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I don't like this approach the President is taking. Russia has been supporters of North Korea since the Cold War, Russia doesn't give a fuck how close the missle was to Russian soil, and the Ruskies certainly don't give a shit about the perception of Russia being put out there, how Russians are in danger by the NK'ans
Mentioning Russia is a nice troll
But ofcourse all the muh russia conspiracy theorists on the left will claim he's publicly fellating Putin or something
The left just cant into jokes
Last time he put the ball in China's court. Now Russia. This is clever.
The thing about this situation is that the longer we wait to nuke their shit, the worse retaliation will get.
Simple as that.
Vladimir, Xi, thanks for taking my call. First off, we all agree we don't want to see nukes used by anyone. The 3 of us control if nukes are used on this planet. The Middle East is a total clusterfuck. We're really going to have to work together there. But this fucker in N Korea, this is your mess to deal with. We've got enough shit going on. You don't want nukes used on the planet, then time to step the fuck up and do something. Especially when it's right in your backyards. We'll help out, but we're not taking the lead on this one, this is your show. Ok, agreed, great.
What do, pol?
Perhaps weve got a plan for working with Russia on NK and this is more for our media. Won't change their mind on MUH RUSSIA though.
what're you roleplaying as
Is the altitude of 2000km correct?
I really wish i knew what was going on behind the scene. Have the big guys Russia, China and Burgerland made some type of deal? Is NK kill.
Sure seems that way.
>p-please North Korea-san, pls no more bombs or we'll... do nothing
Fucking homos. Either do something or stop talking about it like you're ever going to. America have literally no balls and Un knows it. That fat dumb chunk fuck is laughing his ass off right now.
not at all clever actually. Russia and China have an old-school outlook on things, theyll see it as Trump outsourcing the problem and not dealing with it head-on. If anything, his constant attempts to involve China and Russia sends a signal that hes too weak to do anything on his own
That'd put it in orbit, so no.
It'd be closer to 200-300 for an IRBM, with a range of 2000-3000.
I'm LMAOing at your life
I wish Trump would do online polls like this.
It could be a long play and he'll eventually strike out of nowhere and say "you had your chance."
China is deeply connected to our shadow government.
Chinks already told him to fuck off and calm down now he's trying to get Russia involved.
>twitch plays president
Considering China pretty much relies on the US and a few other Western nations buying their shit (otherwise collapse), I would bet on it.
LMAOing at your country. Fucking sort your shit out. Posturing spineless homos.
but on the other hand, america relies on china's cheap products to help stabilize its own inflation
>9828397837475563820474729274474934747D Backgammon Chess Chinese Checkers Mahjong Blackjack
US could handle China vanishing, even if they suffered a depression from it; the increase in local manufacture would end up improving them in the long run.
China is utterly dependent on the US.
on the other hand canada relies on china to buy all there available housing
will more sanctions do anything tho?
like the UN with its strongly worded resolutions
As you say, shlomo fucking adelson
Gas yourself, btw
you don't get it. if cheap chinese products were taken off the market, other companies would no longer have to compete with those lower prices. consumers would suddenly have to pay 3-5x more on products that were otherwise substituted by cheaper alternatives from china. that would lead to economic collapse pretty quick
Those expensive products would be made in American factories paying livable wages. Fuck consumerist junk.
>north korea
>something relevant happening
and guess who'd buy those expensive american products. nobody. not even the vast, vast majority of americans
>dehy need mo money for dem sanctions
Cruise those missiles, boyos.
so it's nothing as usual
>Russia has been supporters of North Korea since the Cold War, Russia doesn't give a fuck how close the missle was to Russian soil, and the Ruskies certainly don't give a shit about the perception of Russia being put out there, how Russians are in danger by the NK'ans
Because Russia is cucks. They let Chechens do whatever they want, can't even thwart their terrorist attacks.
Actually, China is been Korea's sponsor. You Good Korea fixed? Trick him into making China lose face somehow.
what chinese made products are 3-5x cheaper than others now? not only is chinese shit pure crap, it's also barely cheaper than everything else
You have got to respect the way best Korea arrogantly waves their Taepodong missiles around.
Source on this?
first off, it's the fact that products from chinese companies are much cheaper to buy that's virtually forcing other companies to sell similar products at lower prices, not the other way around. also, you can actually find many commodities at 3-5x less the price of similar products. chinese steel for example is about 40% the cost of u.s. steel
Prasie KEK!
Once again, nothing is going to happen. Stop LARPing.
Not so much anymore. Of course they do many things to support the DPRK economy, but their overall tolerance of them has diminished increasingly over the past 10 years or so. China and DPRK have a pact that expires in 2021, stating if either go to war they would support each other. But China knows they are too intertwined with the global economy and too weak of a regional power (AKA, every Asian country except DPRK hates their guts) for any intervention, in the event of a Korean conflict, to reflect positively on them. China would not directly aid DPRK in the event of war.
no one wants war and russia and north korea knows this. russia stills has sanctions and their image is being created as evil, they whats going , the west is drawing the lines and trying to build support against russia, russia nd norht korea have nothing to lose and the ball is still in americas court. i wouldn't trust china after being colonized by britain for so long there is certain animosity towards the west
Russian bitches probably got wet when they heard a huge Taepodong missile was headed their way. How can Putin even compete with a man like Kim Jong-un? This true God Emperor cucks the likes Xi and Trump as if it's nothing. Putin is way out of his league and should just get used to taking the big Taepodong.
anyone rooting against best korea is a JIDF shill
The left is really desperate after the Comey firing. Shill subreddit r/enoughtrumpspam was in full on suicide mode after Comey was fired; they're taking it a lot harder than they let on.
Would be a real shame if Little Kim one day had an "accident".
yes it shows how key comey was to , maybe one of the last high up insiders they could count on
It's this. China doesn't want anyone taking care of Un but China. They want their buffer state intact.
Shoo leaf. No one loves you.
thread theme
>Russia has been supporters of North Korea since the Cold War
they were only supporters because both NK and Russia were communist at the time
NK's closest thing to an ally is China at this point, and China is starting to take away its support
The White House should have said China, not Russia, no matter what reason.
But will he do something about it?
Kissinger looks like a melting goblin.
I can't believe he's lived this long.
Anyone got a link to this porno?
>tfw we're back to the boring sanction bullshit
Nothing without China at this point.
Too many trade deals are riding on the US keeping good relations with China.
You really don't know what diplomatic bait is, do you? This is a great move on his part.
Guys; wasn't there a post ages ago saying WWIII starts on may 14th?
>muh Russia
Why do y'all hate north korea? When was the last time they invaded someone? Oh that's right, never. Now let's talk about USA
fuck NK, we need secret plan to blizkrieg it
this. it makes them look like faggots now if they dont respond in some way to the comment
Relax Navalny, posting stuff like this on Sup Forums wont get ((them)) to help you win the election
us dollar and inflation is going hurt every country that is tied to the dollar, the bubble just keeps growing with only two options, collapse or keep building the bubble to the point where it will destroy america and the all countries invested in the us dollar, with the former more likely
KEK can you imagine the amount of asshurt this would cause leftists? You could hydropower entire cities with their tears.
We're going to free the fuck out of those norks.
They tried to conquer the korean peninsula in the 50s and killed many Americans. The war never ended, we only ceased open hostilities, but it will end in my generation.
Never forget the Battle of Pork Chop Hill.
How is this baiting Russia?
>Why do y'all hate north korea?
-Threaten us with press releases about nuking our cities and invading on a weekly basis
-Constantly threaten and provoke our Asian allies, faking wars so their people think they're protecting them from annihilation
-Base their oppressive government on scaring their citizens that we're going to invade them any day
-They let their citizens starve while manufacturing nuclear weapons and crystal methamphetamine for their country's elite
-They imprison and torture innocent people, including American tourists
Why wouldn't we hate them? They're about as oppressive and corrupt as a country can be,
>Companies have to compete on appliances like toasters, refrigerators, microwaves, coffee pots, and TVs not by rock bottom prices and rapid turnaround due to blown pixels, heating elements, etc. But by the engineering excellence and longevity of their finished product
1950. They also intervened militarily or otherwise participated in wars several times since
It's not baiting if Russia wants to destroy North Korea already
>North korea nukes russian hacking servers, evidence forever gone
whew lad this was his multi dimensional chess all along
>Proceeds to eat two scoops of ice cream.
>Wow, RUssia! They just launched a missile quite next to your territory
>You just gon let'em?
Dumbpf won't do shit
Trump let's Russia keep ukrain island.
Russia doesn't align with China in wwiii.
>art of deal?
if we call it ukrain island it will piss off the hohols like nobody's business though
he's actually brilliant
Goddamnit where's my day of grilled gook?
He just said, diplomatically, that Putin is a cuckhold for letting Kimmy fire his missile near Russia, whats next, let Kimmy fire his load into the womb of all the females in his family?
Shameful display Russia, wouldn't want to look weak would you?
JIDF really doing work right now. How much do they pay you?