Who is the greatest intellectual of our time?
Who is the most important intellectual of our time?
Who is the most intellectual intellectual of our time?
Who is the greatest intellectual of our time?
Who is the most important intellectual of our time?
Who is the most intellectual intellectual of our time?
Fix your plebbit spacing.
Hideo Kojima is the answer to all three.
>being triggered by double line spacing?
I'm just not quite autistic enough to care
>not being triggered by obvious newfaggotry
This. Although he was a Marxist for a long time.
Out of this list I would say that Molymeme is easily the most intellectual. I wouldn't say he's the most intelligent but he's the most intellectually rigorous
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.
You are nothing to me but just another target.
I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?
Think again, fucker.
As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.
The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.
You're fucking dead, kid.
I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot.
I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Woah there Jason Blaha
get on hiss level
Quit LARPing you fucking faggot. How about you go back to your house and stop Achmeds cucking
jordan peterson isn't on there
Part of what makes him such a powerful intellectual was precisely that.
He had an amalgamation of beliefs, many of which were in contradiction with the norm, ie; rightwing and hardline atheist.
What made him great was his ability to argue fwith sound points and in the process piss off EVERYONE who conforms to one specific ideology.
He wasn't just some really bright guy towing the party line with skillful rhetoric.
He was a contrarian, and he could one up any one on almost any issue.
Which made him confident in switching sides as information and world events change things.
And unlike others, his identity wasn't wrapped in an ideology or a specific point, so he felt comfortable changing beliefs and defending it.
That's extremely rare.
Nice to see this pasta again
This. Jordan Peterson > all.
Oh shit, son!
It's Wayne Brady!
Attempting to find the greatest intellectual is a moot point. When the dust settles only then will we know.
Peterson is above those others by a good margin. Putting him on there would be a disservice. Would need a different group of "intellectuals" for Peterson to be on there.
Styx for both
It's good with diffrent opinions, it make it so we need to argue and make our ideas better. I agree it's anojying sometimes but we can't live in our nationalsocialist bubels. Our goals are to change the people not the already converted. I love when faggots come here and think we are okey with degenrate gays.
>Who is the greatest intellectual of our time?
>Who is the most important intellectual of our time?
>Who is the most intellectual intellectual of our time?
Theoria Apophasis on youtube.
Right Wingers that produce good stuff:
-Jared Taylor(white nationalist).
-Moldbug, Nick Land, some other neo-reactionary guys, pretty much the best right wing philosophy around today.
-Anonymous conservative
those are the intelligent right wing people who produced a good amount of really interesting material. Land is the weaker of the list, but I'll keep him there since his blog is good for finding the other neoreactionaries, who constitute a really interesting movement.
intelligent right wingers that produce shit stuff:
shit tier stuff
where the FUCK is Jordan Peterson???
Looks like OP still needs to sort himself out
Sam Harris beats all of these cancerous faggots in every category and even then he's probably not the greatest, most important, or even most intellectual intellectual of our time
None of those people
the ability to make SJWs look stupid doesnt make you an intellectual. In fact, it doesnt make you anything, because they do it perfectly fine on their own
These people are all mostly cool, but they are NOT the "great intellectuals"
I hope it's satire. None of these degenerates is an "intellectual".
Currently, I would say Nassim Taleb.
Only blue-eyed ppl will agree.
Obviously Lauren. Waiting for this piece of literature to arrive soon.
Of course it is fucking alex jones is on there
Henry Kissinger undoubtedly.
Intellectuals no
Reporters yes
Sam Harris is actually an intellectual, whereas everyone above are pretty much shit tier media personalities. So yes of course he shits on them...
yeah hes the first one who comes to mind for me as well
none of the people in OP's pic are "intellectuals". Sam Harris, I think, is
bill nyegger
Yes, diversity is our strength!
Vladimir Putin.
wow thats like every that ever existed.
Olavo de Carvalho
Please kill yourself.
>Responding with samcasm
Not an le argumend :D
small list of people who actually impact the world and are still alive:
Higgs, Dyson, Witten, Weinberg, Hawking.
Tao, Langlands, Gromov, Wiles, Smale, Conway, Serre,... there are really a lot of great mathematicians alive
those are the fields I know.
>only posts pics of jewtube commentators
The only semi-intellectual person in that pic is Molymeme and he's still more of an activist than anything.
The only answer is Jordan Peterson.
>shill bitchell
Learn to speak English before posting here.
nice meme, now kill yourself
Having any of these idiots on the list is absurd Molymeme is a Sociopath and only has an IQ of like 120 if that
Alex Jones
Greg Gutfeld, love to smoke or snort coke with him. He helped make some of those guys mainstream
Douglas Murray
>lost custody of his kids
>blames something he ate for forgetting details about his kids lives
>admits he plays a character on his show
Peterson or Hitchens
Joe Rogan
>let's use black to kill off my race that makes sense because they're the real good goys
This collage just made me realize I actually hate the alt-lite
Litterally all those people are massive kike puppets.
>This collage just made me realize I actually hate the alt-lite
Same. It's a combination of stupidity mixed with attention seeking. Hero worship at it's worst.
>Buy this book before liberals ban it.
Much more fitting on the turner diaries tbqh.
>no jp
shit list
>Hero worship at it's worst
I love how you retards think the only thing wrong with the list is the absence of Jordan Peterson. As if everybody else deserves to be there, as if he'd fit right in with these cornflakes.
>paying for opinions from a nobody
checked, this is microevolution at work.
the central tenants and point of discussion stand stands.
>counter cultural discussion
>unrestrained banter
>caution of women
looks like how goth developed, but these ideas and sentiments should never escape this place agaiun...or else the normies would take the source of our power and destroy themselves.
I know all of them except the very last guy
Nando Moura
Unironically JBP
we all are. Don't sell youself short. Never before has so much info been available to everyone.
Influence is another issue.
My boy Hemingway