Every job listing requires a bachelors degree just to interview.
How can people say that college is a waste? You're stuck at $13 an hour without it
Every job listing requires a bachelors degree just to interview.
How can people say that college is a waste? You're stuck at $13 an hour without it
Horrible b8
Go learn a trade like a man instead of paying thousands of dollars to sit in a room full of women and talk about your feelings, you fucking faggot
Learn a trade, with just 8 months tradeschool I'm pulling 32 an hour.
College makes you LESS able to get a job.
Which trade?
Doesn't matter. Pick one.
College is a meme every one fell for, before collegues you just decided what you want to do in life and then you went with a master in such trade and work for him for years until he will give you the title of master. I never understand people who goes to collegue to study arts thats honestly a big waste.
>yes goy, work in a trade where you cap out at $20-$30 an hour doing back breaking work and destroy your joints
Yeah totally guys!
Why don't you faggots just major in a business related field?
Keep believing this meme. If you go study engineering at a state school you can easily make 50+ per hour after graduation. You just need an internship.
t. Chemical engineer
There's so many. Do you know anything about toxic chemical/radiation cleanup? Seems pretty redpilled
And that's how I know you're bullshiting
Business is for gigantic faggots. You'll never know the true pleasure of working on a weapon of death and destruction, watching it fly away to bring freedom to the enemy.
And how much debt do you have, Carlos? You can make 6 figures as an electrician without cycling yourself for 4 years
Google it, retard. I'm not your fucking life coach.
Underachieving faggots spotted. You dumb niggers literally had a ticket to the upper middle class in your hands through education, but you partied and drank your way into deadbeat jobs. Enjoy dying poor.
Web design listing
>bachelors required
Administration listing
>bachelors required
Management listing
>bachelors required
Marketing job listing
>bachelors required
Everything requires a bachelors, unless you're working on air conditioners and doing shitty construction work.
Sup Forums just can't accept this
t. GI bill having veteran
t. Still not using said GI bill because I'm making plenty of money being a GC
8K in debt. Retards that can't get scholarships shouldn't go to college.
Job already set up for when I graduate.
Actually, took 2 and half years of school for shits and giggles. Also paid for by employer.
We all die with nothing, but at least I'm doing well now with 0 debt and a few grand in the bank.
not one of my coworkers did college and entry level pay is $35k/yr.. I'm at $50k after 3yrs
Every job that online requires a tech degree will also give you cancer in 15 years
Most of the jobs include working with toxic chemicals and shit
>job asked for bachelors degree
>or experience
>got hired. At 15/hr
>got promoted internally a couple times, salaried at 60k now
Yea ok
>You dumb niggers literally had a ticket to the upper middle class in your hands through education
I'm white so I don't get affirmative action.
And someone who doesn't waste their time/money on that gay shit will have already been working for 4-6 years
>trade where you cap out at $20-$30 an hour
This is actually about what engineers and doctors make per hour, since they're paid by salary and work way more than 40 hours per week.
Guy I used to work with did 6 months training for welding. Made $25 an hour right out of school.
>bureaucratic daycare jobs where your main asset is "likeability"
>this is what you want to do with your life
not a single one of those is an entry level position and you, as a fresh graduate are nothing but entry level.
I went from making $0 to 62k per year entry level. That is fucking sad.
>finishing a degree
>not dropping out after our first internship offers to bring you on full time
Degrees are pointless, you need to not be an autist and actually make connections with people.
I just graduated and make $58k, and I make the least out of my group of college friends. I am sorry you are poor.
If you went to college and are worried about getting a minimum wage job, that mean your degree is shit.
You can make bank welding/pipe fitting
HVAC all day.
Make 100k and I turn work away and Im not the only one. Everybody..everybody needs their air conditioning and heat, their electricity and plumbing, their appliances repaired and their car inspected. Nobody needs gender studies.
Ive never finished high school, yet I know three languages and I'm managing big print house. I started working when I was 17 year old. Had one goal, to become printing specialist. Now I have offers from top companies. I could probably make twice as much somewhere else. it took me more than 10 years of hard physical work to get to where I am right now. It fuckin feels good achieving everything by yourself.
And then he died of lung cancer 10 years later
That is what I hear. One of my friends is an engineer specializing in the design of HVAC systems, and he says that technicians make as much as he does, sometimes more.
I didn't complete my degree and managed to get a job earning 80k a year.
Suck my dick.
50k isn't poor unless you live in a high col area.
E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P is the only correct answer for White Men™. I suggest you try it. Remember that immigrants who don't even speak the language show up and create successful businesses by the thousands. If you can sit down with pencil and paper and think of a way to provide any good or service, you can be an entrepreneur and run your entire life the way you see fit. The only "rule" is succeeding and doing what is necessary to make a real business.
t. Former neet, now making ~$75k profit/yr online.
Degree inflation nigger. Just because a job says you need a Masters degree doesn't mean it actually needs one, you can blame the HR scourge for this bullshit.
Can't complaint I am starting my bussiness with the time and money I saved from going to collegue.
This is the dumbest straw man that anti-college fags make. Most colleges don't even offer gender studies.
>Every job listing requires a bachelors degree just to interview.
They can want all they want.
>How can people say that college is a waste? You're stuck at $13 an hour without it
$21.60/hr 10 minutes from the house in a low cost of living area.
I make 16 dollars an hour sitting on my ass, going on pol/, watching movies and youtube working as security.
Dreams are possible without college.
I love my meaningless job.
You were too stupid to get scholarships, fine with me. Not everybody is cut out for college. I personally wouldn't trade these 4 years for a shitty job as working a trade.
>laying rebar fucks up your back
>concrete finishing probably fucks up your back
>welding fucks up your eyes
great options.
M8 most welding masks come with respirators nowadys, you only really have to worry about fumes if you're welding Galvanzed shit anyways.
>Every job listing requires a bachelors degree just to interview.
If a job listing requires a bachelors degree and you don't think it needs one, apply for the job anyways. Four possible outcomes:
1) The employer won't get anyone with a bachelors degree applying and realize that requiring a bachelors degree was a dumb idea, and you get hired.
2) The employer gets people who have a bachelors degree applying, but they all have unrealistic expectations of the job and demand too much, so they hire you because you're being realistic.
3) They hire some guy with a degree and you waste a few minutes of your time.
4) Some other guy without a bachelors also read this and applied and got the job instead of you.
Every job listing might say they require a bachelors degree, but they really don't. Just apply.
Literally just lie and said you went to some shitty school on the other side of the country. If you're able to read four books on a subject then you have about as much knowledge as a typical liberal arts degree.
I studied International Studies and even though our professors all had these elite ivy league PHDs, the typical student was a retarded acne-ridden girl slutting around frat row
>too stupid to get scholarships
I joined the military. I would get paid to go to college if I wanted to and I'm still not going because I'm making more money being a general contractor
I just go to college because I've been an electronic and programming hobbyist all my life and wanted to have fun while also getting a meaningless paper.
I know I'll end up working for my cousin in the family's business, he'll buy me in some way or another and he has already told me that I'm the most reliable honest person he knows and he can't make shit happen without me.
In the meantime I'm more than happy studying signal processing and making useless projects with dad's money.
Stop being a pussy
This. I know a few guys who became millionaires in ~10 years with the following formula:
>get a job in the trades (usually earning $15-30/hr)
>learn the business for a few years, saving up money from your fairly good salary
>open up a side company in the same field, taking the contracts that are too small for the company that employs you (kick back a percentage to them, of course)
>expand your new company and hire workers
It's not easy or glamorous, but I know guys in their late 20s who can retire and never have to work again. Currently attempting a similar model.
Look at it this way. Requiring a bachelor's degree means that as the basic minimum the candidate can commit to something long term. It also means that they are statistically more likely to be in better health and have higher intelligence than a non college graduate. And more than likely they will come into the job with decent communication skills.
Hiring somebody without a degree is a crapshoot. Without experience you really can't gauge their aptitude or their ability to succeed. And even if the candidate is sharp I have to also weigh in the extra time for training.
I'm currently doing this. It's easy as fuck to make money if you're willing to work. And total autonomy is nice.
yes anons
find your "trade"
we have enough college graduates. i dont want a little shit taking my comfy engineering job. get your trades like a "man" and earn your 17$ an hour if you're lucky.
>muh respirator
Those things do nothing. All trades jobs lead to arthritis and lung cancer
This meme needs to die. I make more money than you
You're parsing that too finely. Who the fuck cares? Most college degrees might as well be gender studies. If you aren't in something science or math, what the HELL is a history degree going to do for you? Photography? Art history? Spanish? Philosophy? Psychology? Oh I know, social work. right? 100k a year easy
>i make more money than you
>with a trade
my fucking sides
how is your portfolio going? i bet you have a lot of "skills" eh ?
I own my own business. I make six figures with zero debt
Profitable degrees
>graphic design
>statistics (maybe)
Unprofitable degrees
>everything else
Why do people say math is a good degree? Wtf do you do with that?
>tfw you are currently writing out an entire fictional world to transform into a video game or book one day
>tfw parents force me to go to college and pay it myself even though i just want to work part time jobs to get by while working on my side projects
I make 15.30/hr starting in low cost of living area. I bet you can't even use a tape measure on your own dick. Do you even own a tape measure?
Why do you still live at home?
Nice LARP.
It's buried under all that debt
Is graphic design really that profitable?
Seems like companies would just pluck high school kids that already have talent and portfolios.
You know what the real waste is? Paying property and income taxes.
Everybody needs trades. Not a single person doesn't need a tradesperson. That's why there's money in it-Demand. And short supply because the younger people don't want to work so there's far fewer people in trades. So yes, the plumbers are charging $100/hr minimum because supply and demand. Trades can pretty much charge what they want. People will pay almost anything per hour to come out on an August weekend to fix their busted air conditioner. I tell them on the phone it will be $200 just for me to show up on a sweltering saturday night. Nobody says no.
You don't have an economics degree thats for sure. And if you did, how many people would need your economics degree? You'd apply for the same limited jobs as 100 other people. Low demand, high supply.
Dude no joke, a lot of corporations need good graphic designers. Seems like it would be a joke, but it's actually an underrated degree.
Hue. I am just a high school grad and I will be pulling in ~36k this year which puts me above most college grads as I also too have no debt. I just need to never have child support and being an electrician is gonna be pretty dope.
only if you have a job waiting for you before you graduate, and even then you might get fucked if you decide you dont like it
unless you go to law school and pass the bar your main options are data entry
>graphic design
get ready to spend all day studying just to wipe old peoples asses in the future
i have an apartment but am considering moving back into my parents house because all the apartments around my college want $1000+ a month
college graduates apply for jobs that are owned by people without a degree. Who's the dumbass now?
Lol no
Look I didn't even make this thread to hate on tradesworkers. Obviously there is money in trades and a lack of trade workers right now. But there's still a lot of money in a good colleg degree
I went to a trade school and picked drafting, because I bought the "save your body" meme. I work at a coal mine now and make $38 an hour 10-15 hours mandatory OT a week. My cost of living is low enough that I can quit whenever I want and be fine for a few years. I plan on dying in rahowa anyway, so my kids can have all of my retirement savings
Sure if you can bypass Shaniqua, DeShawn the quadgendered mulatto, and Stacy who sucked the bosses cock. Fuck that shit I am gonna work with my hands and not have to worry about TPS reports and staring at computer screens 8 hours everyday for "work".
I'm living comfortably at $13hr... And paid off my debt... More money is always nice but I really have as much as I need.
>good colleg degree
of course there is, but most degrees are not good.
someday people will realize that college is not there for your education. it exists as a corporate structure with a profit motive. a teacher telling kids they must go to college is like the Marlboro Man telling kids they must smoke to be cool. It is for their own self interest, not yours.
Is anybody here an EMT? Are there any major downsides?
Seems like there's plenty of jobs available in the field all over the country, it's a good starting point for a career in emergency services, pay isn't too bad, and the training is quick. No, I won't care if I have to respond to Shaniqua having a heart attack because Jamal stole her KFC.
Not shitting on trades, but the amount of money made is irrelevent if you want to do more with your life than just buy shit and coast the rest lf your life. No one cares what a plumber or electrician has to say about anything. Sure you could make it and get even rich, but society will never care what you have to say and your impact on your community will never extend outside of your field of work.
More horrible bait
>this is why Trump won
There are entry level marketing and web design positions.
college is a waste for 80 percent of those of college age. it is a classic correlation/causation confusion. just because those who have college degrees have higher income, does not mean college is the cause, it is just correlated with college degrees. i.e. put a dumb person through college with a shit degree, and they will not automatically earn big bux. when everyone has a college degree it will be truly worthless to everyone except the wall street college loan racketeers
Welp, those are the ONLY 3 trades...
Nigger I weld. Google how much welders make on oil rigs. I'll wait. Starts over 6 figures.
I start at $13 an hour and work for 4 years after raises I end up earning $18 an hour.
You spend 4 years racking up $125,000 worth of debt and start at $16 an hour.
Not him but fuck oil rig work. You always come back with a sever speed or caffeine addiction. Doing 80hr+ weeks is alright every once in a while but you are still getting fucked royally in the ass by uncle sam, 56 hours is where overtime starts to become regular by federal kikes. I ain't gonna break myself to try to get ahead when I already work hard. Fuck overtime taxes.
Lies and slander I didn't go to (((college))) and I make 80/hr own my own home and have valuable skills that won't be automated in 5 years so kys nigger
It's great clinical experience, and could open doors for going into high paying fields like nursing, PA, and medicine depending on your grades/motivation if you decide to pursue a professional degree.
There are very few people who want to clean up bed sores on a 450lb monster with piss burns to boot. Even if you offered me 35/hr right now no fuck that. I would rather bleed pulling wire for my 15/hr starting. I am not gonna smell gigantic cysts, old necrotic people, diseased spics (whom are also fat and reek of fatness), inserting catheters, sticking things up their asses, and just dealing with them complaining and speaking.
I'm earning more than that teaching English.
Any love for civil engineering?
>Every job listing requires a bachelors degree just to interview.
This is precisely because everyone and their dog goes to college these days. College grads are a dime a dozen, that's why even McDonald's can say they need a bachelor's degree to hire a burger flipper, because they will still be able to find someone willing to take that job.
The best thing you can do right now is not go to college. Obviously this will disqualify you from most office jobs, but you can get into trades, or start a business. Do literally anything else. Otherwise next thing you know entry level jobs will require a master's degree minimum and Berniebabies will be whining about how a master's in otherkin genderqueer studies should be a right and all taxpayers should have to fund """free""" advanced degrees for everyone else.
Only go to college if you plan to be a doctor or engineer or some type of professional that requires specialized knowledge. These are the types of things that you used to go to college for, not fucking fine art history.
i'm in the same boat as this guy. feels good.
> yes college, i would like to buy the middle-manager at local retail store degree for $150,000
This. That's really what it's for. It's to prove you aren't so incompetent a fuckup that you couldn't even regurgitate a few books for a handful of exams for 4 years.
The degree doesn't matter as anything but a test of competence so they don't get some lazy idiot that can't do the job anyway.
And if you're intelligent enough to bluff your way past it you still can get the job.
So it's a win/win for them.
Based Polbro, keep on keeping on.
P.S. your women are qt as all get out
what did KEK mean by this?
Also Praise KEK