Why is this racial paring the most successful in America? Any burgers care to explain?
WM/BF thread
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The most niggerly black girls I've met are utter trash, but the best are the cream of the crop. Loyal af, strong desire to start a family, very domesticated, more so than white girls. It's usually the half black ones that are the most like this. Shame that they're ugly as sin and niggers, or else I would happily breed with them.
d e g e n e r a t i o n
Most white men will dismiss out of hand a black woman who is even slightly stereotypically niggerish. That leaves only the ones who are well behaved, which means future prospects tend to be more stable than the crapshoot that is white women.
Also, black women are well aware that white men generally don't like them so those that do go after one know they have to always put in extra effort.
Successful at what? Spreading S.T.D.s? Sage.
>Any burgers care to explain?
>tfw Tanya likes BWC so much she starts up dropping red-pills on facebook
Just fapped to WM/BF. Was thinking about BM/WF the whole time.
Free market competition. Given the choice between a black woman and a white woman of equal quality, a white man will, 99 times out of 100, choose the white woman.
A black woman who actively pursues a serious relationship with a white man has to be that much better than her white competition to even stand a chance of being noticed, and if succesful will work that much harder to sustain the relationship.
Only the absolute best nigresses marry white guys. Also they always act more just like a dark skinned white girl rather than a ghetto sheboon.
The guys also tend to be pretty cool and collected, hence why you see so few of them divorce.
>white men are smarter, richer and sexier
Tommy sotomayor talks about this all the time. Black women are just naturally submissive towards white men. In fact, even most of Sup Forums could probably land a 6/10+ willing to call you 'massa' in the bedroom.
Y no blackfu yet Sup Forums?
Why haven't you impregnated a quadroon, effectively creating a new line of white people yet, Sup Forums?
But your children. Wouldn't you prefer the to be white? assuming you are white?
>white men smile for pictures, so Urkel.
Maybe black women like a man who isn't so insecure with his status he has to mean mug constantly for tough boy points.
"fairly happily married" to a south american gal. If i had to do it over, I'd overcome outside influence and have married a black girl I had fallen in love with. Draw your own conclusions.
The typical Sup Forumstard is the white gene master strategy to conquer the world.
While de 6 foot white chads land two or more white wifes easily, the nerdy Sup Forumstard will be obligated to breed with a minority woman or die alone.
But the nerdy Sup Forumstard will find out, as stated,minority woman are submisive to white men, and then will lend couple more minority wives.
Every white men breeds with two or more wives, thus, bleaching humanity.
Why you have to pull statistics out of your ass? You know what you said ain't true.
These 7/8 white kids are unironically hotter than pure white kids.
Why do Americans obsess over niggers so much? I could never understand this. Think, your ancestors discover all this land in the New World, and their first thought is "needs some niggers." Then you enslave these niggers and start lusting after the female niggers. Then because slaves aren't people you have your male slaves watch you fuck the female slaves for generations. Then you impregnate them and sell your own half-black children into slavery, and then you fuck your own children because they're still slaves and you think it's perfectly ok. And nowadays Americans use their nigger fetish as a weapon to tear apart their own families, while displaying niggers in their sports and in their movies so that both American women and American men can lust after them.
It's all just so fucked up
I don't want nigglets for children.
I honestly think Black/Asian mix is really nice. Very soft features.
jungle fever or muh dik logic.
Decent black women are submissive and actually appreciative of men. Not to mention in our gibmedat culture, they're usually fairly educated and decent. Also most black women deep down know resent their race and resent niggers so they go that extra mile for BWC.
White women are just sheltered delusional brain dead children.
Why are the white men in these IR porn comics always obese CEO types? Why can' they be muscular and fit like the BMWF IR comics?
sir, we don't tolerate that kind of logic and truth on this board. please leave.
Because we're desperately trying to think of ways to fix our demographics.
Because interracial fetish, both BMWF and WMBF, is about corrupted male fucking uncorrupted female.
If you take on the WMBF side of thinks, the political point of view on wich the black female is the uncorrupted part asks for white men portrayed as corruption. An angel like nordic type does not help much.
On the BMWF side of thinks, the corrupt/uncorrupt deal similar to a orc/elf sor of thing. In wich the white women if the elven-type and the black men the orc-ish type. In this case, physical strength is a sign of corruption.
How does fetishising negroes help with that?
Yet another reason why leafs are superior
Why did they enhance whiteys eye color in this pic.
Mildly annoyed.
The only thing leaves are superior at is being laughing stocks to the rest of the world.
Because even a bottom 10% white man can fuck niggers. My buddy in uni exclusively fucked qt nigger girls because he couldn't even get 5/10 white women due to being a 5'6 manlet.
Go back to China zhang.
the tongan chick that hates niggers right?
>Implying I'm a fucking chink
You don't have to be one of those slant-eyed fucks to know that Canadians are fucking garbage. Any country that elects a fucking drama teacher as it's leader has no right to call itself "superior" in anything.
Whites have high standards for women so they only pick the best black ones. Black women are usually raised in instability in single-parent homes due to the black man, so they see the white man as a stable rock to rely on (which is the natural way a woman should see a man).
We're sort of fucking stuck with them at this point, so I'm offering a solution.
Bleach the light skinned ones
>not chinese
>Calling canadians garbage
really makes you think
So for WMBW being financially successful and having influence is considered being corruption? What the shit.
>most successful in America
because it's not.
nice trap thread, faggot
But that's what I'm confused about. Why don't you just be separate instead of poking at each other's wombs? It seems very dysfunctional and fetishistic
>Pretends to be pro-white while watching Sotomayor
Protip: He's a typical anti-white nigger that occasionally tells you what you want to hear for YouTube shekels. Stop giving it views.
>Nation of liberals that bans speaking up against sandniggers
>Not garbage
Go back to your shed, Trudeau.
Is that a political compass?
As a Bi guy, I have a desire to suck black dick, but I don't know if I'd settle down with a black man. Too animalistic, that's what attracts me to that. It's this weird sex kink.
A black woman would be okay, but I'd prefer to settle down with a white girl or guy.
Breeding with a nigger is flushing your genetics down the toilet.
Because the only black girls who can pull a handsome white boy are the top teir of their species.
damn my nyigguh broke dat shit down
Because when it happens it's out of love.
Kinda this I think. It's about the personality of a white guy who would go for a black girl and vice versa. Each must possess a mature self-confidence. Basically we all know that black men are shit and white women are shit, so if you have the insight to figure this out and do something about it, chances are you're going to be a better partner.
holy shit what a waste of genetics
post more I like where this is going
Search 'The Mayor'.
Add porn comic on the end for a more precise search.
a waste of her good genes though
You've got to be kidding me. The dude is the opposite of anti-white. Read pic related and tell me that
You mad, white boi?
>a waste of her good genes
Jesus, looks like she brought gum for the rest of the class as well.
What if I had a black gf and race mixed with her, but she agreed we would also have a white child from my seed via surrogate? I'm keeping the white race going while diluting the black race.
Is this acceptable or absolute degeneracy?
post by this id
I get the first 20 or so posts but beyond that why do you retards reply to obvious bait/shit threads without sage?
Probably because black women are loyal and white men have no problems with taking responsibility and acting as a provider.
Lol. I've lived in America for 35 years. You might be able to live your entire life here without coming into contact with a white man black woman couple. I haven't. And I've lived in 5 states.
Where? I'm in WA and they are everywhere. Either WMBF or WMAF
I think it's acceptable leaf. The end result would be positive
lmao he looks like's being held hostage
The average African-American IQ was actually adjusted to 80 recently. Had something to do with them originally only sampling the brightest they could find rather than negroes from all across the spectrum.
I've known a lot of WM/BF couples over the years. Generally one or more of four things are true when you see it: they are both highly educated, the woman is from abroad, they are both in the military, or they both love to smoke weed.
>black women are loyal
Just get a black girlfriend if you are so desperate for approval of your junglefever. Your genes are probably shit anyway since you are wasting your time on such a stupid question.
Well that's what I heard. I don't know if it's true.
Many black women would rather have a white man over a black man
>White men are less likely to run off when they hear "I's think I be pregnant"
>White men are less likely to fuck their sisters or girlfriends
>White men are less likely to slap the black out of that bitch.
>White men are less likely to wind up in jail on some stupid shit
>White men are more likely to have a job with a regular paycheck
>If a black woman can land a white man, she can show off that she's a top-tier nigress
One could argue that america is barely white at this point. Sure many "Look" white but if you go back far enough many have at least one black slave ancestor.
I don't see a problem with this as long as the kids are raised "White". Also you must have at least 2 -3 white children, and treat them equally as the mixed ones (create like a sibling merit-based relationship).
This is what every white man should be doing. keeping his line pure while at the same time bleaching the coloreds. This is the most ethical way to apply eugenics.
Same the best girl I ever met was a black girl. Perfect for me cept the skin. Dated a few weeks but I broke it off because didn't want to have kids deal with being black
Looks like a fucking gorilla
Doomed to be a single mom getting chile sopo and a car payment from her baby daddies
Her gums are fucking purple. Always check a new girlfriends gums. If they aren't pink then she's part nigger
"you mad black boy"
The reason is simple: White men only date the top 1% of black women, the ones who are generally intelligent (inb4 NO NIGGER IS EVER SMART, I'm talking about the very top 1%), good looking, and loyal.
So when they do marry it goes well and the divorce rates are lower than average.
That is the biggest reason. It's literally because so many nigger women are ugly, stupid apes that essentially ruin the image, so only the ones that break the mold get the BWC.