So our village with a population of
New Neighbors
Other urls found in this thread:
Not yet. Mecca comes first.
>Mecca comes first
nice more diversity, which then comes to us, can't wait
Today is 13th of may, the picture is fake, saged.
>Police is doing shit as it doesn't exceeds the legal decibel at night.
Find a huge rock and throw it at their window
Offer your women to the men as a peace offering. you are required to in this situation.
>QT German going to be culturally enriched
Man wheres the Fuher when you need him
Boobies or no answer question.
Show me a pic of a muslim in your town OP.
Post tits
Tits or gtfo larping faggot
We have one Afghan family in our village with
>Colombian education
Going to need some tits with that time stamp!
pls be my Kraut gf
>going out of your way to show you're female for no reason
There's only 1 way to get bonus points for having tits here.
Shoot them Hans.
It's your hone
You made your bed, now lie in it.
She'll probably die.
I cannot imagine living as a redpilled girl in a small town that just got enriched by Islamist's, it's absolutely horrifying.
Bad shop.
usually a kraut girl does not write dates in that format highly unlikely op is pic related.
pic is shopped, looks like someone took a high res timestamp and shopped it onto a low res pic
Come and live with me fraulein.
We can have good Arian kinder
You are just adorable, I hope you don't get culturally enriched
Why are the Pakistanis even refugees? Its not like there is a war in Pakistan. Here are the results of Pakistani cousin marriage. This kind of cases will increase in your area too now.
Arson. Make sure to ignite multiple flames at the exits of their homes so that they are unable to escape.
yeah,but i just about guarantee a year or two ago she was all ''refugees welcome" lol!
it's too late,blame feminism and wear a hijab
Why don't you just fucking murder them, you weak faggot?
That's what we do to muzzie scum that move into the wrong neighborhood here.
I rounded the mm all up and put them in gas chambers.
But seriously, find a based German who can fight and have him go over there and tell them to turn their music down. If they don't he can go back with a baseball bat. Start spraypainting Satan and pentagrams everywhere. Call them niggers and speed down their streets in your Volkswagens and audis. Have sex with an American male in New York. There's multiple options.
>impyling there are women on the Internet
>We can have good Arian kinder
>implying there is somebody with a womb on Sup Forums
>The one on the right looks like Ellen Degenerate
Smear swine's blood on their door handles and around their windows. That'll trap 'em in their sheik shack until they starve to death.
Americans made it.
I played with the thought of gifting them a diesel engine against the cold weather but it got warmer.
you would get trouble with the FBI, can't allow that
>were the Demographics are heading at
can't happen here with mostly men, I hope at least
I only know of cases in bigger cities, but there was no case at any surrounding village yet. I hope they don't behave like savages when they are in smaller groups.
Why is this allowed?
I can understand showing them into multikulti cities where no one gives a fuck about anyone else.
But disrupting very small towns and communities, who the fuck gives the government the right to do shit like that?
God damn fucking kikes, day of the gas soon.
I agree with Duterte here
Autism. The only language shitskins speak is violence or threat of violence.
>No image found
Pls be my Aryan bride? I am eternal Anglo unfortunately :^(
why did you feel the need to post your timestamped face on an anonymous forum?
fucking attention seeking larping loser fuck off
Germoney is cuckd beyond saving. Frankfurter here, its literally the antifa center. If you arent antifa you are their enemy.. I dont see a single white blonde german girl who isnt a racemixer here, but although 99% of turks and arabs here are subhuman garbage, there are the 1% who are decent human beings, respecting german culture and heritage, getting angry at germans for being beta cucks etc etc.
Every once in a while i wish that some random german on the street starts yelling at niggers to go back so i can support him but will never happen probably.
t. slavic rapebaby achmed
Why aren't you gathering a group of friends and going over to the Muslims houses and fucking them up? Beat them so bad, no Muslims will ever want to move to your town!
You Germans are such fucking pussies!
>You would get trouble with the FBI
saged and reported for underage faggot
If you are able to hear the sand nigger how is that not loud enuf to have them stopped? GL with that
This is an 18 and older board here miss. Get out
>you would get trouble with the FBI, can't allow that
Do it anyway before you get b& for underage
Here comes the potential rape train.
Watch out.
You vile traitor.
start breeding pot-bellied pigs and give them one as a pet
You look like you could eat my soul.
Stay away please not nice kraut girl
This are results of shitty genetics actualy
>listen to nasheed sat three am
>doesn't blast Prussia Gloria at 3am
Fucking cuck
You've got stubby fingers
pls be my german gf
Pakistan does not take their "refugees" back.
Also there are literal no deportations enforced in Germany.
I don't have diversity problems in my area. It would be very problematic (For them) to grow in number where I live. Police wouldn't do shit to protect them of /us/ and we will be triggering them day and night so we can have our excuse. Basically.
Pic related.
>how to get raped and/or brutally murdered 101
I like how you think, Pedro.
Put up a statue in your yard named "Apostate Muhammad" and say he is the one and only true God.
Learn how to praise him in Arabic and do so at the same times they are waking you up. Encourage all people to embrace him and reject their false Jinn prophets.
tomorrow the CDU will win big and we are finally safe again.
Too bad Germans don't revolt against governments like the French.
Leave before you get raped kiddo.
We have over 1k refugees in our city of less than 40k. They are fucking everywhere during the summer.
>63% British Irish
>36% French German
I wish I were Aryan
Other than a quick end to socialism which would end all benefits you may have to leave pigs head in places and serve lots of pork. Or goad them into throwing rocks at jews and der homos.
Kill them user! Be a hero and an example. Give them poisoned food, wait a few hours, then go out with whatever weapons you can. God bless and Deus Vult!
EU can war Pakistan that EU will stop all visas to Pakistanis if they don't take back the deportees. How hard is that conversation?
Wot up Greman bro.
I've had experience with anti soctal Gypsies myself. They do shit like play loud music and sit out in the street to intimidate and lay down the law for the natives. You need to fuck their shit up NOW before they get overly confident and take your neighbourhood over.
>pop or slash their car tires
>repeatedly call the cops on them
>if cops don't listen (they won't) bug your politicians..the right wing ones
Basically put so much pressure on the cunts that they leave
Show them in a legal way that you do not want them here.
I would suggest putting up a large cross in their yard and setting it on fire.
kek pic check
>You Germans are such fucking pussies!
A fucking american saying it
Post those feet then, what are you waiting for?
>doing something in the interest of its own people
>all these retards falling for a shooped timestamp
have a (you), cunning faggot
Shut up phwaggit
this, feet or gtfo
nobody knows your age on the internet. you could be posing as underage to get out of posting nudes but for all we know you're actually 21. also, rules are rules, and the rule is tits or gtfo.
>First ancestor arrived from England to the Crown Colony of Carolina in 1690.
>Last immigrant ancestor arrived in the State of North Carolina from England in 1799
>Traced ancestry=92% Anglo, with a sprinkling of Welsh and Scots-Irish "Subjects" in the other 8%.
I'm proud to carry the blood of the one true Master Race.
Retard, it's the 14th in Germany.
Some Arab is going to make you hes sex slave.
If they see you they rape you.
Just stay away
tits or gtfo
Pic is 7 blocks from where I live.
>check flag
TFW there are far less happenings in pic related neighborhood than in a lot of small towns villages in Germany, Sweden, Britain.
>No street lights
>Dirt streets
>Trenches as water deposits for disease
Not even gonna mock you Eurofags, is really sad. I just want to highlight the parallel, it's not poverty, it's the people. Enough excuses.
It's been like 5 years since someone was killed in pic related.
Is it really not possible to talk to your families and neighbors about these rapefugees destroying your shit culture and vote out these politicians allowing this to happen?
I doubt a sneak pic is worth the risk...
>Shoot them
with what?
>dates in that format
it's easier for to sort folders that way
>tell them to turn their music down
the police tried, my grandpa tried, and the neighbor tried, I can also try to turn music on but yes they seem to understand only one language
wtf google
I duckduckgo from now on
>attention seeking
I did it last week anonymously as a post, but it's 4am, too noisy and can't sleep, I'm sorry
basiccally were all haveing problems I am in a rural community in Michigan US and there nogs everywhere support the Der Fuhrer or get the rapped aka culturally enriched btw Austrian American want to fight but its all to cucked right now
pls respond
That's ISO 8601. It's not officially used by any country, but a few autustically inclined people use it because it's pretty much the standard as far as computers go.
you're missing your (You)
throw a molotov in their window, get your friends to help
>posting the time stamp you shopped into another picutre totally proves you are female
you look like youre wearing one of those muslim tunics
nice diversity kraut
Are you happy about being culturally enriched?
A young girl like you should learn to love the BBC early in life rather than it brim forced on your later on.
you know the rules, tits or gtfo, it's not our decision.
as for the shtiskins, get out some zyklon-b and youll be fine.
>swallowing the bait whole
OP posts don't get (you)s
Make a blog or some shit faggot. Or make a youtube channel, a patreon, and make sweat dosh off of losers.
Hey, we have the same laptop. Now post your tits or don't attention-whore ever again, especially if it is not strictly relevant to the conversation.
>i'm a gurl I want attention
>oh but I don't want to whore myself out ;^)
Nope, not possible. They go hand in hand. Keep your womanhood to yourself next time.
>What are your experience with your local diversity?
My sister was raped and murdered when she went out grocery shopping in Germany. I had to hire a private investigator to find out that the Muslim that did the crime was released after 10 days.
>posting the same timestamp again without your face and the photoshopped "14" cropped out
shiggy diggy