>Tfw black with 140 iq
Am i allowed to breed with white girls then Sup Forums?
Pic related, the girl at my college I'm after.
>Tfw black with 140 iq
Am i allowed to breed with white girls then Sup Forums?
Pic related, the girl at my college I'm after.
B8 14/88
You gotta remember to axe their permission first, Tyrone.
We've been over this.
since she's lighting up the secret empire book, that would mean she's anti-sjw, and probably means she doesn't date outside her race, sorry.
She looks like human garbage, have fun.
She looks like a nice trap, Have at it, if that's your thing.
But why? Logically, why? I am going to graduate at the top of my class, I'm mentally healthy, well spoken, and strong in most physical outlets. What does it truly matter if I decide to fug a white SJW from MIT?
Good troll. I can believe your iq. But not if you'd be attracted to that dude. That isn't a chick and you know it. It's a gross looking boy.
Nothing of value will be lost here. Go ahead Dr. Tyrone
kek agrees
shit b8 asshole, I saw this pic on Sup Forums a few days ago
kill your worthless self
Make it a murder suicide and you're in
Jesus. I did an online i.d test when i first woke up and got 140..
Your still not as smart as the white man nigger
This. Get a feminine trafu, OP
we have aids under control and medicine to take care of a busted sphincter, but fucking a guy in the ass is still wrong.
I like how he knows enough to ask Master's permission, though.
Boy knows his place.
>Your still not as smart as the white man nigger
You're right, he's smarter, white boi
No. Regression to the mean, my friend. Your kids will likely have an 85 IQ.
LMAO holy shit dude, yeah feel free to breed with her hahahaha
Contrary to popular belief, the pic is indeed an XX cis female with a functioning vagina.
I hope.
old comic book day b8
go back to Sup Forums faggot
You're welcome to "her".
But you still have to go back.
looks like a real keeper, enjoy
Where do I go? My family has been here since the good old slave days. They worked their asses off to make a life here, earned their freedom during the war, and their DNA is coursing through my blood. I am an African-American!
>Sucking a fag
>short hair
You can have her.
Fuck she's hot. If only.
You should breed with her. And you should raise your kids white and encourage them to chase after whites themselves and your children's children until your genetic line is more white than black.
oh nice a larping thread
I'm a 6'15" sous chef at Weny's making 333K per year
she's not a sjw. she's lighting up the secret empire book which shows that white male hero captain america is really a nazi. an sjw would be masturbating to that comic instead. your iq can't be 140 if you aren't aware of sjw belief systems.
I bet she could stick her first really far up someone's ass.
OP here my dad works at Nintendo
>Am i allowed
Fuck you.
If consented, you are allowed to breed whoever you want.
NO! I am black! I am not white and I will never be! The black experience is who I am. My life was hindered by my race and social position, I refuse to simply forget who I am!
You CREATED me white America. I am a negro.
only if you remind her constantly that you are an anomaly
otherwise ur just a jew wepon
i cum in her little teeny tiny pig nosey nostrils, then have her hawk my cum/her mucas out of her mouth and all over my then flaccid dong, and let the mixture get cold, while i fingered my asshole with my right hand and her asshole with my left.
Dude, I literally know her in real life. The left is upset about Secret Empire because making Captain America a Nazi kind of crushes the Captain America iconography of the pushback against the whote nationalist movement. Ironically, SJWs have always loved Steve Rogers depsite him essentially being a white ubermensch archetype, blonde hair and blue eyes and all.
That's a trap.
Your life was hindered by your social position but you want your children and grandchildren to go through that same awful experience? How selfish.
dude, you literally don't. another user was right that was posted a week ago on Sup Forums. i didn't remember that until he said it.
Remember, you can't be accused of rape by a feminist if you're non-white.
nah, traps don't have feminine nostrils like that. hers are abnormally small even for a girl.
Quite obvious really. You go back to Africa Obongo. Africa's DNA is coursing through your blood, hence you should return there.
I'll even help you get the fuck out of our countries.
This had better be bait.
If not, go after all the white girls you want, but get some fucking self-respect, my dude.
>thread consenting to racemixing
>140 iq
Anyone with a high I.Q. knows that it means nothing, you silly nigger.
>Pic related, the girl at my college I'm after.
And now we're back to you being a dumb nigger.
>picture was posted by ME on Sup Forums
wow. it's almost like i am a Sup Forums poster and Sup Forums is retarded.
black people win once again
>the left is upset Captain America joined the good side
If you really have an 140 iq you would've done what needed to be done.
>unknown if handsome
>140 iq
>"well spoken"
>nigresses are sluts
>nigresses don't care if you fuck and run
>nigresses don't care if you help them raise their kids
>nigresses don't care about child support because of government gibs
>140 iq, easy to manipulate people. Very easy to manipulate sub 80 iq nigresses.
>Fuck all the nigresses you can all over the entire united states, so you 140 iq and their sub 80 iq can average out, and the next generation of blacks could actually amount to something.
>Fuck like thousands of them to FIX your nigger race.
mhmmm, iq means nothing... mine i am told is ~150 and i don't feel smart nor have i accomplished anything of note.
>saves LoGH images
>posts LoGH images
>is black
Shit b8 op, plus anyone with an IQ over 120 knows that racemixing is wrong
No. What you should do is breed with a black women and help make your kind more intelligent. Also, the white women who want to fuck you are infected with STIs now. Avoid at all cost.
If that's the girl you're after than you're clearly not THAT smart.
>140 iq
>asking /pol for permission
you obviously don't have 140 iq.
Keep holding onto that resentment and see how far it gets you in life.
She's yours m8y. God speed.
And rough her up a bit when you're done, yeah?
Your "women" is a Twink
How am I supposed to "decide" who I love? Is this what mongoloids on Sup Forums with double digit IQs and errors in replication believe? Sad!
You can have her.
No, because I want to save the genetic uniqueness of the white race. I don't care if every single nigger was Da Vinci, Shakespeare, and Bach all rolled into one. They will never be white and I want there to continue to be people of my race.
If blacks all had this same sense of self-worth, things would be better for everyone. For Christ's sake, just find some black or spic gf and have fun.
Didn't you ever see the crying game
It isn't resentment. It's reality.
>Black with 140 iq
pick one, you can't have both
It's already a disgusting whore no worthwhile man would touch, so who cares?
>a nigger
>140 iq
don't you mean 1 times 40? And no, you aren't allowed a white woman ever, boy
Sure, you're only one anyway
>she looks like a fucking degenerate
Yeah. You can have her.
Yes you are allowed, IQ is literally the only reason I am even racist.
I already said that.
Har har, drumph meme by tranny SJW troll detected, which also proves your iq is like 100 at best.
Do you even understand the central limit theorem?
Do you know what a Gaussian distribution looks like?
Are you fucking retarded?
You would honestly be doing the white race a favour by niggerfying her offspring. Wouldn't be doing blacks any favours tho...
Oh I'm very sure I can have both. I've taken both and it's been an interesting ride. It allows me to take advantage of things I'd NEVER thought possible.
Let's lay it like this for your inferior white mind. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. My straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I drink your milkshake. I DRINK IT UP!
literally no one cares, nigger. a 140 IQ nigger is such a rare occurrence that it poses no overall threat to society, except in that we're okay with it. ideally we'd lynch you for even being here talking about it, but smart niggers fucking retarded white women is hardly a threat worth worrying about. there are like 10 of you in the country.
No because you won the genetic lottery and that doesn't mean that your children will either. Best to play it safe and not have any.
posts pic of black complexion
look in a mirror
you see that monkey?
that monkey is you.
blacks have low IQ's anyway, all your "kids" will just be thugish rubbish bones.
you only in MIT because some Jew looked at your application and said "diversity!" and let you in.
Go back to Africa and make a home for your people if you want to be truly successful, America is a white mans home, and the only niggers here cam here as farm equipment and are worthless, you blacking up this country will just more niggers in charge and fuck it up again like Obongo did
Breed with a black woman to improve the race you FUCKING MONGOLOID.
Don't you realize if blacks don't inwardly improve themselves and their culture they won't ever improve? Whites are becoming increasingly racially aware, we don't want "high IQ" niggers breeding with us. Big whoop.
You're not white. You're black. You have an incredible opportunity, but no, muh white women.
I'm actually being serious. Sorry for calling you a nigger (nigger), but for real, you DO have an opportunity to genuinely improve your race. Do your part.
To elaborate:
In America, the probability of a 145 IQ black person ~= probability of a 175 IQ white person
There are many 175 IQ white people => there are a substantial number of 145 IQ black people
I'll take "Shit That Never Happened" for $1,000 please.
It should have been clear!
>allowed to remove from my races gene pool
If you're a racial supremacists, don't you wish for the best for your own? If you're actually this smart, you should be trying to elevate your race, not escape it
If you have a 140 you'll understand this perfectly: you should hyper-breed with black women in every major black city in the country before settling down with your black wife and raising as large of a family as you can manage without bankrupting yourself. Further, you have to live in one of the better ghettos of your choice; you have to teach them the algorithms of self-improvement and self-worth.
No fucking way thats a dude with hips loke that
If you have an iq of 140 how would you even rationalize fucking that girl. Raise the bar man
Love is by definition irrational.
This. Make the black chimpouts of 1000 years from now look like the white chimpouts of 50 years ago.
Your choices will mold the future of your race. The butterfly effect is real.
OP, breed with something that isn't a SJW. You're going to be, at best, a fetish for her.
Honestly if you could control your own line past your generation, I'd advise you to outbreed for one generation and push your children and grandchildren towards blacks. The impact you could have on your own people by introducing a shot of new genetic material can be incredible.
And honestly, OP, you say you love this woman, but you aren't certain that she's a cis female? Have you even been on a date with her? Have you even held her hand? Are you just a black foreveralone?
do everything these guys say to do, bro
Oh Lawd...
>140 iq
>goes after pic related
dude, she likes pussy more than you do.
That's a boy Tyrone.
Stahp LARPing about muh eyekyoo n sheeit and go get your eyes tested cunt.
>140 Iq clown
there seems to be a pattern
>black with 140 iq
>a nigger even counting that high
That if you're black and have bi-racial kids you're creating a class of minorities with lightskin privelege whom will get all the Affirmative Action benefits instead of your black brothers.
They will be resented by black and white alike
And you're creating one more class of people who will effectively oppress your black brothers
But, white skin is nice, so worth it, right?
Use the High Quality Pic you fucking Beaner
I did an IQ test when I was 8 years old and got 147 IQ, but I am half Anglo half Korean. What about me?
it was pic related
Negro from Necro? You overcame it so they named you after it? And you be spittin' at deathand putting kick me signs on his back because you are not the son of Sha Clack Clack? Take your bullshit Saul Williams, Kunta Kinte nigger shit back to reddit and come back when you're less of a faggot, Toby.