Republican logic.
Republican logic
OP Logic.
niggers are the problem with both of those
>they shoot each other with guns
>they abuse the ER and hospitals for gibs
>Guns: Paid for by that person
>Healthcare: Has to be tax payer funded!!!!!
Straw man.
All of the people who get shot on purpose or by accident every year end up in emergency rooms and a lot of them don't have insurance.
You get to pay for that.
This. Occupy Democrats is pants on head retarded. Sage and move on lads.
Holy shit!
You're right!
I'm gonna start voting left now.
Thanks so much!
Now you're winning.
This has more to do with the US medical system than guns.
so? some people are stupid.
you don't have the moral right to force people to stop being stupid.
you also don't have the moral right to force the rest to pay for stupid people.
it's not that fucking hard.
We pay for schools to make stupid people less stupid. Your argument is automatically invalid.
you shouldn't.
>Now you're winning.
Yeah if there's one thing Democrats are known for, it's winning.
unless you want to, of course.
You're right. They passed way more legislation, and more effective legislation, in the first month than Trump has managed to pass so far, and still hasn't caught up.
They fixed Bush's absolute disaster and made the country way better. Trump is already breaking it.
Actually, no.
Not a cent of Federal Tax dollars pays for schools.
comparing personal safety against aggressors against healthcare is like comparing apples and oranges.
Yess, the schools that consistently under preform private schools. Guns are only a moderate expense paid for by the owner.
Health insurance has caused inflation in the medical industry and made things harder for people with no insurance by choice.
Liberal logic: Thinking those two things correlate in any meaningful way whatsoever.
You retards just put two hot-button "issues" (for you, not us by the way) onto a groan-inducing meme. FUCK OFF.
LITERALLY go anywhere else other than the one country that we don't want nationalized healthcare or our rights taken away.
Sage this dog-shit.
>protect yourself, because the government won't do it.
>my health problem is your problem. pay for my shit, and trust the government to manage that effectively.
Anyone else enjoying the irony of liberals acting scared of Trump being a fascist while at the same time demanding the government have more and more power with these welfare programs?
>He's gonna put chains on all of us!
>Don't you dare loosen those chains!
Liberals are walking contradictions. How they manage to function in day to day life I will never know.
If we had $19 trillion in debt because of healthcare, I'm sure Liberals wouldn't complain.
Or just fight the man do what many are already doing and don't give info in the ER or claim you're illegal. They can't deny service.
you're right OP
all doctors should be armed so they can shoot their minority patients
>They fixed Bush's absolute disaster and made the country way better.
Yup, Obama sure did end the Afghan and Iraq wars. No more troops in danger overseas or new countries bombed under Obama.
Modern leftism is the opposite of liberty and will lead to a distopian world.
The only acceptable liberalsim is classical liberalism.
I wish we would force people to own guns. That would be a step in the right direction.
Why should I pay for other peoples problems?
Also, everyone having a gun will not make us safer, people with mental disabilities probably shouldn't have guns
Liberals try to bring up paying for school, but ignore the fact many conservatives want homeschooling or vouchers for private schools.
Liberals are seeing red over DeVos giving people a choice in education. Suddenly they're only pro-choice when it comes to abortion.
0/10 guaranteed replies
Yes because gun is BAD and health is GOOD. Destroy is BAD and and save is GOOD.
It checks out. Are you stupid ?
>>Occupy demoshits
OP go kys
Sage this generic bait ya morons
Sage in options field