>taking putin seriously
Taking putin seriously
only people who get their news from late night comedians would do so
> not being 5'7
> believing the tall Jew
Serious question. How cynical does a country have to be to elect someone that can stand eye to eye with the average 4th grader?
You had Yeltsin, who was pretty tall.
>measuring a man's worth by his height and not his actions
same height as joe rogan. There might be a coincidence. or not.
Hitler was just 5'8.
Start worrying.
>average male height
>pretty tall
Being that short is an action.
Inb4 some retard says 5'8 then is 6'4 now
Better question, how big of a faggot do you have to be to care about another mans height? Nonetheless a man who is literally one million times more wealthy and successful than you?
Everyone ITT is honestly a fag. The man is a billionaire and owns the largest country on earth. No one will remember you, however. At least you're 5'11 king of manlets though hahahaha
Kek stay mad little guy
>believing the tall Jew
being able to reach the top of the refrigerator is not a Jewish conspiracy
Worst CIA meme you pedophiles have created in a long time
How does it feel to know that a manlet accomplished more than you will in your life 10,000 times over?
that's quite tall for the era
remember that in ancient times, quality nutrition was not very widespread, and height in directly linked to the parents
Im pretty sure caesar had good nutrition.
Only complete morons give a fuck about such petty things.
I'm guessing you have very little in your favour besides your height and that's why you feel obliged to mock shorter people.
Americans are so jealous. How is it, losing every war in history and being surpassed in relevancy by fucking russia?
Yeah, your google and faked wikipedia numbers don't add nothing. Your propaganda is breaking. Anti-American parties are winning all around Europe right now.
Enjoy your face being kicked in.
can't hear you down there bud, need a stool maybe?
> Reaching into the Jew space
>All that money and success and you'll always be a tiny little man
I'd rather be homeless
none of that gmo shit, that's for sure
even Caesar's slaves ate better than we do
Germans are so jealous. How is it, losing both world wars and being surpassed in relevancy by the fucking Americans?
Yeah, your google and fake wikipedia numbers don't add nothing. Your propaganda is breaking. Anti-Aryan parties are winning around the world right now.
Enjoy you face being kicked in
>tfw you will never be one of caesar's oil rubbing slaves
Why even live
only 3% of men in the US are 6' or taller.
The manlet hate is a myth.
Most men are under 6ft. Most men who left their mark on history were under 6ft too.
This man was 5'8. Do you think he ever thought "i'm too short?"
I doubt it. Virtue and courage are far more important than any quality you could be born with.