Would the US be better off being split?

The government can't do anything without pissing off half of the nation. What if the right took the south, and the left had the north? You could go to whichever side you supported. Just a thought.

it is a good idea the irony of the situation would be that the south is more ethnically diverse than the north.

Yes. Cutting the tumor that is the south off will help the United States as a whole.


2008 was a fluke. Too many niggers came out of the woodworks, and whites were apathetic cause of Bush.

I'm all for the US being split into like 7 or 8 smaller countries. New England should be a country on its own but Connecticut isn't allowed and is instead replaced with upstate New York.

>t. Mass-fag

USA should have expanded to Canada, Mexico, and Iceland when it had the chance.

If the South was free then they could deport their niggers and spics to the accepting north

>Liberals, snowflakes, socialists, commies move north.
>Conservatives, Christians, Entrepreneurs, Capitalists move south.
Fast forward 9 months.
>Bernie's Famine death toll over 2 million. It's the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2. Millions of illegal refugees pouring in across the Iowa/Missouri border.
>Refugees wind up turning the south to shit.
Right back where we started.

It'll just end up like an EU of the americas... which would be less democratic.

But all the northerners move here like locust to escape their own shitty states. Florida is fucked up because of Massholes, and people from Jew York and Jew Jersey.

nh and maine (presidential election voter fraud aside) don't want to be blue states. please don't abandon us 'the south.'

just noticed this post. massholes are the worst. they cut you off, they don't use their fuckin blinka and the storm across the nh border from haaavaad and pretend they live here to try to throw every presidential election. they're also responsible for romney/obamacare.

can we have this back if you dont want it m8s?

you remember what happened last time. you should focus on kicking achmed out of your own country. then you might even be welcome to visit.

CalExit: Liberals don't want Trump as president.

TEXit: Trump would piss conservatives off.

cant argue with satan trips

No, because the differences is what makes the US the US.

Tried it already and it led to the mess we're in now when Lincoln threw potatoes at the coountryboys until he won (but also died). It's too late for states' rights or a divided country. Why don't we just kill all of the ANTIFA?

>bren gun
>mag in the way of scope

It probably would be like an east west berlin or north south korea situation

>wrong person.

So the north is full of leftists and the south is full of niggers? Still shit, m8.



fellow floridafag. can confirm that north east faggots are ruining our state.

Split like this?

Yes. Immigrants from Mexico, India, and other countries are great. It's immigrants from California that are ruining Texas.

This would save our race.
Once all the minorities moved up north since they're all liberals, all the whites up there would become red pilled pretty damn fast.
The only states that are blue pilled are the white dominate ones.

kek, this is what would happen.

75% of Illinois is a red state. Outside of Chicago metro and maybe those queers in Champaign. Fuck Chicago. Hope they keep shooting each other.

Hell man, fucking Crimson Skies.

Made my nostalgia to the original Xbox back then when I was a kid.

Here are the nations of America. The only state that is self-sufficient (I think) is Texas. Fuck the borders of the other states and redraw them so they make sense.


>Half the country
>Split evenly
Did you see the election map? 95% of the country voted Trump. There were only tiny blue dots. Most of Illinois and New York were red. Most of the entire country was red.

Such delusions.

Balkanizing the USA would save us from being swallowed by the rising brown tide.

No, it is all American and it must be American again.