Why is bestiality illegal?.
I'm an atheist and live in free burger land, I shouldn't be constrained by your 300 year old bible laws!
Certain animals can consent anyway, so what's the problem?
Why is bestiality illegal?
Move to a free country.
Right. The mudslims do it all the time.. and so do you
Fucking Barbarian
This is why we can't have nice things
it is not! I've been fucking my pig of a mother since my father left her some 19 years ago yet no one in our neighborhood has any problem with it.
>animal abuse
>lack of ability to make moral/law-based decisions (ie. Explicit Consent)
>as of now, confusing/upsetting to youth
>devious act in the face of a reality where fucking animals isn't necessary
>I'm an atheist
no you are not
Pedos and animal fuckers need actual mental help.
Fun fact: full bestiality is legal in 12 American states as opposed to the non penetrative bestiality legal in only 10 canadian provinces
>certain animala can consent
What fucking dimension are you tuned into mate? I think your aerial is busted
When has fucking animals ever been necessary?
listen up horsefucker, I used to be like you. I was a low-test beta male with no friends IRL, working retail, no gf, the works, all when MLP:FiM came out. I joined /r/mlp, hung out in a goddamn irc channel, met some other fucking weirdo friends, and was balls-deep into the whole thing.
then my balls dropped, and I realized how stupid the whole fucking thing is. also: fandoms in general. like, I still enjoy games and TV shows and stuff, from time to time, but fandoms just piss me off now, because they're so fucking lame and just lead to obsessive and unhealthy tendencies. one of my brony-friends was a grown-ass man who, it turned out, was just the kind of person that would flit from one fandom to the next, always looking for a new fucking intellectual property to associate with his identity. when Frozen came out, he was so obsessed, he ended up getting a cardboard standup of Elsa from a local Target or something. then he was a girl for awhile. then he got into pro wrestling. he's a miserable person because he doesn't have a life outside of obsessing over media franchises and their fandoms. it's fucking degenerate and terrible.
grow the fuck up, realize that fangaying over shit is for loser babies, get some balance in your life, and for God's sake, don't fuck any horses, you retarded nigger. take a long hard look at your life and sort yourself out.
T. Has never been had a mare push their wet winking pussy up to them
If I.could give up my life here right now to go to equestria with my horse wife, I would go without a second thought
Most of the fucked up people in society are descendants of sheep and pig fuckers. You have no idea how much damage this practice can cause!
I think bestiality is gross but there is something to be said about sexual rights re animals. isnt masturbating animals to collect sperm for artificial insemination a very common farm practice? If you dont need consent for that whats the implications for bestiality?
It's legal in Canada
the problem with bestiality is, it's degenerate, and if made commonplace, would lead to the downfall of society. just look at Canada.
unironically off yourself, you'll find Equestria on the other side of a noose
>Why is bestiality illegal?.
It isnt. At least, in my state.
One is icky to think.about.and the other is just okay
Like this fag, his argument is "its wrong because it is, and it makes me feel gross!"
It never has been. That's the point.
If you want protection, you form a government and get a job to compensate the people who protect you. Therefore, it is necessary to work.
If you want release, you can jack off or fuck a girl. Therefore, it isn't necessary to fuck an animal.
>Certain animals can consent anyway, so what's the problem?
If they can consent, then they should have a legal age of consent, right? How old must a horse be for it to be able to consent?
Why they make hoers so fuckable?
It's done under a controlled environment and doesn't harm the animal when done by an experienced stable-master.
Give any poor shmuck a dog/bird/horse/snake and they might get the wrong ideas about how much "semen" is enough for them.
Even if bestiality weren't facially degenerate, there is no point to it and it can only lead to wasted time, wasted energy, and inter-species diseases developing.
i agree with you, but "degenerate" is not a good reason to criminalise smth... imho it should be banned on health grounds. didnt HIV come about cause of ppl fucking monkeys?
Texas, actually, crocodile fucker
Animals don't have rights. Bestiality is taboo abd usually illegal because other people think its gross. Animal husbandry is a part of our lifestyles, sticking your dick in animals is not.
Degenerate = what I don't like
Is literally the argument "stop liking what I don't like
There's not a law specifically about bestiality but it would be covered by animal cruelty laws. Same with canada's dog blowjobs, despite the memes
Estrus. Then good to go
They are the pinnacle of sexuality
your ancestors spent millions of years evolving that thing between your ears to tell you to stick that thing between your legs into a thing between a woman's legs, in order to keep evolving. that's what it's used for, that's the purpose of it. also sometimes pee comes out.
how does it feel knowing that your brain is so addled, your life choices so poor, that you are literally contemplating ways to stick your penis—a true marvel of evolution—into a horse's vagina, for pleasure? find a nice white girl vagina and fuck the shit out of that instead, like God intended.
repealing laws/not making laws on the basis of "'degenerate' isn't a good enough reason, I'm a free human, I have the right to do whatever I want" is why we have the current modern ultraliberal hellhole we currently do.
if I kill you, I'll go to jail. if I rape you, I'll go to jail. if you kill my dog, you'll go to jail. if you rape my uncle's horse...?
Not only is it gross, it is also animal cruelty.
I used to let my dog fuck me and would use him to practice sucking dick and I turned out fine.
Jacobellis v. Ohio
>pinnacle of sexuality
Absolutely this.
I've been fucking horses for years and it's not going to stop because of some butthurt anonymous faggots.
The true redpill is that they love to fuck.
Black women are better
Its only illegal because our ancestors wanted society to be a smooth running machine that supported the greater good. Fucking animals doesn't help so it got banned.
>animal abuse
As is caging animals.
As happens when eating them.
>lack of ability to make moral/law-based decisions (ie. Explicit Consent)
Some animals can certainly "consent". I don't recall a single animal ever consenting to being murdered for food though.
>as of now, confusing/upsetting to youth
Boo hoo, grow the fuck up.
>devious act in the face of a reality where fucking animals isn't necessary
Neither is eating them.
am i degenerate for just enjoying girls fucking dogs
like thats it, just that.
find it hot
ive made 3 girls fuck a dog for me now, two gave me head while getting fucked
is that really so bad?
Dog cum sure tastes a lot better than human cum.
Billions of times better, honestly.
I'm so fucking sick of burgershits with no education shitposting about "hur dur sex with dogs" so let's get you faggots educated.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled SOME sex acts with animals to be legal and changed the law as it was archaic. This is only for non penetrative sexual acts.
Furthermore, non penetrative bestiality is legal in only 10 canadian provinces but full bestiality is legal in 12 American states.
Finally there are more animals than just dogs but a close minded and retarded burger wouldn't understand that.
> "certain animals can consent"
> "NEEEIGH user fuck my horsehole"
It's not bad in any way.
I want to fuck rainbow dash
Plus, they shoot a huge amount
jesus fuck calm down leaf, it was just bantz. that said, according to the first thing on google, you're wrong, it's actually 14 states, which is horrifying. at least my state, based South Dakota, isn't on the list
i like giving my cats the succ/rub-rub
thanks man.
appreciate hearing that
>In 2017, five states (Texas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont and Nevada) introduced legislation to ban interspecies sex.
oh god can you even imagine what those hearings must be like?
I give mice cancer to look at specifically how bad it gets under different conditions. We only pretend like it's a problem or morally wrong when we find it too gross compared to the human gain.
One dude getting off is not a very big gain
Yeah you are definitely a degenerate.
And it's more thin and watery
I want to drink cum, not eat it
Tastes like hot chicken broth
Whereas human cum is like eating snails that has the aftertaste of caffeine and whatever antidepressants they're on
You should join ISIS the, I heard they love americans!
>but we do similar things here and there!
>so that mean's its ok!
said the animal fucker
nice flag
This is a whole new level of cuckery.
To be honest. Horses are the only animals i'm sexually attracted to.
>clean winking pussy
>gushing mare cum
>can make a mare orgasm with just one finger
>no disgusting pubes all over the vag
Horses are gods gift to man.
What if the animal is dead? I've had sex with fresh roadkill before how is that wrong
Still on the pavement level fresh?
as long as you didn't kill the animal for the sole purpose of fucking it, it's not wrong
just stupid
I remember a case in Washington State some years back where a guy was rushed to the emergency room with a perforated colon from getting fucked by a horse.
cuckery implies my whore woman is going out choosing to get fucked someone besides me
this is me making a girl lower herself to fucking a dog for my amusement why she blows me
how a cuck
Just fucking why user
There's nothing wrong with bestiality. Humans are just pretentious animals. If you don't need consent to hunt animals I don't need consent to fuck animals. Someone post that webm of the sea lion fucking that penguin.
how exactly are you giving these mice cancer...
kek this was my second thought, my first was "damnit /mlp/"
Pretty sure that would break a human dick.
>If you don't need consent to hunt animals
you do need consent to hunt animals in many if not most countries.
oh no not you
I haven't seen you in a while
ah yes hello good to see you again whoever you are
>You can eat a beef
>But you can't fuck a beef
thats not real freedom
t. humanfucker who has never tasted the bliss that is horse pussy. The way it twitches, convulses, and chokes on something as small as a human penis. You couldn't even tear a mare's hymen with your insignificant penii.
Is that you Mcknab?
Are you fucking serious? do you go up to deer and ask if it's okay to put a bullet through its head?
>Why is bestiality illegal?.
The Middle East is where we get the term goat fucker. I seriously doubt anti-bestiality laws are based on any religious rules.
You technically do by making sure they are in good number beforehand.
Niggah female pussy is disgusting and full of bacteria, but a horse's vagina is worse then that.
Animal abuse.
probably the meat of your burger has had human cum in it. beastiality is a huge problem with cattle farmers in america, they struggle for employees so they have to settle with what they can get, and they get the beastsexuals.
Extremely fresh. It was a wombat hit by a car. Stopped to check it was dead, it was, so I rolled it off the road into the bushes and came in it.
>what are game laws
what lmao
>i need approval from the DNR before I can fuck my wife, but if I do get approval, she has no say in it
Not even furries like to fuck animals.
Remember your place in this world user.
and? horse vagina is probably cleaner than an std ridden whore.
It's a completely dead law anyway, unless you are fencehopping or are dumb enough to record it
What the fuck are you talking about?
FYI, the thread is about the legalities of fucking animals. Your wife has no ground in this conversation except for when I'm fucking her like an animal.
Where does one find horses to fuck though?
>what are game laws
>the average female horse is less std ridden than the average female human.
I hate that you're probably right.
>consent: Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another
So I don't need an individual's consent just the governing body's? Alright let me fuck this woman as long as I have the government's consent.
Come on down to Texas my friend.
If rape is legal, rape is legal.
generally speaking, animal stds don't transfer to humans
so diseases are really only a concern if you're sticking your dick in a particularly nasty infected wild animal puss
sometimes I implant cancer cells into them
One guy I know uses a chemical which fucks their pancreas up whkch can cause cancer
sometimes we use mice which are genetically doomed to die of horrible cancer early in adulthood
Furries aren't attracti-