Literally a glorified welfare program.
Literally a glorified welfare program
Literally the most inefficient, regressive welfare system on the planet.
Compare army barracks to nigger infested welfare ghettos and get back to me which one has more violence, drugs, and unwed mothers with 8 babies with 8 daddies.
At least they do some work. Unlike the nogs at the welfare line
My friend joined the navy, so I sed to hang out with him at the naval base
Holy shit. They are like spoiled college kids. They have a bar, a small shopping center, a movie theater, free housing, free food, ect ect
I mean boot camp looks like shit. And once you're in the military, you are their little bitch for like 12 years.
Not as bad as welfare at all, but definitely not a big "brace sacrifice" for the country
That's peacetime, POG military for you. As long as there's no fighting going on, it's just a constant grind to keep the machinery running in case, in some event, it were actually needed.
The military industrial complex is literally the only solution to a nuclear world, though. Better get used to waste on a societal scale.
The military is a microcosm of the larger society.
In the Army you mostly have whites going into combat arms while minorities prefer support jobs. I remember running past the Rigger school in Fort Bragg and thinking I was in a plantation from antebellum days. Almost every student was black (but, while a support job, it is an important one, as they're the ones who pack a paratrooper's parachute). You see likewise in wherever quartermaster troops are trained.
However once you get into the sergeant ranks that distinction fades a bit, even in the infantry. Blacks are well represented in the NCO ranks. Asians are quickly overtaking other minorities in the officer ranks.
Former Navy here.
It really depends on what community you decide to get in on, can't speak for army too well.
>little bitch for like 12 years.
Wrong. I don't know of a contract that signs you for 12. Regular is 3,4 or 6 at the most.
it sucks working for uncle sam but once you get out you can makes 200k for 6 months work
t. contractor
POGs make up the majority of the military, and they do actual jobs during peacetime instead of jerking off.
Most military guys have what you would consider a regular 9-5 job, like IT or maintenance, desk jobs etc...
It's not a bunch of /fit/ guys getting yelled at, doing PT, and cleaning the bathrooms with toothbrushes like TV or just being uneducated would tell you.
There is rampant waste, and inefficiencies for sure, but it would have to be 100x worse than it is now to even be on par with the current welfare state.
I signed up before finishing the OP's post.
NOT... I make bank fapping.
Shit man you're here all the time, don't you have stuff to do over there?
not till monday
All of my this
Any idea what types of guys Nicholson wants to send over there? I've got a couple weeks yet to decide what MOS to take and I'd rather have a POG job in the sandbox than fuck around in Mississippi somewhere with a useless tab on my arm.
None of the recruiters will tell me what 'advisors' they want.
Have 4 certifications, college being paid for atm, getting payed, have free living, get to live in a foreign country and bang their women, getting good job experience. Already getting some job offers and I dont get out for 4 more years. Feels good man.
>t. retard who was army commo/ada for 4 years active
wow no fucking shit?
Just saying that the military doesn't churn up the absolute scum of society like everyone assumes it does from 80's movies. They're only selecting people that would have a pretty easy time getting a normal civilian job now.
89d (i've heard they rotate pretty frequently compared to others)
i wasn't in the army though so i can't say for sure. my buddy says its mostly infantry/intel guys. but seriously do not take my word for it i rarely interacted with the army during my term in. when i did see them it was always either EOD or infantry on patrol
PMC's are recruiting all the time man, theres always wars to be fought
Literally slave labor desu
You work around the clock sometimes, like no sleep for 24-48 sometimes
And you're on call everyday at every hour even on your off days
Soldiers work harder than any wagecuck or snot nose kid/manchild/skank who's lived in and out of schools for the entirety of their twerpy little lives
I did a 4 x 8 (VTU in the Individual Ready Reserve on the back end). I think this is what he meant.
like all government spending?
*24-48 hours
Just be an officer, make bank and retire after 21 years retiring as a Ltc with a 6 figure income from benefits like my dad did.
i bet if we made you drag marble slabs up a mile high mound of dirt every day, it would make you work even harder
>banging their women
I call horseshit, only the absolute dregs of society would fuck us in misawa. SK can't be that much more open to Americans.
How is it welfare?
I did 9 years in the Royal Navy and I worked really hard. I was a diver. Diving can fuck up your blood easily. It's complicated. It's based on various calculations to do with oxygen transfer. Have you heard of 'bends'?
To put a human being in deep water is a risk as it is not natural. We are land mammals. Also life at sea is difficult. Cramped living, shit food, a bedspace the size of insects.
I love water. And swimming. Being a Navy diver was a good choice. I kind of miss it, but whatever; I still swim. The river is very cold and I do a breathing excercise before I go in. It takes less than a minute to go in the water, but it's very cold.
>ammunition specialist
Shit, looks like a good way to get your fingers blown off by a rigged mortar round.
Thanks, man.
Misawa is in the Japanese country side. City folk are much more open. Im in Seoul.
Thanks for the reply user, I'll have to keep my eyes open for some opportunities. Making okay money now but could always use an upgrade.
Of course it would, we lived that shit
One mile is nothing, try 20 klicks up a mountain then you'll have something
Just strap that slab on our backs and we'll ruck it to hell and back
Have you been employed in Syria? If yes please give a small story.
I don't get why we don't scoop up homeless and unemployed (after a certain period of being unemployed) and put them in the army. They get free room and board and food and now our army numbers go up, making us look more powerful as a result
>tfw i actually fought islamic extremists
talk shit all you want, you will never know that feel
Making E5 pay with no expenses besides my car insurance back home. Not bad pay for a single guy doing jack shit for work.
Because in theory you're not producing anything, you may as well be paid to run in a hamster wheel all day.
Ancap guys are cucks, don't worry about it.
It's almost as if poor minorities could give two fucks about this country. Who woulda' thunk it?
You guys ever notice a shitload of military veterans post here?
It's like the average military veteran is some retarded racist.
hell dude, if you want wanna get back in the shit celebrities and business people contract out all the time. I know a guy who makes more fucking money than I do because his team guards Bill Maher everytime they do an "Islam"-themed guest during the show. He makes a ton of money off liberals! To protect them from Muslims! And lives in Santa Fucking Monica!
he's got it made my man
if any American PMC did contracting work in Syria right now they would be disbarred from working for and within the United States (death sentence) and could be open to prosecution. i've heard some may do resupply but they have to get literally every single action they take approved by the federal government, and are under incredible supervision the entire time
Maybe, how is it there right now with NK going crazy? I'd be on edge too paranoid for that shit. Glad I got out of japan even.
Would you trust millions of dollars of equipment to a homeless drunk or an autistic NEET?
have you noticed the bait threads too so they can survey
just don't be surprised if someone randomly pops in with comments about servicemembers when you are posting in a non related thread. Maybe that's just my paranoia though :^)
>1 post by this id
Quickly, someone thank me for my service.
You ever notice how a shitload of military veterans saw their best friends get their brains blown out by a degenerate Muzzie, nigger or paco?
It's like the average military veteran has some goddamn common sense.
Im really not too concerned. If war happens then whatever im kind of fucked anyways. If there was really cause for concern my CoC would lets us know. Might not actually...but still im 95% sure shit isnt going to happen while im here. Just 5 months left.
>Defense is worthless
>maintaining a force for use as a deterrent/power is worthless
Literally retarded kill yourself commie
That's just what Ancaps say, man. I'm enlisting right now.
Welfare for globalists. American boys die so international banking interests can be protected.
Hey man are you in yongsan? Want to meet up and fight?
>Shit post.
>Leaf flag.
Some things never change, I see.
I want to join so fucking bad but I have asthma
Just wait for the wars to pick back up again, they'll overlook that shit no problem as long as you can run ok.
This doesn't even make sense, you could use the pipeline theory and it's US/WEU deepstate vs Russia-China.
I'm not a fan of deepstate, but i'd rather my deepstate win than fucking Russia and commie china.
Also go lookup US combat deaths, you are safer in Afghanistan than you are in Chicago/Detroit at night.
Looking to do army after I finish college
Any idea (generally) how many years of experience a PMC is looking for? Planned on just doing army for 20 years for the pension, but if I can get out early and make way more money that's a way better option in every way.
>set up and run by the jews
>for people to stupid to get a real job
>larger amounts of niggers than the general population
yup, almost identical to welfare
Side question for anyone with experience. If you join the military with the intentions of seeing combat, how likely is that you will get it?
Yeah man. Meet up at the Katusa at 4. Ill have the pork bulgogi waiting :^)
I'm in the Army - it's a fucking embarrassing hell hole and I wish we could go back to being racist abusers and stop coddling women and fags
I've asked the same thing a few times, and the usual answer is that shit's pretty light right now. We're pretty hands off in Afghanistan and Iraq, with just a few Marine divisions seeing any real shit between the two of them.
Unless you intend to go full career special forces sneaky operator motherfucker, there's a very good chance you could go a full term without a combat deployment these days.
It is 'paid' dipshit.
jesus said "live by the sword die by the sword"
5.56 -_-
i did 5 in the USAF AFSC 1C2X1
i didn't have a college degree though
Sweet, ill be in grey gym shorts and a light blue shirt...
Lets push for 1530
PMC is fucking scary stuff, there is a reason you get paid so well.
And unlike the military, your salary is coming from your employer directly instead of taxes so they are gonna make sure they get their moneys worth out of you.
Also because violence is particularly expensive legally etc... they are much stricter on the use of lethal force because it ultimately costs them money.
Why do Canadians post the dumbest shit on this board? Fucking sage.
>this guy's a combat controller
You got any proofs user? Never met one before. CCTs are like unicorns
How much swimming is enough swimming to pass the indoc? when does one know theyre ready?
Being on a ship was the only time I was glad to be a manlet.
found the coward who never joined the military even though a war on terror is on-going
Op is literally a faggot. Sage
Damn, when I served in army we were training whole year. Get up at 5am, morning exercise at 5.30am, then breakfast and rest of the day training - driving on BMD, chemical-radiation training or regular mini-marathons in full gear. At the end of 2nd month I was so tired that want to throw my machinegun in some bushes and go to sleep.
But the most fucked up thing is (((battle alarm))). Imagine that you just went to sleep, tired af, a bit hungry, and then somwhere in 2am SIRENS EVERYWHERE WAR WAR GET THE FUCK UP PRIVATE RUN FOR FUCKING ARMORY WHATS HAPPENING I DONT WANNA DIE JUST LET ME SLEEP BMD ENGINE IS NOT STARTING GET THOSE ATGMS HERE WHERES YOUR HELMET PRIVATE
For that year I forgot how beer tastes. At least MREs were super tasty.
Thank you for the insight.
>here's some money, go do this thing for me
I think the word you're looking for is job.
Most Canadian soldiers are dirt poor and you call the US army a welfare program lmfao
... shit are you talking about the ghetto or the barracks cuz I've seen some shit in barracks
>Grow so massive that literally no human force on earth could defeat your military
>there's still money to be made buying and selling guns though so you pretend that a world war is still going on, sell your spare guns to dirty arabs, then send kids with your own guns to fight them in their home turf to pass the time
post proof or gtfo
hey, someone on Sup Forums actually understands the whole game for a change
try to get combat experience or a clerance. get an mos that is in high demand by pmcs, they aren't always combat related. if you run across a guy working for a pmc get to know him, help him out, get his business card, etc.....