Why did Millennials love Bernie so much?
free shit
He said everything they wanted to hear despite there is no humanly way possible he could deliver on what he said.
Tell me, why was this bernie guy good? An american I knew said he liked him.
Cause they dont teach economics anymore.
Low t
They yearn for the bern !
Because they are edgy socialists
He's the path of least resistance if you want to be with the hip crowd
free college, free healthcare and more free stuff.
Free shit
because they have manboobs!?
Free College.
Literally that's it.
Ever heard of western Europe faggot.
because he told a generation who felt like they were tricked into going to over expensive colleges that if they elected him they wouldn't have to pay for it. People wanted change, and the left version of that change came in the form of socialism and eating the rich. Its stupid and childish, but much of the left is made up of stupid children who don't want to be held responsible for the risks they took to get into the job market. (as everyone should know by now, smart money is in going to trade school)
"Free Shit"
this. This is the single largest issue in voters 25 and younger, and Bernie was basically the only candidate touching on it.
Niggers on Sup Forums love to jack off about economics, underwater basket weaving degrees, and other memes but nobody will be laughing when 2 or 3 generations can't buy homes OR cars - AND default on non-dischargeable loans.
Sooner or later this will happen, and it will either be the end of the country or we will become Zimbabwe.
want to know why black didn't vote for Bernie? He would have gave gibs to everyone
that sure reminds me of someone else... hmm
>or we will become Zimbabwe.
this is how I know you're a stupid nigger retard.
>most millennials go and rack up massive student loan debt, even though it's optional and not required to succeed in life
>DUDE, FORGIVE STUDENT LOANS SINCE WE ALSO BAILED OUT WALL STREET (pro top, gov should never bail any one out)
>most millennials are out of shape, fat, DUDE WEED walking death bombs
They were raised by the school system to be socialists and Bernie was authentic instead of another polished politician with a shit eating grin. Plus hillary is a disaster of a person.
>successful country (Rhodesia) plunging into hyperinflation and famine (Zimbabwe)
Would you prefer Weimar Republic? Any other failed state?
Can you tell me what happens when people can't pay their debts and start defaulting? were you alive in 2008?
Yah, and your economy isn't doing so well there.
Bernie was a way for millennials to shift the blame of their incompetence on the entire middle and upper class people.
Except they actually need the uni degrees (well STEM at least). My gov is paying for me to go to uni and after I'm done I'm going to get a job in the US because there are not enough people in my field over there. More skilled immigrants are literally taking your jobs BECAUSE you fail to educate your people.
>retard shit states compare to the apex world power
Is this shopped or does he really have gynecomastia and is wearing a women's shirt?
College is expensive and very few like to be a slave (menial works). Not everyone can have their parents paying for their shit.
liberals have high estrogen levels.
>Bernie Sanders rally
this picture is triggering me
seeing so many people that natural selection would've destroyed is deeply disturbing, like visiting a hospital during WW1 and seeing the horribly disfigured and dead soldiers. socialism is the opposite of healthy, natural life.
Bernie Sanders is every young persons guilty pleasure. That's the truth.
There has been much bigger and much more stable for much longer, they all fell.
(they're spoiled brats, that's why)
STEM being an exception in some cases, but its harder and more expensive then trade school, and its competitive to get the better jobs if you aren't willing to get your masters. Trade schools are smaller cost to entry and make a ton of money because most trades are in high demand and can expect to remain in high demand, mechanics, plumbers, and such will always be around.
Very disrespectful!
>Literally "too big to fail" argument
hell, as a drop out who focused on learning coding and got casual positions in tech company's, I make more then most people my age with degrees.
if you dont even understand the fact that billions of things have changed compared to ancient shit holes then its not even worth discussing.
Because he represents us and fights for our interests.
>i argued that its too big to fail
good try retard.
the only thing I argued is that we arent getting zimbabwe no matter what happens because even our dumbest niggers dont compare to african 60 iq niggers.
The catchy choonz!
Don't worry, those countries are bringing in tons of culturally antithetical and socially/economically draining lovely peoples as we speak. Soon you'll be just like us (maybe even worse).
>France at its best as powerful as England
if the majority of people can't afford houses at the current cost, the market will adjust until a solution is found or prices go down. nothing wrong with renting anyway, young people need to be competitive and that often requires moving to find the best jobs. Houses are the biggest investment you will make and it will anchor you to a location, its a dumb option more often then not for young people.
The economic depressions the United States has undergone so far are nothing compared to what will happen if the housing market and auto market both crash, while at the same time the federal government and eats over $1 Trillion in student debt. Banks are already selling (dumping) their portfolios on guaranteed loans in the billions.
There is a very simple formula here and maybe you're the "60 IQ nigger" if you can't fucking understand the ramifications of this.
Greed and stupidity are still around. If a Market exists on a base of people that can't fucking pay, it collapses. This is true for a roman apple market or the most stable housing market in the world. Fuck you're dumb.
You're a fucking idiot if you think subsidizing education improves a god damn thing.
Say what you will about Bernie, he was better than Clinton and he easily would have beaten Trump.
the national debt is nearing 20 trillion, please explain to me how this ISN'T going to end in an absolute shit show one way or the other.
>markets crash
>everyone on welfare for a few years
>free market fixes everything as start ups begin to fill the void left by jews
the only people who lose are the jews which is why you're so against it in the first place.
its going to be a shit show, just not as big as you would imagine.
the jews have that shit controlled perfectly so they can take money out of our taxes as interest for centuries.
That's an unfortunate body type.
how? which states would he have won? there's a reason the dnc railroaded him, beyond hillarys corruption. they knew he would be a loser.
Voted Trump, red pilled as fuck, white male here
We wanted Bernie because we are ACTUALLY LIBERAL
I'm red pilled, and super liberal economically, but not socially. We really should have a more socialist geared economy, but less SJW/Rapefugee/BLM etc influences on our culture
You know this is true.
I realize the SJW and economically liberal components are hard to dissociate, but it can be done.
Most of us WOULD support higher taxes if we actually saw it put to work on shit that effects us more directly.
Republicans are right-wing, Dems are centrist, Bernie was the one actual kinda left-wing/socialist democrat guy. Your two-party system leaves a lot of people wanting.
Bernie just would have pulled more voters in the states where Clinton won, wouldn't have stopped the fly over states and the rust belt from going hard core right. You're insane if you honestly think Sanders would have won.
>how? which states would he have won?
rust belt would probably go to him.
Because they're gullible.
Stupid retard. Owning a house is the best asset you can buy. Just rent the fucker out if you can't live in it due to work.
This guys body makes me sad.
welcome back from the stone age
No they wouldn't, he was a globalist too, and they loved trump for loudly shitting all over the private manufacturing CEOs by telling them he would tariff them hard if they didn't invest industry in the US to bring back jobs
>A globalist
Correct. Spain's millennials overwhelmingly have masters degree's. Most live at home, maybe are barista's, can't use their degrees. I expect the same problem in many other stagnant nations.
>not a globalist
it couldnt be more obvious that he is, rust belt would go to him though because muh free shit.
>the jews have that shit controlled perfectly so they can take money out of our taxes as interest for centuries.
I'm sure (((they))) created all the debt-producing welfare programs that are causing some of the debt. But what about the external debt? what happens if (or rather, when) China wants its money back?
white millennials love the idea of utopia while a dystopia is rising all around us
These magical market corrections are a lot slower and lenders will "find a way" to make mortgages affordable. That was the entire premise of the adjustable rate (subprime) loan. There is no reason to believe that most people who fell into the college trap of "buy now, pay later" won't do the same for housing.
This isn't about "subsidizing education", a retarded statement in and of itself that you made - it's about predicting the most obvious economic collapse in world history. You're really fucked in the head if you think you won't be affected in any sort of way. I guarantee you will, at best, lose your job. If you have one.
>the federal government somehow has money to pay out welfare to most of its population
>We will just get visited by the free market fixit fairy
>I am somehow jewish for not wanting societal collapse
just stop.
Free healthcare is good for employers and employees.
Free college is good for improving the workforce and our global competitiveness.
Enact both, shouldn't even be a partisan issue.
You shoulda seen the support for Bernie in Idaho of all places. Not just Boise either, people were craving change and change we got one way or another.
How socially conservative?
Deport criminal aliens conservative?, deport all illegals conservative? Reduce legal immigration, repeal 1965 immigration act, or reinstitute national quotas conservative? Or just a meme conservative who would let progressive incrementalism destroy his country because he was too much of a moral coward to take the hard line necessary to reverse it?
I'm center left economically and socially far right.
>But what about the external debt? what happens if (or rather, when) China wants its money back?
they suck it up and keep trading since they're making a shitload off of their slave labor.
they might be able to buy US property for cheap if our leaders decide to pawn shit off to pay it off.
you're only 1 populist president away from that failing though.
they are hoping to get their money back.
>>the federal government somehow has money to pay out welfare to most of its population
>americans wont help each other
>>We will just get visited by the free market fixit fairy
>jews bankrupt
>having power
pick 1
>>I am somehow jewish for not wanting societal collapse
never said I wanted it retard, im just telling you its a no-win scenario for the jews
>just stop.
not an argument.
Renting a property is far less profitable then you think, maintenance costs go up when someone lives in a house, which you have to pay along with a ton of other homeowner related costs, which at best covers the mortgage and then some, not to mention you can easily be screwed by renters who decide to squat and the value of your house going down if not properly cared for (renters won't do that, duh)
Economic output is not the defining measure of a society's success
because they're moronic fags raised on care bears and barney.
Free queer studies diplomas
he follows popular leftist ideals but unlike hillary he is actually anti-status-quo and fearlessly so. he has the guts to challenge the problem of inequality even though it makes enemies with powerful people with a lot of control over the political process.
hillary is not a bad leftist but she is a willing puppet of a system that most people are hopeless about changing, mostly re: the influence of money in elections and in political success or failure.
They want free college when they get there
smoking weed is proven to make men grow breasts
they don't study the effects of central banking on an economically supposed free market.
also what is social engineering?
Because they are fags.
Because like him or hate him, when he says he wants to do X because it will help america, he actually means that rather then another establishment.
Bernie wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote.
I liked him and I really think he could do good work for the country in the right role, but his ideas were too far left for the presidency.
Millennials really want to be "smart" and "nerdy," so if you tell them, hey, this thing here is "smart" and "nerdy," they'll want to be that thing.
look at the fucking rack on that left guy jesus he's not even that fat
Which is why renting is smarter till the market adjusts, which was my point. And of coarse dumb people will take advantage of subprime loans and drive themselves further into debt. Just learn from the housing bubble and don't get one. Subprime loans are a stupid tax, same as lottery tickets.
Do you realize that you are saying the kindness of strangers, in the age of complete social detachment/facebook/texting, is not just going to be our saving grace but that that is also some sort of acceptable solution? Unreal. By the way, the "Jews" are selling. They won't be bankrupt, just everyone else - and all because you wanted to be right instead of take some sort of preemptive corrective action.
>Economic output is not the defining measure of a society's success
You sound liberal enough to know that free healthcare and college will um also, like, actualize everyone's full potential man.
He was a time machine for their mistakes
when trump is the president you can no longer say somebody is 'too x'
there was nothing presidential about him and it didnt matter.
Imagine being white and progressive. The endgame for you is equality for all, but the reality moving forward is that other races hate whites due to their history. If blacks outnumbered whites, blacks would start looking for revenge rather than equality.
Bernie, from a liberal white perspective, is both a vote for progressivism and a chance to champion white people as a morally good race that deserves to stand alongside other groups in a post-racial society rather than grovel beneath them for forgiveness.
It's classic liberal Hollywood tricks. We want to make a movie about civil rights, but we don't care enough to actually cast blacks in lead roles. Instead have an adaption of To Kill a Mockingbird where white people solve racism. Here's a movie about white politicians solving racism. Here's a movie about a retarded white man solving racism with adorable ignorance. Here's a movie about a white guy who solved racism by hiring blacks when nobody else would. Bernie is that sort of movie.
because millennials are faggots?