I am a Republican because I believe ancient Bronze Age storybooks are a good guide to public policy in the 21st century
I am a Republican because I believe it was ok to illegally invade a sovereign nation for oil and murder 600,000 civilians
I am a Republican because I believe it's a crime to abort a couple of cells that haven't attained consciousness
I am a Republican because I believe it was ok to insult the office of the president every day from January 20, 2009 to January 19, 2017 with childish insults, name-calling, and lies
I am a Republican because I believe women's only purpose in life is being a mindless baby factory
I am a Republican because I believe the right to own a deadly weapon is more important than the right to have access to free health care
I am a Republican because I want to deny two consenting adults in love the right to marry and raise a child because both of them happen to have a penis
I am a Republican because I believe in giving US tax dollars to the apartheid state of Israel
I am a Republican because I believe it's ok for the INS to bust down doors and rip Mexican children out of their mother's arms
I am a Republican because I believe it's ok for police to beat up and jail an African-American teenager for possessing 2 ounces of marijuana
I am a Republican because I think a tax-dodging racist demagogue with fake hair is qualified to be president
I am a Republican because I believe nonwhite people are three-fifths a human
I am a Republican
hey Share Blue™!
I'm OP
I'm faggot and lover of nigger dicks in my anus.
>I am a Republican because I believe it was ok to insult the office of the president every day from January 20, 2009 to January 19, 2017 with childish insults, name-calling, and lies
you forgot how it was not okay to criticize bush in the same way for them.
>thinking anyone here cares about the Republican/Democratic party
They are one and the same you stupid nigger.
seasoning this post
fuck niggers, fuck poor people, and fuck you
you call him stupid but the reality is just as many cucks on this board can't see the forest for the trees.
>I am a Republican because I believe nonwhite people are three-fifths a human
*not human
That's true, all you can do is lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink.
Take my upvote, nice meme! :)
I was literally shaking in fear before reading this. Thanks for your contribution OP,it really calmed me down and made me think about the racist world we live in.
Is this supposed to make me Demoncratic or something?
Not everyone is a complete tool that votes red because of trivial shit like homophobia and a hatred of brown people so as to give the wealthy more leverage to fuck them up the ass every day
Someone make one of these for liberals please. Not so good at it myself but hypocrisy, privilege, drugs and degeneracy would probably make a good start.
Underrated fpbp
Yawn. So little talent in this poster. At least Share Blue fags are at least trying something now unless this was just copy and pasted. Which is probably what happened. OP just simply isn't intelligent enough.
Holy shit, OP is a faggot!
I am a Democrat because I unknowingly believe in Luciferianism.