Post your best political compasses, I'm looking for the one with the lgbt people in the bottom left corner and the rest are blank, so I can make my own political compass I need that one. It'll be good I promise.
Political compass thread
Bump at least post the one Im looking for, don't cuck me please.
I won't leave or stop bumping till I get what I asked for inb4 >>/wsr/
Here, have a bump OP.
Most of them would censor right wing viewpoints so fast and force countries to take in more immigrants. Libertarian my ass. Most of them would join the commie revolution if it came
>posting porn
>expecting a serious thread
god, Americans are dumb
>Calling it porn
>Is clearly a hentai
God Norwegians sure are dumb
God I wish that were me
>im seizing your means of reproduction
>not "seize my means of reproduction"
one job
No more discord for you
>not realizing how seriously we take our porn here
>expecting a thread on Sup Forums where every participant is serious
get out viking newfag
It's because Americans have no shame. Haven't you seen our Walmarts before? We are a nation of dysgenic failures.
This is the best one.
>We've let a cripple and nigger be President now we let a fascist kike be President
We know no bounds, are subhumanness can not be stopped.
really accurate desu
Bump I refuse to let this thread die
Why the hell did i get a boner.
fucking brilliant
something something barney
>Tfw the one I asked for still hasn't been posted.
Best one
"Deus Oat" I fucking lost it.
The world would be a much more pleasurable experience if all of our weapons were sextoys and we won our battles through making the opposition cum first.
Anyone got the one with the band names?
>Smash mouth far right libertarian
>21 pilots far left libertarian
>joy division far left authoritarian
>Death grips far right authoritarian
It's amazing how appropriately those lyrics fit
This is literally my fetish though
This is amazing
>hillary that far right and high up
maybe before she realized how much money was in appealing to sjws
I.. I love that artist's work..
What's his name again?
I love the actual realistic proportions & use of traps as tops.
politics are gay
>Commie: Get raped no pay.
>Liberal: It's not rape if you want it.
>Libertarian: I'll pay you so it's not rape.
>Fascism: Why the fuck does everyone want to rape so much?
Yeah well. It turns out destroying a bodies ability to function is more effective at getting people to shut up. Rape fights would just mean endless wars where nothing productive happens.
currently in the existentialist camp
>Being firmly in the paying my sisters for sex and bullying area
I'm actually fine with this.
Can someone repost the deleted OP compass?
someone flip this image 90 degrees to the left and put the colors over it
i mean to the right excuse my autism