These people are kill on sight next time.
These people are kill on sight next time.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus. I saw the thing from the start. Tim Pools was going between the camps. Anti-Fa were threatening him for filming with a leftist protester's permission, and even coming up to more moderate leftist protesters, with clubs, to keep them from speaking out of line with the right-wingers.
You've got to be kidding me. Press Liars.
is esquire media? This dude is basically just a blog with expensive hosting. There's zero impartiality in his presentation of events, his claim of 150 antifa is... adorable, and he even revels in the anti-abortion dude's sign getting ripped up. Frankly, he's not a journalist.
your rally was trash. start acting like men fighting for something real instead of dressing up as memes
This. They also identified the 17-year-old as the organizer when it was actually a politician from Maine
OP is totally the kid on the right with the flag.
no shit.
you faggots doxxed yourself.
good luck having this shit all over the news in 24 hours and trying to go back to school monday.
what the fuck is this thing where newfags want to be seen in public and recognized as people that post on a website full of racists and nazis?
Our rally today was in Charlottesville.
Boston was Reddit's rally.
Hope you don't continue to make this mistake.
user, they don't care.
You only hide yourself like a coward if you've got shit you want hidden.
that's why we are user.
these kids are young and are going to fuck up their future larping as white supremacists.
it's funny here but there are repercussions when you cease to become user and put a face to Sup Forums.
we are the faceless men.
i don't really give a shit i just want anons to be safe and stay user.
>having a face
none of us care, and you also give antifa too much credit.
They're proud of their cause.
It was a free speech rally. You know, 1st Amendment. You can easily argue this.
This isn't our rally. These people are faggots. I wouldn't be shocked to find out these idiots are also funded by Soros.
>our rally
literally youtube comments tier faggots
What does Eric Clanton think about that?
Admittedly, there could have been a few less faces attached to Kekistani flags and Sup Forumsmeme shields, and more bearing the US flag or at worst Trump and MAGA logos. If you're displaying explicit, established Sup Forums memes, you may as well be holding up a swastika. We bring a lot of baggage to the table...
A sea of faggots
these all look like college/high school age kids. college campuses and high schools are liberal safe spaces where they are looking to make an example for MUH DIVERSITY MUH ACCEPTANCE.
these young kids could serve as that example and can be labelled white supremacists because kek wills it or whatever the fuck.
being labelled a racist/nazi can ruin your future in the current political climate.
if one person checks Sup Forums that has any sort of authority over them and sees the "stop saying the n-word" thread where everyone spammed "nigger" over and over i dont think the results will be in their favor.
also eric clanton is a fucking faggot who deserves his punishment for committing a crime.
these kids are larping and by their standards through the gaze of Sup Forums dindu nuffin.
Why don't you go protest about it?
That girl to the left of him is a qt
Of course, on the other hand, you can make the argument that we need to stop ceding cultural ground to the left. That we need to start shifting the Overton Window to the right, and we're only going to push it that way through extreme measures.
Today we're leery of publicly being linked to Pepe or Sup Forums, tomorrow we're afraid of flying the stars and strips or the Texas flag because the left has deemed them racist. I mean I grew up in a region where having the Confederate flag on your apparel was basically the status quo. Where you could walk into a job interview wearing a rebel flag on both your baseball cap and your belt buckle, and it would probably count in your favor. I'd always been aware that on an annual basis a bunch of niggers would start bitching about it flying above state capitols, but they always were told to STFU and go home. The backlash against it only started having real, visible effects over the last three years, as I saw it.
You can make the argument that we need to stop letting our enemies declare our sybology taboo and acquiescing with it, otherwise they'll never stop.
^this anyone who confronts you about going to a free speech rally is going to look fucking mental to everyone else
tell me why rising sun flag here?
I talked to her. She was from Japan and here on vacation for a couple weeks and decided to show up.
/ourmedia/ reaches hundreds of thousands of people with the truth, who gives a fuck about this shitrag shilling
If you look into the author I guarantee they're an Antifag
Sup Forums is by the numbers racist, bigoted, hateful, sexist, homophobic, white supremacist, anti semetic, and everything in between.
while i whole heartedly agree the right needs to stop ceding cultural space and physical space to leftist fascist ideologues and their whiney bullshit i think let someone with a cleaner record put a face to the cause.
we are not fit for public yet.
we will never normalize the swastika no matter how many free speech rallies we hold.
of course this was a free speech rally.
the leftist media has written one article calling you white supremacist neo nazis though.
you have to turn their own game on itself instead of expecting the rules to be fair.
>fuck up their future
What kind of future will they have in a non-white America?
As some kind of light skinned managerial class like Mexico or Brasil? Constantly in fear and unable to effect any real positive change
yes their future.
if you are serious about saving the white race/saving america from sjws you have to do it from the inside.
you cannot be a degenerate free loader and have the right to complain about nonwhites.
>antifafags think the right has anything to hide
oh no someone supports free speech
that is a plant from sharia blue and def a shill. she looked worried.
also def is a trap
oh shit based black guys!
You stupid fucking nigger-tier thinker, It's not white supremacy. Anyway, if we wanted to know what your owners think we'd just go to their wesbsite and look it up ourselves.
Stop fucking posting; by virtue of allowing yourself to be brainwashed by the cult you contribute absolutely nothing new or interesting to the conversation.
Do everyone a favor: check out from the political discussion until you can sort yourself the fuck out.
So on one side there was "angry alt-right militants" and on the other side were just "protesters"?
Looks like that journalism degree was money well spent...
>implying this isnt the beginning of how ((they)) want america to fall
kinda sad watching ((them)) divide us into these hard one sided politics
From the inside is a laughable proposition
Also yes I can and will be as degenerate a free loader as I can be because that is a very good strategy
You cannot change all of the laws necessary to do any good in any amount of time
My key takeaway is learn your core competency. Shouting memes and dressing up can work but it's hard to pull off. Be honest with yourself, are you actually funny? Can you pull off the silly jokester roll? Personally I cant so I left the memes at home and played it cool. Also I feel like memes lose their meaning if everyone is is doing it en masse.
We need to act more professional. I suggested this solution in a few other threads: join the groups that showed up to the rally.
Jesus fucking christ what kind of reddit cringe Fiesta is this?
you right wingers should not be allowed to use torches, its too similar to the KKK
The appearance. The visual similarity, it is too much like something bad. In order to stop the bad things we must make sure they can not be seen.
Amazing how you out-larped a bunch of a guys waving kekistan flags
thanks. but it sounds weird and insulting.
rising sun is not racism flag but proper navy flag.
shouldn't carry in such place
It's a man LARPing
lol underrated
Every Japanese flag is a racism flag.
A fact to be proud of.
>based black guys
>faggot looking whites
>token "redpilled qt"
fucking based
>Sup Forums memes
That shit came from Sargon the cuck and is primarily a reddit thing.
Besides, I don't think any self respecting Sup Forums user would meme about belonging to a muslim country.
Isn't this a magazine for fags who can't admit they are fags?
>user, they don't care.
>You only hide yourself like a coward if you've got shit you want hidden.
The Jew can only cry out while he strikes you of he has someone to strike
Everything here is ironic humor. The idiots with those kekistani normie meme are not being ironic or humerous. If you doxxed every person on Sup Forums we'd all day the equivalent of "it's just a prank bruh", not that it would matter since Sup Forums, the internet hate machine, is formless and memberless
The guys at Berkeley who beat up antifa were lighthearted and doing it for the lulz. The idiots ruining meme magic think they're fighting for something.