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Gas. Now.

Left, stop making the Right right about the slippery slope shit...

As a lifelong democrat and someone who I believe perfectly represents the left, I think that this is wonderful. We need more books like this to show people that love is love, no matter what. Don't be sexist, don't be ageist, and don't discriminate just because you feel love for your own family. LOVE IS LOVE, and that should be the end of the conversation.

Uncle Pete is the greatest literary character of all time.

Nah let them keep at it, it's more reason to physically remove them later.

This so much

i got AIDS from reading that

not being able to recognize trolling is a sign of autism

How do we defeat moloch???

Be prepared for the left to indoctrinate society and you end up being called the "crazy uncle".

True, well I'm a:
>moderate alt-centrist
and even I want to helicopter ride them.

This gotta be bait

So some asshole wrote a book. Its not like its publicy sold in civilized areas. Its not constitutional, but as long as they are off my lawn. I dont give a shit what they are doing


this is fake, the book is for kids about sexual abuse, not a kid sharing a story

sometimes happy endings do exist, leafy

NAMBLA pls go to jail

Not happy enough, guy should be behind bars with big bad bubba

Make that tumblr poster the head of the Democratic party. Right now.

did the pedo get arrested? lynched?

thats no happy ending

>I'm sorry I fucked you. ;_;
>"It's OK Unc, live and let live,"

>And the counselor was happy to send them a check of $34,000.00

Book is real, comment is bait.

Also...what the fuck goes on in someones head so they touch a kid. Makes me so fucking mad.

Gonna need that edit

It's a book about a kid who is molested and confronts his uncle about it later in life.

It isn't a pro pedo book you niggers

is that a real book? if so I'm shocked,

every slightly left of center person i know is prepared for the inevitable march of bestiality and paedophilic rhetoric to come soon. i told them years ago and they laughed but i persisted. every now and then i show them something along this line and they are dumbfounded.

the point of all this is: every single one of them said they would be in prison for murdering kiddie fuckers. this will not end well as even normies won't put up with it

Skin them alive. Death to all pedos.


