I feel like anybody who vehemently hates this guy is a shit skin who has something to lose by a united white race
Also why is he so cute?
I feel like anybody who vehemently hates this guy is a shit skin who has something to lose by a united white race
Also why is he so cute?
he's an agent provocateur, dingus.
>I feel like anybody who vehemently hates this guy is a shit skin who has something to lose by a united white race
This is literally it. Shitskins are scared because white people are mobilizing like never before and they know they're losing a foothold in the modern world.
I respect him since he works with Daniel Friberg.
I don't know too much about him other than his identitarian ideas.
he really is cute
ideally I'd like to keep an integrated, free USA but I get the argument that that will be impossible when whites stop being a supermajority
I don't want to see this nation die
He is a holohoax believer. Pro gay. Pro israel.
Anti ethnostate. Got beat up in a spectacular
fashion by a leftist. Has a gay accent. Lives in the heart of the military industrial complex. Terrible at debate. Is a socialist. Said we should adopt Bernie Sanders political platform in interview with roaming millennial.
He's cia.
So you're just gonna disregard him because he doesn't align with your own views 100%
He's pro white, if you are also pro white you would respect him for actually being out there presenting these ideas in a level headed manner to the raging anti white lunatics
And youre brown
Dudes a fag an I'm tired of hearing about him.
He doesn't even do anything.
Who gives a fuck.
>muh e-celebs
>why is he so cute
Literally who.
wtf i hate ethno-nationalism nao
Dicky Spencer is a fat titted fuckhead.
wtf im a globalist nao?!
Because fbi
Nice proxy dick
Mwoes and dick spencer were gay with each other
Ask me how I know
Read the title of the thread.
Thread title wasn't what is awesome about Spence.
I think there are positives too.
And there are people that seriously don't believe this fucking faggot in controlled opposition, just like every fucking e-celeb.
Most of the assertions made against him are unfounded. That's what bothers me about these threads.
Stop being faggots.
These posts are better.
Something about his cheeky grin makes me chuckle
Anyone have the shop of him with a turd for hair?
Spencer a cute! CUTE!