The Jews

newfag here, could Sup Forums please redpill me on the Jews? Why do you hate them so much? What did they do to you guys?

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You made this spammy thread of cancer and are a robit

I'll have you know I passed the captcha easily, I am no robit

They desecrate our Lord and Savior's holy word and continue they're war on those who are strongest in faith. Which is the white man. They hate that we achieve so much so they are trying to rid us off the face of the earth. The kikes are in governments all over the world so they can politically maneuver countries into fighting their wars hence the Middle East today except for the Asian countries

>Kikes in the government
Thanks user, anyone else?


You can't just ask for redpills being a newfag, lurk moar

Fuck off shill


jk lel

next lel

big lel

the lel

the lel never ends

2012 AWB and probably lots of other gun control before I was born

oh boy, better buckle up for the ride....


The hand that holds the sword called muslim invasion...

The real enemy is the Cabal/Deep State/Illuminati, who are mostly but not entirely Jews. They benefit directly from Holocaust guilt. They do not always work in the interests of the common Jew. The common Jew is not by default in league with these monsters.


how about killing 60 million russian christians, how about the holdomor, how about the rape of berlin, how about the fall of constantinople, how about the muslim conquest of spain,....
The jewish trail of murder and destruction never ends!


>What did they do to you guys?
They flooded my country with low IQ shitskins and circumcised my dick.

how about inventing communism to enslave the world...

They belive that the best for humanity is to create the perfect state. An Utopia and they belive that the end justiefies the means. They are willing to kill billions and destroy any culture there is other than their own just for the salvation of humanity, that so called perfect state.
Turns out that has failed everytime they tried it over the last hundred thousand years, but they still keep trying. They are insane. Jesus told them they should try a different approach. Focus on the individual instead. They don't want to listen. They wanna reach god, even though god told them they are doing it the wrong way.


Anyone who seriously believes there's a mass Jewish conspiracy to destabilize western civilization is an unbelievable retard.

They lied about WWII (watch Greatest story never told)
It's widely known that they were responsible for the rise of communism, I think even molymeme admits it.
They were responsible for 9/11 (watch loose change and connect a few dots after)

Look at the bankers, elite and globalists that are destroying this country. Look at how many of them are Jewish

You mean they made your penis normal

>Then this whole thread will be a mental hospital kid

it started when niggers weren't as common in the streets and were locked away in stables. Common enemy and jews are default ones

Please please watch this video:

I know it's long but it's very good. An ex banker exposes in an interview how the the super rich are in some weird Zionist cult

LEL! so death camps weren't really death camps because they just wanted to kill jews but were in fact labor/medical camps

very well done lurk moar

user is you take away the propaganda conspiracies which may or may not be true, you are left with the facts. The facts themselves are troubling but also can be explained simple without conspiracies.
Then it's up to you to decide if apply Occam's razer to it because we will never know, it's hidden information.

I can tell you very few facts, We are in all the high places everywhere in the world.
Our country has been funded and built by the hands of the richest families to have ever existed - Which are Jewish.
We are backed by the most powerful superpower from across the globe.

People fail to realize all the races and civilizations everywhere were savages in one way or another,
They all failed to preserve themselves and all fallen from whiten - from conspiracies and backstabbing and traitors.
Either that or they went on extensive conquering sprees through Europe for no reason other then to spread their religion.
Even the vikings went on murderous sprees for gold. Humans at their core were always greedy bastards who only defended their own group and shilled the other groups. It's human nature. We can see this in sports today, You hate the fans of the other team for no apparent reason. We are pack animals. always have been.

The fact the we existed as a group for so long means we would also have the most enemies, because it's natural - Also a group which you may only be a member of if your mother was a member, means it's an exclusive group. No one would give a fuck unless we didn't also used banking and trading to effectively conquer the modern world,
It looks like everything eventually belongs to some jew at the top, so it infuriates people when a strong group also attacks other groups, but they forget it's natural.
it's not evil it's human nature to take advantage of the tools you have to further your cause and the cause of your group.

If you want the whole story, grab some popcorn and watch this.

The lel of lels

They also forget no other religion or group on earth focused so heavily on becoming a scholar and read shit tons of things. They teach heavily the importance of brain power over physical power, they even encourage questioning your own religion - Judaism, with disbelief, in fact nothing would make your Rabbi more proud if you would tell him "that's BS! I don't believe that" and demand from him a better explanation. Or seek a better one from wiser Jews or older Jews, this is encouraged. This is why we have different streams and interpretations on some verses even to this day.

This environment which existed for so long, creates winners, This is why they invented so many things while they are less than 1%, this is why they are taking up 22.4% of all Nobel prizes.
This is why they wrote so many books and are on top even today, in many scientific fields.
Even people who don't take the religious aspect seriously still benefit from it's side effects, these people still
be part of the group and benefit from it. that is all.
Take this into consideration, Tel Aviv's prime export, is ad-revenue technologies. What does that tell you ?
We are far from the basic merchants we once were. Were also in such a small place surrounded by enemies - this also has it's benefits. Anti-Semitic behaviors through the years have made us stronger because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You get it.

some lel

fuck off kike and just hop in the oven already just think about it your helping humanity

We may have exaggerated the 6 millions claim, I'm quite aware of that.
That doesn't change anything, we are on the same course for decades and something that Happened 50 years ago just proves what i said.
Yes, we might have capitalized on that.
Changes nothing.
If you're such a retard to not realize that, now you realize why we won.

And thank you too for proving everything I just said. Basic insults, oh the feels.

haha lel

another lel

Jew are so base.


Pol hates Jews so much because despite preaching white supremacy the white people for some reason keep falling for the same Jewish tricks over and over and over again.


The lels

Who hates who, exactly? (pic related)

>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100%factual

>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair

At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
ow they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:

>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):

>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie

>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 14 EU countries
>The JQ:

75% or so of males on Earth have intact penises.

massive lel

some lels

The Jews haven't done shit except get slaughtered and thrown around.
There are a few "Jews" who are rich billionaires who try to influence the world around them.
It's simply the edgy thing to post on pol, and without it there would be a lot less threads here.

I love how some Shekelberg magically turns up in this thread and tried to rationalise why Jews are in control of everything and therefore proving everyone's entire point. Jews are not white nor do care for the west beyond any other measure than controlling it for their own ends. Fuck off back to the sand and keep your claws away from us all.

when you join us in the lels

The massive lel is how these pictures prove everything I just fucking said.
Yes, we control everything, that was the first thing that I said.
Yes, were probably behind the enrichment. I'm totally honest with you, Is it perhaps over the top ? Yes. perhaps. But what do you expect ? Leave a group winning for so long and naturally they develop further appetite.

If anything you fucking plebs, you're all to blame for failing to provide a fucking competition. You allowed this to happen.

Massive lel indeed, keep focusing on boring shit like if the holocaust was real, Listen here pleb - it was real enough in the minds of millions, and it has served it's purpose.


so why do you hate white people the lels may end if you just you know leave us alone and go play with sand niggers

>keep your claws away from us all.

LOL a bit late for that don't you think... keep rationalizing this with hate, I almost works, I almost feel like you Europeans deserve it all. Although I still think this move is over the top and you don't deserve it. Sadly i'm not the one pulling the strings.

>so why do you hate

"I" Don't hate, rarely you will find a jew who actually hates you, he might troll you but he doesn't hate you like some ISIS fighter, he doesn't give a shit.
Yes, it sucks that the 1% are all jews, I'm not the elite 1%, stop blaming an entire fucking race. 99% of these people are normal people who are unaware of wtf is going on, They don't hate you.

What happens every time yids start pushing the white man too far or anyone in country you've infested in the past? Do you want to go there again? Hopefully Iran reduces that shining star result of American and European gibs to looking like the surface of the moon soon and you shithouses destroy them back thus simultaneously solving the entire problem.

literally the stereo type competition wtf do mean by this??

Make Israel drink its own poison.


but your ethnic solidarity is why your a problem....
do you get this......

Jews are like weeds, with roots that grow deep into the soil and choke out the surrounding life. They take pride in being scheming, conniving, heartless rats.
>Jews running a Jewish program to nominate Jews as winners
>Lol all we do is win
Pompous filth

Nah they've gotta take your country first so Israel will be after that.
Might as well cut your dick off now, future eunuch.

israel is one of the most diverse/multicultural countries in the world desu

The lels the fucking lels

It's a meme, you can embrace the meme, but don't let it ruin your social life

it means that blaming an entire race of people for the doings of the 1%, is retarded. All it does is further alienate us from the rest of you, Because you prove to us why we should be aware of antisemitism - You just showed me it's real. You're all doing that. So no wonder ....
Can't blame the 1% ... no matter what it's irrational, you plebs just further fuck yourselves.

Let's imagine a world were all the people of the world love Jews and suffer, Let's imagine - This environment might breed Jews who seek to end the
control of the 1%, and these people might become a majority over the years - and eventually they might even end the reign of the elite themselves, but how will that happen if you plebs just show all this hate on the 99% ? lol. they will just further alienate themselves and not give a shit about you.
this sad thing is , this trick is probably also by design. kek.
God were all retarded. humans are a joke.

hows the Christians doing exactly they like Muslims more then Christians btw where is that kike he would confirm this

Nice try kike.

Open them borders wide open!!!


great """""argument"""""

They are a tiny minority of the population but the majority of those in power.

This is all true. You can google each and every one of them.

pleb = goyim for new fags

Out bitch. Do something useful with your life you don't wanna die knowing you spent even a minute of your youth shilling.

>pleb = goyim for new fags

pleb = goy
plebs = goyim

Whats wrong kike? Do not want your homeland filled to the top with worthless trash?

Your kike agents have pushed open borders and globalism too far.

If Israel did what the kikes always push on the West will kill the Jewish State of Israel.

Also, having a few token Muslim will not save Israel from diversity.


Why you guys gotta be evil though why can't you be peaceful like Italians?

a lel for the lels
by the way why do you refuse to say goyim thats what you think you don't think in term of plebs

goyim = cattle being led to the jewish slaughter

Do you have a better res version of this where i can actually read everything

>why don't you get culturally enriched??

Well, This might prove the elites desire to end you all after all. lel.

No, i don't think in term of goyim, Most jews don't. I do that in /pol for the lulz. but if you must really ask, 9% of us would actually mean it when they say goyim. the hardcore orthodox.

sorry have to work for it and use the zoom factor in the right hand corner of your screen now there is your help I feel like shabbos goy must post offensive shit stop making jews powerful....

>why don't you get culturally enriched??

This would never fly, Religion still dominates our marriage laws to this day, this means that a non-jew can't marry a jew here. So any enrichment is automatically illogical, because that means they would never fit in anyway.
and because were a small country.

also we have some refugees too. but nothing on the caliber of europe. In the big cities the majority are white.
>implying jews are white
what ever goy topkeks yeah.

we should tear down its wall

>we should tear down its wall

great idea.
Yes further that to your congress member, who will forward that to some Jew who will laugh about it before tossing it in the bin.

your always white when it is convenient but when its not your all of a sudden just jewish hmmm.......

our congress man/women are jewish though...

Whatch this based jewish grandmother explain anti semitism.
7min long

also if you jews are so good there in the Mideast why to need our tech and moneys in aid all the time not to mention military aid.....

The Democratic party leadership is almost entirely kikes or kike puppets like Maxine Waters.

So you, look, I'm afraid you're all fucked and this bitchery is all about your last gasp for air.
I'm sorry. best thing you can do is dance to the fire and watch the snowball roll into hell.
I believe the now that france is gone, more of europe will follow, and then america will destroy itself from within, while the american elite would flee to greater israel.

Checked. Also, jews are vermin that destroy every nation that harbors them,probably the greatest mistake a nation can make is giving jews a safe place to live, equal rights and protection. Inevitably they will undermine and destroy their host. True, just because it has always been this way doesn't prove that jews will destroy the next nation that tries to help them but at least we can see that every nation that has befriended them so far has become their victim. If i could choose between rats, roaches and jews, which to eliminate from the world I might say that rats and roaches spread disease but have not killed so many or caused so much suffering as the jews. Which would it be better to eliminate?

>Which would it be better to eliminate?

The mosquito. But your a retard so ...

The JQ is pretty nuanced. You have to realize that jews are a different ethnicity from european whites with dramatically different motivations even though they pretend they are white when its convenient. Just like blacks, muslims, mexicans, etc tend to act as an ethnic collective to further their own interests, so do jews. The thing about Jews though is that their power in the world is so disproportional that its comical. They tend to pursue their interests behind the scenes and in a subversive way. Its part of their culture. Also they often have a deeply rooted pathological hatred of whites, the west, christianity and free markets. If we are ever going to return race relations to a place of normalcy in this country, the jewish problem is going to have to be part of the conversation.

You contend that mosquitoes are worse than jews? Please defend considering the hundreds of millions of human deaths caused by jews in the 20th century alone

why not help be our based jew you know in Israel make your voice heard. if not then I won't rope you but some jews in america defiantly need the rope the rest will just be expelled to isreal like before