No scientific contributions
Beady eyes, ANGLO lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ANGLO sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ANGLO flies across the land
After starting World War One
The ANGLO's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a new one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the ANGLO is here
real master race here.
Goldstein, btfo back to Jizzrael
top post
top kek
fuck off
Explain this Nordic architecture then
Anglo is the same as Celt cuck.
fuck off slav your lucky I like you Asian rape babies
It's history. We like to preserve our history compared to sweden.
Carl Linnaeus.
Alfred Nobel.
Tycho Brahe.
Just to name a few, stop being a kike and love our Nord brothers.
>divide and conquer kike thread
Polaks aren't Asian rape babies
Top kek
Stay mad wog.
I got two eyebrows chocco.
Also a fucking Italian not at his mom's crying while she feeds him spaghetti? Get the fuck out of here unicorn.
Fuck off you dirty wog.
Wog? I think you mean wop
In Celtic actually cunt
Pagan and Nordic fetishism comes from a deep rooted lust of girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. The Romans were the one's that actually build great civilizations. Nordics were not really the "niggers of Europe" as some people say, but more like the cool looking toys that had nothing to show for but some shitty religion and folklore. Romans built it Europe.
>rooted lust of girls with blonde hair and blue eyes
Pretty much this, blondes stood out the most, they were getting banged the most hence why the whole race exists. They're a mutation.
>No scientific contributions
what did he mean by this?
I wonder why Poland is there wtf did we contribute. Unless those were nobels for literature and peace
Congratulations, you replied to obvious bait and rewarded the efforts of jews, niggers, antifa, and our enemies trying to clutter and vandalize our board. Sup Forums is a fragile ecosystem, whose memes suffer as a result of memetic pollution from asshats and faggots like OP. By helping OP, you became the cancer killing Sup Forums.
Top kike
Based Hebrew.
(((nobel prizes)))
>Nobel prizes
I think it hilarious that the most pure nordics, anglos and germanics are the biggest cucks, in their homeland. Laughingstock of the white world, and they want to piss on other whites. All the other whites should let you die as an example of what not to be. Fuck your superior atitude, you are unworthy
England, sweden, france germany are the biggest offenders in the multi culti zio invasion. Think about it. Those same ethnicities shit on all other white ethnicities as inferior while they take the bbc like a bunch of faggots. They are unworthy to carry the white torch and should be allowed to fall, as an example to the remaining white world.
Marie Curie
They are white, but they are the biggest race traitors. Anglos, nordics, germanics. So maybe they should shut the fuck up and let the leaders lead !
The way i see it, poland and hungary are leading the way.
Poland is known for it's great Physicists, you guys good at maths
All hail the Anglo laser wizrads
>No scientific contributions
>90% of science came from America & Britain
'lemmee tel u who should rule lol!'
On your bike doodle dandy!
>america and Britain
Also that isn't true
We're much closer to Nords than Meds, same with French and Germans, the other big contributors to science.
Conservative Ashkenazi Kike here. My race includes Einstein. Beat that.
I wouldnt even mention nordic, anglo, germanic cukoldry if they would shut up. They were the main slave holders, colonialists and economic oligarchs of the last century and are mainly responsible for the current situation we are in. Maybe they should show some respect for the whites that didnt participate in their kikery,
Copernicus, edward teller
Were celts. Nords are albino deformed lanky horse faced downys that live in mud huts up in the ice caps
Pro tip: nords aren't the only race with blue eyes
Jesus wasnt asken nazi
Jesus was a hippy liberal. Think how awesome Europe and the world would be without Christianity and Islam and goys didn't adopt Abrahamic religions. Jews don't proselytize for a reason.
But i will enjoy watching anglo England, Nordic Sweden and germanic Germany dig their own grave while they talk shit about all the inferior whites.
Your pagan gods really looked out for you, solid !
Watching them catch themselves on fire while canukistanis suck muslim cock.
So now you goys worship yahweh, the our god. You justify it because you include his son :P
They are like the niggers, they dont care about the outcome, they just want to look good doing it.
I'm italo-american with brown hair and green eyes, delet this meme that all Mediterraneans are tanned mongrels right now
New covenant, you rejected it and are synagogue of satan. You had a choice and chose wrong. Not my fault. Repent !
Then I can't buy goy tears with my Jew gold.
You can suck Lucifer s dick in hell, its your decision. I have to put up your kikery on earth.
You are inbred as hell, so if a certain disease took all of you out, and we didnt discover the cure, tough shit Luciferian.
Kikery and monies. Love it. The only problem is that I have to deal with Jewish women. You can have them. Eastern European Brunettes are the best for me. Orthodox christianity has some balls at least.
Shekel aids
Highest average IQ of any race, sounds like we could cure it. ((Polio))
I have no problem with weeding out the weak.
If you only count the ash ke nazis. And they got that from europeans
Why are you acting like Jews are even remotely desired by any non kike. Eastern Europeans hate Jews, your people are weak and frail. You're disgusting. No matter what you do and what damage your parasite of a people does to its host, you'll never be anything other than a sniveling little Jew subhuman rat. The day will come when your people will be wiped out. Remember this. Whether it's hordes of blacks, asians, or arabs that do it.. you will be wiped out.
>delet this meme that all Mediterraneans are tanned mongrels right now
How does that say anything of the sort? I'm Greek with blonde hair & green eyes and I'm not offended at all. Whoever drew that is a good artist.
I find it funny that Nords try to blame Kikes on these types of threads, yet Nords have been trying for fucking centures to claim South Europeans where nothing but slaves to the master race in Ancient Greece and Rome.
I've never seen any Nord try to blame kikes on threads where Nords cock suck each other in a circle jerk while claiming every other race to be nothing but shitskins.
Nords, anglos, germanic most worthless white race traitors. Somebody start the oven !
fuck off kike
There's no such thing as a "Mediterranean"
Only an arab with an inferiority complex.
Saged, reported
>Saged, reported
Get right or good bye
Im white but dont ever think i forgot all the bad shit you ever talked about meds, finns, slavs, balts, iberians. I can watch the nords, anglos and germs burn. They always hate us anyway. They invite their own destruction. Watch and learn ! Fuck them !
It's only nords who talk shit. Germans and English are based
Nords have no accomplishments of their own and are basically living vicariously through the nice things hitler said about blue eyes and blonde hair
If you look at the facts nords are as inferior as Slavs on a contribution level. The only difference is they're also weak and effeminate
A lot of people talk a lot of shit. Irish and polish and im not suppporting people that also hate me against other people that hate me. I will watch you kill each other and sit on the sideline.
I will enjoy the show
Maybe the lesser whites can make deal for a homeland if we use nordics, anglos and germanics as a bargaining chip. Sux to be you cuck.
D&C shit thread up since 6hours.
What the fuck are you doing mods ?
>It's bait when it's inconvenient to my world view
You are bait to this realm of existence
t. Nord-Spaniard
More like Nord-Rape baby, no wonder you agree with the Muslim above you.
Troll thread, but Europeans lived in hovels like that all the way up until the 20th century.
>Shitposting aboos
Go back to sniffing petrol