If Sup Forums hates gays and lesbians why do they like traps
If Sup Forums hates gays and lesbians why do they like traps
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Traps are gay, though.
cause traps want a dick in their hole and look like women
dykes look like men and only want women
fags are fags
Trap lover here.
I'm probably secretly bi, but haven't admitted it. I only fantasize about sucking feminine penises, not the regular ones.
Post it senpai
I am going to need to see that webm you screencapped in order to make my decision.
>cause traps want a dick in their hole
not necessarily
traps arent gay tho
Shemales are degenerate fuck off
They're gay, they're effeminate men.
Because traps are more feminine than modern women.
"shemale" is kind of an offensive term. you wouldnt call a real girl "cumrag". who do you think its okay to use porn terminology to refer to a minortity group?
JIDF spreading homosexual propaganda
Just google the fucking filename and stop asking for source you computer-illiterate degenerate niggerfaggots.
Guy has manly as fuck legs 2/10 wouldn't bang.
fucking post it germ
Shut the fuck up MILF.
>you wouldnt call a real girl "cumrag".
The fuck I wouldn't.
>posts thumb of WebM on a Costa Rican banana sodomy message board
because male millenials who grew up with 80's action movies sexualize muscles as something masculine
if there is a toned up female and a frail looking male they will fuck the latter
>you wouldn't call a real girl cumrag
I might if that's what turned her on
I saw it and agree about the legs being too manly. But she had a nice ass.
Sup Forums must be gay
>Sup Forums hates gays
>traps are gay
hurr durr leafs must be gay, too
Too much vagina. Eats away at the testicles ya see
That's exactly what a gay in denial would say
I don't.
Everyone on this board who is into trannies has top oven priority.
Cute short petite traps are superior to women in pretty much every aspect and the feminine peen somehow makes it cuter. Like you want to protect it from bullies or something
Basically this.
Thanks for censoring it.
Traps are usually gay. Liking traps is at least a little gay, regardless of what metric you're using
This is the kind of degeneracy legal in my country. Can someone just fucking nuke me already?
>trannies everywhere
>sjws going to impeach the president
just fucking end me.
The German, as per usual, knows how to run the ovens. Based kek.
I would if I were mildly aggravated.
The Sup Forumstards that got older came here and brought their trap fetish
how many trannies have you actually ever seen irl you fucking goon?
Because male companionship is superior to that of women. You throw qt hairless boipucci in ontop of that and its just... Intoxicating.
Its enormously fortunate for women that the vast majority of trannies are hideous. But I dont believe they will enjoy that advantage forever.
Nothing gay about traps.
It's gay and degenerate, but men are attracted to feminine things and some traps can look really feminine.
Imagine the brain of the best friend you ever had, the voice and feminine features of your cutest gf, and a bonus that shows you it's turned on with a finish at the end so you know she came
Basically that
Fix women or bring on the traps desu
What is trap cum like?
I'm too chicken shit to suck a dude and deal with that jizz, but I'll bet trap jizz is a lifegiving force that turns me on
Cute boys > Traps
Because we respect the classics you fucking pleb.
I live in Portland so quite a few.
Let's just say that it would be able to make another feminine qt for the next generation
You can't even defend your country you fucking cuck, don't try and talk tough.