Leviticus 19:28 – “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead...

>Leviticus 19:28 – “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”

How many of you are screwed?

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Is that in the context of "for the dead?"

I don't have any tattoos, but I've been thinking about it

I don't know what it means "for the dead" but...This is a trick to keep us weak by saying we aren't allowed to do blood sacrifices. That's how the elite got all their power but the bible says we aren't allowed to do the same? Yeah no. Yahweh has only done evil himself, he ordered Abraham to kill his own son. Yahweh is a Demiurge a false god. Nothing but a demon claiming to be god. He wants to hold humanity back and his promises of heaven are a lie.

Im good famalamingo, but Ive got a serious boner for degenerate whores like pic related.

Jesus didnt say anything negative out that though, right?

You're very deeply deceived my friend.

Tattoos are a disgrace to your body, it's like doing graffiti on a beautiful piece of architecture. Your body is a temple to the Holy Spirit, why defile it in this way?

don't do it

New Covenant.

God doesn't like those faggoty "rip grandma" with a poorly drawn flower tattoos.

>demiurge new age horseshit babble
found the satanist

Okay even if I am I read from the bible myself how evil Yahweh is. That's a first hand source and all I need to know not to worship such an evil god.

>do not make any cuttings in your flesh
>get circumcised at birth
jews win again

Not me, im not jewish

The user you replied to speaks truth

Abrahamism is a mind virus. Paganism and the wisdom traditions of shamanic cultures are the Truth.

Only idiots who hate God will use this excuse to say his word is bullshit and shouldn't be followed, we are saved by grace but does that allow us to basically say "fuck your God I don't need your advice"?

Cutting of the flesh is for the dead.
The, nor print any marks upon you is for itself.

>muh magic tree
Lol fuck off Vargfag

Managed to hold off during the tat-spolosion, so fucking happy I did. Everybody and their grandma has a tattoo now. The twenty-something females in particular have totally ruined them.
Sorry my dudes, tats are the ultimate in faggotry now. I don't care if your bud died in Iraq, I only equate them with dopey girls now. Get one of those car decals that says RIP instead.

Christianity is not a European religion, it's a invasion.
Christianity is a Jewish invention to destroy Rome and it worked.

I'm screwed. I also do the screwing. Double fucked.

you are retarded
think about what you're asking

DON'T. No piercings, nor tattoos, nor drugs or premarital sex.

>This is what christcucks obsess over while the white race dies out

Shit I have a scar from a cat scratch i'm SCREWED

Why is sanctity bad again?

>Christian Bible = teachings of Christ
You're retarded if you actually believe this. It's a manuscript of parables, not a "first hand source" fucking pseudo-new-age-hipster-faggot

I don't follow kike bullshit from the old testament so I'm good with that.

That being said, tats generally indicate white trash. I'd only ever get one to remember a family member or pet that died.

Don't really care what Hebrew gods say. Not a Hebrew.

The Law was for the Jews. Tattoos are allowed

> doesn't get a tattoo
> forgets his dead family member/pet

I could see it happening

Fuck, I have a day of the dead tattoo on my right bicep

And letting a man fuck you in the ass opens your Chakra. AMIRITE?

Swallow that Semite poison faggot.

Pure is best. It's the difference between a pure glass of refreshing water. Or dirty, filthy water that's been spit out already.


Not everything from outside Europe is bad. Pagans destroyed the Roman Empire, so it's odd that your hatred falls on Christianity.

Christians are Jews

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Those that call themselves Jews are liars, I can't believe you're this blue pilled... do you really believe the Kikes who killed Christ are Gods chosen?

How the hell can you be aware of all the degeneracy around you and still contemplate getting a tattoo?

No drugs, no alcohol, they are ripping us off on trade!

Exactly, Pagans destroyed Rome.
Christians built up Rome and expanded with Constantinople.

Good goy, follow the (((scripture)))

I've never really wanted to be fed into an inkjet printer. Hello goy. I am going to put some ink, inside you. Is it octopus ink? No. It's ground up rocks and chemicals. Oh. Ok. I need to change colours today

It's neither printing or cutting so technically no one who gets tattoo's by conventional means.

"If you knew the true nature of God, you too would rebel."
-Lucifer, Dantes Inferno

Christians aren't Jews.
What Revelation means is that real Jews ought to have converted to Christianity.
So then, they must not be Jews.

the new law is love god & everyone else

there is a problem with tattoos in the sense that the culture around them is promoting one of flesh rather than spirit, similar to how sexual mores are purposefully broken by people who ultimately aim at political revolution

so we might see a tattoo commemorating the life of a loved one as ok, or a tattoo reminding you of the evil that usury brings down on a society so that you never get sucked into such satanic schemes, whereas a madonna that incites you to lust of the flesh is another story

Granted you can't take that as truth seeing as he was sent to the area where traitors go.

Jesus did away with the rules of the old testament. You only have to worry about tattoos if you're a kike.

I have tats but I was also a crusader in my younger years with many dead infidels to my name. Will I be forgiven?

This also applies for all the botch jobs we do on this and teh gheys

Yes we are, we are Gods chosen or do you think the kikes are Gods chosen? Are you the retard Catholic poster? I know Sup Forums is a liberal board but come on I expect at least a couple of people here to believe the bible...

And also that it's not in the biblical cannon. The divine comedy is just a fear piece.

Homosexuality is still bad.

No he didn't, he specifically said if you teach against the law and don't practice it you'll be called the least in heaven, but if you follow and preach it you'll be called great,

He also said the law will never be abolished unless heaven and earth pass, everyone here who says the law doesn't apply anymore thinks there is no such thing as heaven. They're atheists!

You pagan fags need to just kill yourselves already. Christ is our Lord, he named our enemy the Jew. Rome was a Christian stronghold that was sacked by pagan Goths, Visigoths that brought about a thousand years of darkness.
and Scythians.

They were chosen to be Jews.

The law of Moses ended with the coming of Christ.

That said, if you are not one of the following:

a soldier in a serious fucking unit

a biker

a prison veteran

or a fucking serious gang member

You are a complete faggot and cuck for having a tatoo

ANY woman with a tattoo is pure degeneracy and needs gassing.

Wrong, "Do not think that I came to do away with or undo the Law [of Moses] or the [writings of the] Prophets; I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." Matthew 5:17
The sacrifice parts of the law aren't needed anymore because of Christ. But he did not do away with the laws of the old testament.

Firstly, God probably isn't real. If he was, we wouldn't have so much evil and sadness. Secondly, providing he is real, I'm safe. Tattoo's are degenerate. Anyone with a tattoo should be shot.

This thread is seriously nu/pol as fuck. All of you sound so Richard Spencer.

Muh christianity, muh pure glasses of water.

Instead of fussing over stupid bullshit like this, why don't you focus on actual euro-ethnic issues. Why don't you try to get a better job and start funding efforts or groups to combat the moors?

Seriously, a guy covered in tats that's contributing to the race is 100x more useful than you idiots babbling on about purity.

Focus on real shit, not this nu/pol bullshit meme philosophy.

You must have missed the many occasions where Jesus broke the Laws, and Paul explained that the Laws are finished with.

WE are Gods chosen, not them who are of the synagogue of Satan. Read your bible you really need to

No tattoos for me.

But yet he changed the laws on what was okay to eat. What laws are still enforced in the christian faith. Also, if you could include even vague sources, I would appreciate it.

She looks boring and is probably a prude virgin.

I'd be more attracted to her if she had tattoos and had sexual experience with men.

Show me the scripture, I've asked this question literally a thousand times and nobody ever showed me proof from the bible just make up bullshit about the Catholic Church and deus vult Latin crap


tattoos are more like cursive desu senpai

Show me the scripture

>following the Old Testament written to kikes
>not following the New Testament written to christians

You are assuming you deserve love.

>Firstly, God probably isn't real. If he was, we wouldn't have so much evil
What? Free will kiddo

I'm safe. But pretty much everyone I know has a tat. Even the ones I didn't think were degenerate.


pls get out satan you're not welcome here

We are filthy monkeys. Shut the fuck up.

They are just insecure about their lack of sexual experience so when they see a woman with tattoos with lots of sexual experience they feel inferior. They'd rather marry some boring prude because "Muh purity muh bible says womenz should be virginz" .

Mark 7:14-19, "Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. "All of you listen," he said, "and try to understand. You are not defiled by what you eat; you are defiled by what you say and do!" Then Jesus went into a house to get away from the crowds, and his disciples asked him what he meant by the statement he had made. "Don't you understand either?" he asked. "Can't you see that what you eat won't defile you? Food doesn't come in contact with your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then comes out again." (By saying this, he showed that every kind of food is acceptable.)" - New Living Translation.

More of the girl on the left please

That's racist.

not even remotely Sup Forums

but that doesn't seem to matter anymore..

so fuck it, I'll throw my 2 cents out there for a newfag, tattoos my my dick softer than hot bread. Fucking whores looking a desk from second grade thinking they look good is nasty as fuck, to me.

>mfw I have givin up sageing these fucking new fag motherfuckers.

No, he said I am the law. Not that that the laws were finished. In other words, they were trying to tell the King that he couldn't act on the Sabbath. And he was like, please, I'll act on the Sabbath to help people if I want to.
He did specifically say he didn't come to do away with the laws at Matthew 5:17

>ear rings

eternal fire awaits her

>i want an unfaithful whore

lucifer leads you to enlightenment. "god" wants to keep you ignorant, just a pet for his own sick amusement.

Have you not tried google?

So, one thing out of the laws, other than sacrifices, that are an exception.

You tried to argue with my numerals and automatically failed due to your hypocrisy and ignorance. Thank you. Molech/Ishtar again

It's pretentious and boring.

coem to mongoliankidscartoons on twitch to discuss the bible

What exactly is the point of tattoos? The only reason you'd ever choose to get one is to show it off.

Enjoy you aids infested cock riding champion whore with no morals.

You know you're empty inside if you enjoy it. Deep down you know.

Read the book of Hebrews you kike wannabe.

Lucifer loves you very much.

i got full sleeves... sorta regret it. i definitely don't want to date any girls that are tatted up, but i'll tell you i think that if you see a septum piercing on a girl, run like hell.

The centurion. David and Jonathan. And on and on we go. Born eunuchs. See ya!

If someone made a comic where jesus is judge dredd fighting the romans, I would read the shit out of that!

Not under levitixal law anymore

Who doesn't love a good whore?

We aren't monkeys, we are human maybe you're an ape but I'm human
Mark 7:15
There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

Yes, it does not defile you it's not sinful to eat pork for example this is a lie made up by the Jews, look at what God actually said

Leviticus 11:7
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

It is unclean to you, it's unhealthy is what it's saying and studies have proven non kosher food has more toxins in it than kosher food. Following a diet according to the reccomendations God made is healthier, but it's not sinful if you disobey it just you're making yourself unclean, unhealthy.
This isn't rocket science it's very easy to understand this

I agree, leaf. I think you're right on the money with that.