Do you feel alone or different? Do you feel socially ostracized?

Do you feel alone or different? Do you feel socially ostracized?

To counter this cancerous Kekistan LARP, we have formed a Sup Forums self-improvement server.

We have a biweekly movie club, a weekly book club, and other outlets for self-improvement. All subject matter is related to politics!

Read the #rules to get started!

This week's book is Propaganda by Edward Bernays!

Kek, larpers.

Bump for squats

Are non-whites welcomed?



In any case, the majority of Sup Forumsacks are inbred autistic larpers so they won't get anything done without taking the ironpill.

yes, they are.

how is self-improvement larping?

You are the cancer. Sup Forums is not your advertisement forum.

real revolutionary movement start naturally
not by reminding each other not to be ham planets


Could help the alienated white youth

It is literally a self improvement designed specifically for Sup Forums and the right wing.

>revolutionary movements start naturally
no, they don't

Even Napoleon realized the French Revolution was a bunch of dumb commoners sperging out with no end goal



Copying my post from another thread:

It was nothing like that.
It was real people who had normal lives.
They weren't manchildren chanting retarded jokes at the other side.
They had legitimate concerns about living real lives.
You want a real protest, the shit that happened in Soviet Block states is the most recent example.
Not this faggy bullshit.

you'd love our reading club book.

You have no power here. Stay long enuff and you will become one of us.

>advertising discord
fuck off larper.

what does being one of you entail? Looking like a Kekistani? Lmao

>real revolutionary movement start naturally
Are you dumb deaf and blind?

Do you even history?
No revolution has started because a bunch of manchildren decided to yell dumb inside jokes at the other side.

There was real, immediate pain happening to lots of people. The Soviet Union is obvious, but even the French Revolution was spurred by people forced to live in squalor as the hoi palloi lived high.

back to reddt you fucking kek autist. go suck sargon's cock on twitter

Not being one of (((you)))

>self-improvement is Jewish

do go on

No, people who were better than your average person saw that and were able to organize and lead.

How many thousands of people were there making the constitution?

It was only the best of the best there.

No you're being subversive and a sneaky beta male
