If they try to impeach Trump, what will do you? And I mean serious reactions, not "CIVIL WAR NOW" stuff. What would you, with the capabilities you possess, do?
If they try to impeach Trump, what will do you? And I mean serious reactions, not "CIVIL WAR NOW" stuff. What would you...
What could they seriously impeach him for?
If they haven't impeached him already, he won't be. Unless he dose something in the future.
It depends on whether I think he deserved it or not. So far, there's not really any evidence of any wrongdoing
They are trying right now, and I am doing what I would be doing.
They won't. We'll keep laughing.
People like Louise Mensch will rot in jail or in an asylum for demented people long before the end of the second mandate.
The point isn't "they won't", the point is "what if"
Cool thread, FBI
Go fuck yourself
And busted.
quad god
remember the 90's? remember how the republicans tried it with clinton?
yeah, fucking nothing.
I wouldn't care. I love me some Trump, but the Silver Fox might be a fun president
Probably masturbate couple times and turn in early.
>what will do you?
Sit back and watch Pence become President.
Laugh when President Pence sends all the fags to FEMA camps
Slow night at the nsa boys?
There's only so many times you can push a button and blow up an Afghani.
laugh as mike pence kills off half of the gay population with lightning bolts and the other half dies of AIDS outbreaks when he cuts federal funding for degenerative sex.
bonus: niggers will die too.
best bet for the left if they had half a fucking brain is to let trump do his thing and actually vote next time, voter turn out was less than half of eligible voters, and try to win back the senate or the house.
but liberals are fucking losers and republicans statistically always have solid voter turn out and dont give a shit about gender politics because it's a moot point in the political arena.
politicians are old white men and dont care what a 20 year old mentally ill gay has to say about wearing lipstick.
Haha kek abides
Go on with my life. Maybe fuck a tranny. You know, the usual.
You stupid fucking nigger. Do you know what will happen if Dems take the House in the midterm elections?