Why do people refer to the holocaust as "holohoax". Why is it a hoax? I know there isn't a signed order from Hitler or the nazi leaders regarding the Shoah, but aren't there a lot of testimonys and documents? Is the holohoax just an actual nazi theory?
Why do people refer to the holocaust as "holohoax". Why is it a hoax...
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You cannot think the holocaust was real as that would've been impossible. Instead you must realize there was no holocaust
>facts matter
>refering to the holohoax as shoah
gtfo jidf
fake numbers, oversensationalized, ignores many other genocides
gas was for delousing and many deaths were due to illness
there were jewish soccer teams in the concentration camps
Six million Jews did not die in concentration camps, aka The Holocaust, aka The Holohoax
Look, ultimately, there is no need to believe lies created by Jews in order to establish the nation of Israel.
Just do some research outside of Wikipedia beforehand.
You are new around here, aren't you?
Does anyone has the masturbatory machines, holocoster, rape hounds or the giant electric chair? I'm trying to collect them.
But there's testimonies even from nazis
>aren't there a lot of testimonys
Sure! Why, my grandfather was gassed to death 6 times during the holocaust. He even wrote a book about it afterward.
That were viciously beaten and tortured before being taken to court to "testify on what truly happened"
Did you know that there was a witch hunt for every single Nazi general after Hitler's suicide? Did you also knew that all the ones that weren't killed in the act coincidentially were the ones that gave "testimonies"?
>I'll let you live if you tell the public this.
> I don't want to
I thought franco got rid of the Yehudi's
What about Franz Suchomel? He was interviewed on his own volition, years later
And even if you discount the testimonies, there's physical evidence and documents as well
are those falsified too?
That would be one testimony in a sea of evidence that the Holohoax simply couldn't have happened.
The numbers don't match and are reduced each year
The infrastructure wasn't ever designed to support a shoah
The fact that any kind of investigation of the Holocaust is outlawed in Europe
The ocations jews have been caught lying
The encountered altered photos of "victims"
And finally, the massive demonization of Nazi Germany and praising of Communism in media, even though communism did killed millions and millions of people, which were documented, testified, purposely sacrificed. But yet ignored as if their lives cared less, but why? Because the jews started communism andwe are nothing but labor force to them. Goys.
Like what physical evidence? Ovens? Because there are report of Auschwitz ovens installed after ww2 by the Russians, why would they do that goy?
Oh, you mean physical evidence like the "ashes from jews" selled and merchandised?
And also the wooden doors in the supposed "gassing rooms"?
Even if the Holohoax happen, it isn't what (((they))) told you, not even close to that, we all have been living the biggest lie told ever in history and no one seems to care or accept it. But that's why we are all here, this is Taiwanese, Chinese cartoon loving forum seems to be the last bastion of resistance against (((them))) and the fact that (((they))) constantly attack us is yet the best proof it's dangerous for their goals what we say.
>“[Claude] Lanzmann was young. He had just directed A Visitor From the Living. Lanzmann had called a meeting to discuss his “next project.” Everyone knew Lanzmann had written a treatment for Shoah 2 that nobody would touch because Shoah was not a massive financial success. Shoah 2 was not on the table. We expected a professional pitch from Lanzmann, an outline and a treatment of what he had in mind with a cursory budget; perhaps a couple assistants to run a slide show. Instead Lanzmann walked in the room without so much as a piece of paper. He went to the chalk board in the room and simply wrote the word SHOAH. Then he added an ‘S’ to make SHOAHS. Dramatically, he drew two vertical lines through the ‘S’, SHOAH$. He turned around and grinned. We greenlit the project that day for $18 million.”
Referring to the numbers seems like a waste of time to me
A lot of people who did not consider themselves as jews were judged as jews by the Nazis,
Just having a jewish grandparent made you a jew in the nazis' eyes
In that situation, calculations about the Jewish population before and after the holocaust will get you nowhere
Watch this: youtube.com
what about all the documents found by the US army? are all of those falsified?
your saying all the people interviewed in SHOAH is lying?
No, it did not you chimp, Hitler's grandparents were Jewish, most jews were only contained to be transladated.
Never said they were falsified, they were based on false allegations. "Evidence" was provided by Germany, which was based in testimonies and the Holohoax propaganda.
Read about the nuremberg laws
and you are the chimp you nazi fucker
Watch ALL of the following b4 posting here again
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100% factual.
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair.
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers. Now they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died.
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit.
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following.
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 14 EU countries
>The JQ:
Already told you, half-breeds were never intended to go to the "Shoah", and still: "According to the 1939 Reich census, there were about 72,000Mischlingeof the 1st degree, ~39,000 of the 2nd degree, and potentially tens of thousands at higher degrees"
Not even a number taken in consideration when the mark is 6 gorillion.
Also, next time don't use wikipedia, it isn't a source.
Jews did 9/11 gas the kikes race war now.
Is the burning of books propaganda too? or the jews stacked in ghettos, living in absolute misery?
It seems the nazi were good people in the end
Not a single mention of they being sent to the Holocaust, just as I said, reubicated or privated of German education and citizenship.
Did you really believed the "We are a 1rst world country trying to establish a high ground in economy, yet we want to make our population dumb".
>Seems like Nazis were the good ones.
Oh goy, that's just the beginning.
>If I intentionally lock people into rooms and let them die from disease it's not really my fault.
Cause people are idiots
What about Kurt Gerstein? Was he tortured too? And what about the Einsatzgruppen reports? And there's a lot more of evidence
Do you have explanations for all of it?
>If I let people I interact with catch a disease it won't spread cause I'll just burn their bodies
Pretty good documentary of the lies of the perfidious jew.
>Hitler's suicide
>implying this ever happened
Oh boy.
I was sarcastic
you are a bit dumb
The propaganda about the Holocaust was so obviously fake that they had to make it illegal to question in basically all of Europe. You'd think if something like that happened there would be so much overwhelming evidence that anyone who questioned it would just be made a fool of and laughed at like a Flat Earther or somebody who says the moon landing was faked, not thrown in prison. If ANYONE looks into the evidence presented by the Holocaust Revisionists they will do 2 things: 1. Believe the Holocaust is fake. 2. After realizing all the reprocussions due to the fake Holocaust, they will wish it actually happened because those lying Kikes deserve to be gassed.
>Not understanding a comeback over witty sarcasm
You need to learn English, but yeah, solo lurkea mas unos cuantos meses, deja tu culo aplastado sobre gente que sabe de toda esta mierda mas que yo, y vuelvete un Nazi, todos empiezan igual, todos terminan igual ;^)
>Kurt Gerstein
>said they used cyanide gas at Belzec which isn't part of the current story.
>gave whopping numbers.
>died mysteriously while in captivity.
>Raul Hilberg who used (((info))) from Gerstein's confessions for his books had to admit under cross examination at the Zundel inquisition that Gerstein spoke utter nonsense.
>Einsatzgruppen reports
See the Babi Yar incident.
We can let that lie of theirs slip in, it makes him even more of a martyr for our cause.
watch the fucking videos you twat
Gerstein's report is discussed at length
yeah, but didn't Kurt surrender before the war ended?
he wasn't tortured, as you say happened with the other nazis, and yet he still talked about the holocaust
the theory of the torture doesn't match up
He never said it wasn't. And if that's that case, why are we sold the lies about the gas chambers and other bullshit execution methods?
Why would they need to lie about something already horrible?
>Kurt surrender before the war ended
This matters because? I'm not saying he was tortured either.
I repeat, read it slowly.
>said they used cyanide gas at Belzec which isn't part of the current story.
>gave whopping numbers.
>died mysteriously while in captivity.
>Raul Hilberg who used (((info))) from Gerstein's confessions for his books had to admit under cross examination at the Zundel inquisition that Gerstein spoke utter nonsense.
Nice bait new friend. People call it a hoax because (among other reasons) of the physical impossibilities contained in the claims of the liars who put forth the narrative. f you aren't an ADL shill, go look at the thermodynamics around the claims. Coal consumption records, chimney capacity, properties and delivered amounts of zyklon B, inorganic material disposal. If you do not believe in a flat earth you should not believe in the jewish story of the holocaust. Were jews imprisoned: yes. Did many die: yes. Did the german state want to expel them all from europe for their very real crimes against civilization: yes. All that being said the government wanted them out because they are and were a cancer to civilization. But the holohoax is fake and gay. It didn't happen but it should have.
So you blame the
US 8th air force? or were you about to protest the millions of surrendered soldieers that eisenhower killed in his camps while ignoring those killed by the soviets? Jewish lives matter (and no others)? The whole war only existed because of jews. You can roundly blame them for each end every death jew and gentile in the entire period.
On top of other evidence, I always wondered why they put manpower and resources toward building camps, manpower toward guarding the jew prisoners, feeding them, only to kill them.
It seems much simpler to line them all up as you find them, shoot them, put them in a mass grave.
>there were jewish soccer teams in the concentration camps
The numbers don't add up. Even the Einsatzgruppen officers admitted that it was physically impossible and incredibly exhausting to kill that many people, even with the camps in the later years
It's most likely lots of people died in camps from lack of food, with some executed.
That's pretty much all you can gleam from the evidence.
They're just haters who hate us Jews. Trust me there was no hoax. Ignore the haters. I do.
>50 posts ITT and no one's posted the masturbation machines yet?