Nuclear accelerating science
My friend today redpilled me on it saying that they are basically close to destroying the world
Also told me that they might have discovered time travel
Nuclear accelerating science
My friend today redpilled me on it saying that they are basically close to destroying the world
Also told me that they might have discovered time travel
Other urls found in this thread:
Read up on John Titor, he's rather well informed about the subject.
>might have discovered time travel
They did. Remember we're in the Trumpiverse now?
"redpill me on X" threads are against the rules
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100%factual
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
ow they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 14 EU countries
>The JQ:
Disregard that, I suck cock
While who knows what they'll discover, Im sure a lot of the conspiracy theories people pump out on CERN are full of shit and the people that research there probably get a big hoot out of all of it.
They're all super religious and I think the core has a like a hindu statue inside
They are trying to locate an ancient IBM so they can take over the world with time travel.
t. CERN Psy-Op Specialist.
jewish scam to steal money from the goyim.
Why the fuck are people so concerned with CERN when D-wave quantum computers literally destroy parallel universes every time they are used
If you combine a cellphone and a microwave, they will come after you and assassinate your friends.
t. okabe rintarou
>not hououin kyouma
CERN is just about going beyond our human limits so we can understand how the cosmos works. They do literally nothing bad at all. You really should read more before making baseless claims. They're doing good for society. And there's no way we discovered time travel. That's just silly science fiction. It's impossible.
Every time a parallel universe gets destroyed, the remaining (You)s become stronger.
Watch this entire series and every video in it and then you'll begin to understand what they're trying to research at CERN
Nothing to redpill you on :^)
Did anyone ever figure out if that sacrifice video was a hoax or not?
It's worriesome. Science is the satanists favourite tool. Whatever they plan on using it for, it won't benefit the general population.
They crash protons into each other at high energies, in highly controlled conditions so that they can record what happens and statistically infer what must have happened in the collision.
From that they work out if there's new shit or if their theories on what happens are correct.
There was speculation that micro black holes would be created and the fake news media spun it into saying CERN might kill us all. Doesn't make sense thought because MUCH higher energy particle collisions happen everyday when particles from outer space collide with our atmosphere.
The time travel thing comes from an faulty experiment where they thought a particle might be travelling faster than the speed of light. That would have implications for time. However the experiment proved to have faulty equipment and the experimenters lost a lot of credibility.
Ezekiel,s wheel
In all seriousness, this is pretty much it. They do neat stuff.
Also, check out some pictures of the LHC and pictures of microwave magnatrons if you want something interesting to look at.
cern will kill you if you try to take their time machine away
Cern It's a Distraction.
Does Sup Forums truly want to save the world?
Sup Forums you have the power to save the world!
listen and spread. we save the white race and the world from the zionists
if we shine light on the Getty Museum Underground Pedo Base !
jews are trying to revive satan.
Your friend is an idiot
Helps test otherwise theoretical physics experiments.
Your friend knows too much.
HOLY fucking shit!!!!
I don't have much time. Moeka is a secret agent working for CERN, you have to get Okabe out of there ASAP, or they will k
Trying to find out what dark matter is because without knowing what it is, science cant figure out 95% of the known mass of the universe.
Sort of a big deal when you cant even detect 95% of shit in existence.
something something opening a gateway to satan's realm ect
>tfw you had a gf that looks identical to kurisu
>she turns out to be batshit crazy and was involuntarily committed, afterwards becoming a complete whore
That thing in your picture is a passive sensor. It just sits there and listens.
>it's not like that
>it's not like that
Good argument
Is it true that Protons collision create micro black holes ? If true, how fucked are we if something bad happens ?
Oh god they're in this thread. They're watching us.
investing in lockheed martin and google fuck it
wait seriously what the fuck is this?
All you need to look up are Project Stargate, Project Camelot, and Project Looking Glass for starters.
>Is it true that Protons collision create micro black holes ?
Nope, at least not according to our current theory of gravity. Some speculative theories do predict the possibility, and physicists search through the LHC's data to see if these theories hold any water (see
Alpha collects antimatter for testing and the neutrino velocity was unrelated to the LHC.
PhD physicist here. Anyone who thinks cern will destroy the world is a sensationalizing retard.
Unlikely, and even if they were created it would be extremely unlikely for them to be stable enough to survive.
try learning about particle physics
We're watching you.
plz no jellyman
>PhD physicist
No-one refers to themself this way. You're probably undergrad engfag. Back to /sci/ with you.
summoning B
I made some concerning comments on CERNs facebook page a year or two ago, was instantly met with obvious bot account automated responses. I tricked it and it make itself quite obvious.
Called out how those two accounts attacking me were bots and proved my point, they were both deleted shortly after.
Theres some strange fuckery about CERN.
PhD in physics from MIT here and you're 100% incorrect
The research there has further disproved concepts of ghosts, spirits, souls. They have not seen any type of matter or energy which would make up these things.
I is harmless don't hurt me
>My friend redpilled me on it
>They are close to destroying the world
>They might have discovered time travel
No, no, and no. It collides particles together at extremely high speeds. I understand the "It makes black holes" claim, but that's due to a misunderstanding of black holes.
Black holes, as we know them, are built around a singularity that forms when the gravitational pressure of a star overcomes the the nuclear forces that prevent quarks from falling into each other and merging. Singularities are what results when subatomic particles are literally forced into each other and occupy the same space. In a black hole, this results in an immense output of energy followed by the occupation of space by a gravitational field WITH EQUIVALENT GRAVITATIONAL PULL TO THE MASS OF THE STAR THAT FELL INTO THE SINGULARITY.
What this means is that, when particles are accelerated towards each other at near infinite speeds in a nuclear accelerator, they may momentarily form singularities due to the overlap of subatomic particles like quarks. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, the singularities formed as a result are exceptionally short lived and will have the gravitational pull of the quarks involved.
If you managed to force two spherical rocks of 1kg each into a state of subatomic overlap, they would form a singularity. This singularity would, however, have a total gravitational pull of 2kg, and it would not incorporate matter that touched it into its mass since that is a property only of singularities with a mass over the Schwarzchild limit (the amount of mass needed to generate a gravitational pull that causes subatomic overlap to happen spontaneously). It would also decay pretty quickly, losing all its mass in a fraction of a nanosecond (670 attoseconds to be exact)
God this math was annoying to do. Too many fucking exponents.
opening portals for and communicating with demons and nephilim.
John Titor was a hoax.
Guy that helped create that nonsense was trying to sign a movie deal.
I remember reading about one of the earlier experiments with flight in europe where some guy built a hot air baloon, it landed in some filthy village. The peasants, concerned it might be a demon had a trial for the tatters of the hot air baloon "demon," found it guilty (of being a demon) and burned it.
The people in this thread are the modern day equivalent of those villagers.
>they are going to destroy the world
just how exactly, by colliding particles? They need to get shittons of anti matter to accomplish that.
>time travel
forward? possible but not with a particle collider.
They just study particles there , they cant create a black hole that might suck up the world or create a world destroying event.
El psy congroo
This. Weve been colliding particles in particle accelerators for almost a century. What makes CERN revolutionary is really only 2 things, they can get the particles they are colliding together to go faster, and the unprecadented sensitivity of the senor equipment that they have.
Other than that its not really that big of a deal.
>redpill on cern
>multimillions in gibs
>were gonna destroy teh world and travel time and sheeit
>more gibs plzz
It's a worthless particle accelerator that creates Ph.D's with no career prospects.
It's protons (little balls that stick to other balls while smaller ball does circle) that hit proton and make information. That's it nothing else to see just a lot of data for the number crunching! I been hitting the books all day and I'm bushed! We should all get sleep now. Good night!
Silly people 'armageddon' ha ha! Good movie
I know people who work there and there's literally nothing going on over there
if you think CERN is able to destroy the earth by creating a black hole or antimatter by colliding hadrons, then I must tell you that this happens all the time in throughout space, even our solar system, in fact we haven't found a black hole anywhere near the sun (the nearest one we discovered is 2800 ly away btw), and something with such a large gravitational pull would not be hard to find at all, while antimatter creation and collisions occur naturally and nothing has blown up yet (that's not to say that you wouldn't be able to create a huge amount force if you mixed 100l hydrogen with 100l anti-hydrogen for example, but a single proton colliding with an anti-proton is insignifocant and happens all the time in nature)
>they are basically close to destroying the world
yeah, and the earth is flat. better kill yourself now to end your suffering and keep humanity from having to deal with you and your potential degenerate offspring.
They make mini black holes practically every time they use the thing. Nothing is happening. OP is a phaggot.
Internet was invented there. You would not be here without these guys.
to create a black hole capable of destroying anything the collider would have to be bigger than the sun, your friend is a tin foil redditor, call him out on his bullshit, ask for sources
captchat: dumb Bürgerhaus
Dumb burger