Islam will rule the west and there is 2 two things you can do about it :

Islam will rule the west and there is 2 two things you can do about it :
1-crying and bitching on a vietnamese cave painting forum
2-or submitting to Allah one true god and Islam.

and there is one thing you can't do about it
1-stopping it

Other urls found in this thread:

go to sleep roach

so be it then

I gonna walk the dog and eat a ham sandwich and think about this... who knows. Drinking camel pass may not be so bad.. at least we get to rape minors and beat the wife...

Got any queerans to give away OP? I'm running low on tp.

Ok Mohammeds, but explain one thing to me.
Why was your prophet constantly covered in his own semen?

All the Christians on this board already submit to Allah, although you're wrong if you think Islamic expansion is happening in the US. Mohamed already had his day with the black Nation of Islam, and the Muslims in Dearborn, where I'm from, aren't terribly well liked or engaged in recruiting. There's more of a chance of the country becoming substantially more catholic than Muslim, because of all the hispanics.

>implying i wasn't ironic

The future is bright.

In the near future, Muslims will be known as an extinct human species (popularly known as savages/sandniggers) due to costly jihads, reignited Christian crusades, disease, and best of all, INCEST!

OP your people will keep on fucking their first cousins/someone genetically related, which will room your kind in the long run.

One way, or another, the future of Islam is its own demise.


Final red pill

nice dream you got there chrisshit. but let me wake you up, You got you ass kicked in middle east and we are multiplying in europe. your days are numbered.

the whole pol is denouncing the inevitable submersion of the west by islam
yet you find people like you that talk about global destruction of islam without really pointing out real life occurences of these premises
seriously pol looks more like the last scream of western civilisation than the base of counter jihad

>cant stop it
are you sure about that?

look at europe
we aren't doing much

>you cant stop islam
you roaches are going to stop yourselfs. your pilots use you as target practise.

>your days are numbered.
Is that what you said to the Crusaders, when they
a: booted your dirty ass out of Europe
b: waltzed into the middle east and took Jerusalem

your all talk muham-mad


No matter what you try you will lose in the end kafir.


>using a leaf proxy
try harder roach

wat happens if nato goes on one big bombing raid clearing oure old arsenals and start colonizing the middle east with robots creating lots of comfy jobs for western neets


You know how Islam is a false religion by a false prophet? Aside from all other issues, all you speak of is this world and worldly conquest.
May you repent and accept Christ into your heart.

You obviously have never been to the south.

America will never be taken over by Islam.


>Islam will rule the west
You need to rule yourself first.

NAH Imma stop it just you watch.

Check'd truth doubles

You can't even stop pkk

Fuck off you Bangladeshi crypto Hindu murtad scumbag.
Not even using a proxy you moronic American.

america started to bomb muslims in the 1980's

muslim population made 18% of world population at that time.

after 40 years of bombing today muslims made 28% of world population.


according to united nations muslim population will reach 40% of world population within next 40 years


>crypto Hindu
being this buttmad

Yeah you folks are infested with crypto Hindus, it's about time for another Turkic invasion to cleanse the sub continent.

It's not up to me whether or not the West defeats Islam.

I do plan on killing some Muslims before I die though

the backup plan is convert to islam and kill the jews.

we all know this.