959 mi
>Area: 196.9 million mi2
pretty sure its the same size its always been
>implying liberals are leftists
The world isn't a sphere and yet you posted that misleading picture.
Ok why does that mean we need to pay more taxes?
And no I am not interested in being the world police
Progressive liberals are leftists, yes...classic liberals, perhaps not so much.
you're not very smart are you
The pic is 2d
They don't unless they're are retarded, only idiots fail as a result of lower taxes as if you are dependent on the government you deserve to fucking die, it's basic fucking survival of the fittest. Fuck your socialist, economically authoritarian bullshit. Your support of market interventionism demonstrates a lack of economics, take your Marxian or Keynesian economics and fuck off, fucking hair of the dog cuck.
Also, Trudeau, if I see you in the street I'll smack the shit out of you, faggot.
Burgers like to claim that baseball is their favorite pastime but in realisty it is sucking jewish cock. Burgers just can't get enough of being the best goys.
technology makes things cheaper
the feds should need less money
They need the money to upgrade the infrastructure, but it's not enough.
Wait how is this different from how its been the past 30 years?
Go ahead and dodge that, trudeau
what do they need to upgrade?
>lack of economics
lack of economic understanding
The argument is pretty simple, the rich don't need a tax break. Either abolish taxes altogether or stop giving (((them))) an easier way to get richer.
You know that supply-side economics also accelerates inflation?
It's been used by anyone who doesn't fall for kike tactics.
You sound obsessed with partisan politics when it doesn't really have much to do with 'muh red vs blue' bullshit. Unless someone ITT wants to out themselves as a corporate kike shill, or reveal to all that they are part of the 1% themselves, there's no need for people to be sucking so much big business dick in here.
No, but they would often contract slave owners for work like they contract private companies today. It was obviously quite a bit cheaper.
Also, are you and actual retards that can't understand metaphors? The world is a bigger place in the sense that there are more people, more energy, more productive capacity, more processing power, more information, ect.
They used to vote democrat, but then you started mass murdering babies.
Why do people play the lottery?
The government uses hardware from the 80's, by and large.
be nice to obamaleaf he is developmentally disabled
>You know that supply-side economics also accelerates inflation?
Only if it is done with low interest rates
The thread topic is partisan, genius.
So what youre saying is that we need to legalize late-late term abortions and get rid of them?