>Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump.
>Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump.
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what for?
What are the chances that trump sources are feeding these two people misinformation to discredit them or just to fuck with them?
What are the consequences for these pieces of shit in the MSM who just keep making things up?
Literally the real life version of the boy who cried wolf. This bitch tweets everyday about her "sources" confirming Trump's "russia ties" and the impending impeachment. She's the William Miller of the leftist "resistance."
>are the consequences for these pieces of shit in the MSM who just keep making
absolutely nothing
stopped reading there
No one's buying this shit. It's way too late.
>Sup Forums unironically siding with a kike woman
What the fuck happened?
just wait the high inquisitor is coming soon
>FISA court
>issuing a sealed indictment
Literally pic related
When people pointed that out, they explained what they meant was that a grand jury was convened using evidence found through a FISA warrant.
They're discrediting themselves, no need for Trump to lift a finger
then these sources would also be feeding them pretty accurate information as well, since Taylor has been right before
They get all excited like this every couple of weeks just to find out everything is a sham.
When will they learn?
>Muhh taxes
>Muuh russians
>Muuh golden showers
>Muh indictments
Is Louise Mensch, dare I say it, our girl?
Easy, feed them some correct info from time to time in order to get them to trust obvious rats.
Well since Sup Forums has always hated Trump, I'm pretty sure she is.
Sure that's possible, and even a good strategy. But what would the goal be? Create people on twitter with sometimes correct information? What is there to be gained?
If you don't count all the times she's been wrong, she's always been right.
>since Taylor has been right before
She has? I am honestly asking when, because I can't recall a single occassion that to be the case.
100% chance
Create people who are unreliable when it counts and reliable when it dosen't matter. People lose faith in what they use to trust if even 1% of the 99% of what they have been told turns out to be false, so you build up someone's reputation for being 'truthful' by feeding them true stories on inconsequential things, then when the time is right, you give them a bullshit story about something big in order to embarrass themselves on a large stage.
Something like this happened to the MC of the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" book.
Trump sources think there's a sex dungeon beneath comet ping pong.
6 gorillion %
>liberals actually want Mike Pence over Trump
How do you explain this?
Where does Sup Forums find these literally whos?
Same reason they wanted Comey fired and then got pissed he was fired
They're reactionary children
Can't just indict the president. He has to be impeached.
More like Louise Menschreal cycle. Ever since Trump has been elected she has always been on her period.
>lets impeach trump
>start circling around him
>closing in
>faster and faster
>fail to realize Trump is the drain
>Using the tweeterjew
>Posting some nobody, not even a blue check
Can't we just deal with this silly bitch? We have every reason to do so, she advocates war and bombings and stuff like that.
Isn't this a violation of twitter rules?
>We got this super secret thing going on
Why is it always stupid women doing shit like this?
its in the pizza place next door mong.
Its settled science hillary.
Louise Mensch is brain damaged. Next week she'll claim to have something else that will certainly be the end of Trump.
also this kike is notorius for lying about having "exclusive" information so not exactly a credible source.
No. She's a woman and she hates Trump. The rules don't apply.
>ravings of a crazy person
why is this a thread?
don't fucking talk about rules here you fucking dolt
this is the confirmed plan
Uh, why?
People talked plenty about rules when it came to bikelock guy.
I think it is wise to start looking at what rules and laws work in our favour. Egging on ww3 is a really reckless thing to do.
>Frank Luntz
More like Frank Bantz.
>Supremacy Clause
Every president gets rid of the old AG. This infographic is retarded. Correlation does not equal causality.
also they keep conflating Sessions recommending the removal of the head of FBI with his recusal from the Russia matter.
The ignorant implication is nothing less than that the AG can do absolutely nothing in regard to the FBI as if the Russia investigation somehow encompasses the entire business of the FBI... blithering imbeciles.
Can we all agree that if this happened, it would be the greatest politikino of our lifetimes?
They've literally been saying impeachment is imminent since the day after the election.
Keep trying, sweetie.
I made a post about this kind of shit a few days ago. If there were legit evidence against Trump, he would have been gone already.
There is no point in waiting this long to get him impeached, especially if the left and media are frothing at the mouth at every moment to bring him down.
If/when they are proven conclusively wrong, there will be an opportunity for counter attack. Not only are the media and the left proving themselves to be poor researchers, but, they are also proving themselves to be really reckless.
You simply don't just hurl these kinds of accusations around.
Stop shitting up the board with this FAKE NEWS. This shit is even worse than Breitbart and Zerohedge.
Continuity and the rule of law.
Left isn't as frothing as your impression of them is.
Obstruction of justice.
It's easy to make that case when you fire the guy investigating you.
I am pretty sure these people have tweeted before that they have documents that will lead to Trump's impeachment before. Nothing has ever came of them before. Let liberals keep crying wolf. Their credibility is slipping by the day.
Not documents. Recordings. Intercepts. Keep up.
As someone who's vehemently anti-trump, I'm afraid I must agree. Louise Mensch is not a reliable source
Not all of her stuff. But her IC sources have been far ahead of others.
>It's easy to make that case when you fire the guy investigating you.
Comey was the director of the FBI, not an investigator.
Everyone will have beautiful hair forever.
Taylor is, which is why this joint report is being taken seriously
>Libruls suddenly side with unconstitutional FISA courts because it supports their agenda
>supposedly against fascism
We are achieving new levels of irony here
They weren't investigating Trump though. They (FBI) have had at least 3 press releases saying this in the last 2 months.
>siding with FISA
Posting in a sageblue thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
and only trump / trumpcucks are dumb enough to believe it, which is fortuitous because it made the investigation all that much easier to carry out
He had recently requested more resources for the investigation.
Above mentioned request was like a week ago. recent change.
So when people pointed out the obvious bullshit she changed her story.
FISC doesn't fucking issue indictments, that requires a grand jury. What an idiot!
at some point he will be able to just tell the jeff sessions to have everyone who files false reports to be arrested, and that moment is going to be fucking hilarious
Strufndald pumperflumph is finished!
How close is she to breaking US laws? Shes not even an American and is trying to overthrow the government.
They think the entire admin will be removed or something. They're really fucking crazy.
FISA courts approve warrants for surveillance. That's what the "S" in "FISA" stands for. Their job is literally just to say yes when the government asks their permission for surveillance.
They don't hand out indictments. In fact, they don't conduct trials of any kind. This is mind blowing let retardedto anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Debunked by a Trump hating lawyer.
Miller strikes again
>>Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities
Fuck off with this vague shit.
are these people stupid
It's called impeachment and only fucking congress can do it.
I've been thinking of giving it a read, would you recommend it?
Honestly, do it. Impeach him. Go ahead.
-And the forty-sixth president of the United States is Mr. Pence, Lord of Electrocution, Protector of the Straights, Supreme Knight of the Holy Order of the Shock.
Like, then what? You impeach the next guy? Yeah, ok, let's imagine that happens. Then you get Paul Ryan. Not exactly /ourguy/, well, not really at all, but then what? 2020 rolls around and you, you what? You win? No. The incumbent wins, because incumbents win a majority of the time, and considering the neo-con charts of Ryan are high, you bet you booty that we are going to war in some small country in the middle east. And has a wartime president who has ever sought reelection lost? No.
So 2024 rolls around. Finally, you get the opportunity to elect someone-
Unfortunately (for you), you are forced to elect someone who has to be seen as trustworthy, someone who people think is honest, which isn't going to be Clinton. It's Jimmy Carter again. So you have a democratic candidate, but one that cannot even appear to mishandle public trust in the slightest that their political usage is for shit. So, when re-election comes around, what happens? You either run the same candidate again to have a chance at succeeding with the incumbent, or run a different candidate and lose. Then what? 2028, you get a republican. In 1980, the winner was Reagan, having beaten Carter in a landslide. Before you know it, it's 2032 at the minimum before you can start playing the political game again. At maximum? It's 2040. If you remember, Reagan ran two terms, and then Bush Senior took over.
So you can sit by, wait until 2020 and run, probably lose, and then rerun in 2024 and likely win.
Or, you can impeach Trump, and if history is anything to go from, it'll be 2040 before you can do anything effective politically again.
I'm an idiot. I meant 2042, but whats's two years to a republican but a drop in the bucket?
The "recent request" for more, has tuned out to be more fake news.
President's are legally immune until they are impeached.
Literally not once.
Democrats have more false happenings than Sup Forums these days.
Can the kikes ever make up their minds on Comey? This is about the 10th time they've gone back and forth on him in almost as many months.
>sealed indictment
Fuck off you nigger loving cuck.
It's a sealed indictment created on the BACK OF evidence collected using a FISA warrant. The indictment is to be used for one reason, to force the GOP to capitulate, lout of fear their voters will turn on them, and Impeach.
All it will take us 10% to turn to have hearings. Once hearings are held, 2/3rds have to turn.
Trump will resign citing health issues.
Mensch is going to be riding the Holocoaster soon--along with the rest of the treasonous kike judges and neocon and neolib shills. I will personally make a lampshade out of some of them
keep pushing your disbelief :(
ay that isn't how it works