Fuck Doctor Who - no longer watching it- Always been a bit preachy - but gone full blown libtard crap
Fuck Doctor Who - no longer watching it- Always been a bit preachy - but gone full blown libtard crap
Doctor who?
Thats what you get for watching tv
Take your tv, and throw it out of the ruddy window.
Your life will be much better.
>EVER watching or enjoying Doctor Who
you deserve to die a painful death
>Doctor Who
who watches this shit
What did Capaldi do this time?
Stopped watching it after last season, but yeah I hear it's been fucking abysmal lately.
Series 5 was NuWho at its peak, but it's been basically all downhill from there apart from a handful of standout episodes.
TV is jewish mindcontrol
watch anything from before the 90's to confirm this
The fact it is now shown on the fucking Disney Channel wasn't a mother fucking sign d current season would be shit?
Second half of Season 7 was good, but he should have smashed Clara there was obviously tension there.
I haven't watched since Episode 2 of this series, how have the last few episodes been? Was there literally a KANGZ episode?
Should've quit when they went from qt dreamboats like ten and eleven to dusty old farts with awful comedic timing and delivery.
peaked with tennant desu wa familia
what did they do this time?
I really only liked that show for the Daleks.. I mean theres a few decent episodes, but it's mostly shit.
I only watched it because of a girl I was dating. The show itself is mildly effeminate at its most manly TBQHPHAM
Biggest problem with the last couple series has been wasted potential. None of the season arcs ever came close to matching excellence of the whole Cracks/Pandorica arc in S5.
The Silence in S6 had a great introduction and were then squandered for the rest of the series. S7 had some good standalone episodes, but was pretty meh overall. S8 only had one really good episode (Listen), but all the seasonal arc stuff with Missy was a huge letdown. S9 set up some really great ideas with Maisie Williams' character and then completely squandered it, and then to make things even worse gave us a genuinely amazing penultimate episode (Heaven Sent) that it immediately shat on in the finale.
Also curious - can any anons give me a quick rundown?
Tennant was the only good new Doctor. Amy and Clara were hotties though.
For some reason they made his wife that ugly abysmal old wench.
Who is really trash.
It started going down hill when it started to get a significant following of women.
Dr Who has been shit since the reboot. Tom Baker era is the only era although Sylvester Mcoy was interesting. I must say that David Tennant made a good effort but its still shit. I gave the reboot a shot when they did the reboot but it is just jew BBC garbage. The next Doctor will be in a hijab.
>they have went to Scandinavia before and 1/4 of the (((Vikings))) were black
I had todrop it immediately
40yo reporting in, i've not watched Dr Who since the 80's as a kid, modern Dr Who is just the modern liberal holier-than-thou BBC self-felating on a low budget, it's tripe.
Agreed. You can tell Bill only exists just to appease Tumblr sheboons. Clara only died just to make way for that piece of shit. Also
>History is such a whitewash xDDD
Someone light BBC on fire already.
41yo user here. This man speaks the truth.
Oh God, that bullshit. It had no reason to exist plot-wise, it was just there to make #PunchANazi faggots all wet.
>>EVER watching or enjoying Doctor Who
Tom baker was good tho.
Don't watch the talmudvision
The show was always reddit fedora cuck lord tier. You're a virgin for watching it.
Fuck you niggers, Doctor Who is decent Sci Fi, though OP is absolutely right that the newer seasons are Libtard garbage
I stopped watching at Cuckpaldi. Classic Who is GOAT though.
Female Doctor when?
>inb4 Bill is Thirteen
Just you watch. The show has gone to such shit that Moffat would actually do it.
Wow a post that took two years to reach the internet. Thats pretty amazing.
Never began watching it when it was clear from the trailers that it was normie libtard soft ass fantasy-land pseudo intellectual trash.
Check yourself for it taking this long.
Shows I'll suggest to you instead :
> Expanse
> Vikings
> peaky blinders
> Mr. Robot
> Halt and Catch Fire
> taboo
What did they do?
of fucking course.
>Jesus wasn't right but black XDXDXD
He was middle eastern jack asses. Go have your black Jesus Christmas play someplace else.