:^ )

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Wew lad

Is he controlled opposition Sup Forums?



Dickie's bulking, he's jumping on the Chad Nationalism train


he's a big guy

Crashing this globalist banking shadow government...


Is he actually? Not gonna lie if he started mewing and lifting he could be full chad status

Everyone is controlled opposition. You, me, everyone. Whites are a made up race, we're really low tier Jews to that powerful Jews brainwashed, and so we Jew each other. Our Jew instincts for us to Jew, no matter what.



Has anyone considered that maybe the deep state wants to bring back some white nationalism to fix the country? Maybe they realize that we are straying further from our roots as the demographics continue to change.

Seems like a lot of you Spencer haters solution is to just sit back and do nothing so we don't fall into some "trap". Sounds like we lose either way then.

I highly doubt the conservative Bush family who lives on a Texas ranch and called the Iraq invasion a new crusades, is very happy about the prospect of the country turning into a brown majority. There's still quite a few white and powerful political families in this country and I wouldn't be surprised if they are working to bring back some form of white nationalism or white cultural domination to reverse the demographic damage that is being done. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but it's clear the path we're headed down now is 100% guaranteed to be brown if nothing happens to change that.

>White People

fuck off shill

Probably not, probably eating like shit because he's on the road so much.

This tweet has been explained thousands of times. At this point l'm pretty sure people who simply don't like Spencer just spam shit they know is dishonest.

Just putting this here.

kek, thats true but I feel he would be eating like top notch food even on the road considering he dresses so nice and makes like 2.3 million from cotton


He gets fatter everytime I see him.

Fackelmarsch wann?


>who is Adolf Hitler
>who is George Rockwell
>what is a National SOCIALIST

He's merely making an observation about the current system we have

Nazi's and Fascists believed the same thing.

Dahnald the immigrants



WASPs are the Jew's natural enemy in the US, they're the only group that still has some establishment power and that's quickly disappearing. I wonder if they realise that

>Seems like a lot of you Spencer haters solution is to just sit back and do nothing so we don't fall into some "trap". Sounds like we lose either way then.

never said I hated the guy, desu I think cascadia is doing the most out of ANYONE in the movement. They are:

-Forming communities
-Forming political parties
-Trying to gain local political power
-Getting whites to reproduce
-Rehabilitating Whites Physically and Financially

Finance capitalism is shit though, Hitler hated it but made a clear distinction that his socialism (prussianism) is not like marx's. Considering how spencer is actively fighting against marxists I would say he isnt a marxist

Pleb-tier normie meme courtesy of me.

Yeah but Marx was right about that.

He just drew the wrong conclusions.

Bourgeosie conservatism is a dead idea per definition. In 200 years conservatives will tell you that Europe was always islamic and black.

For Jews


Holy shit KIKE BTFO

That sounds like capitalism, if you are going to correct me, atleast be gentle on me.

I'm hoping he;ll slim down soon. A lot of people have been advocating for an organized form of the Manosphere/Chad Nationalism to get our goys in top shape. Its worked alright from an individual point so far though

Cascadia is the model for white advocacy groups

Its so fucking obvious. A white movement in america is good, its whats needed but heralding this lispy, soft spoken faggot that has no idea how to wield the english language to inspire and who can out argue a god damn nigger as the next fuhrer would be hilarious to me if it werent so sad.

Look at this effeminate fuking queer with his soy tits. How many anons, if it came down to it, would wage total war for nu-male the likes of fucking implicit Dick? Who tells you not get get pissed over homos saturating your culture? That holodomor was exaggerated? Guess thats what uou can expect out of this age so far removed from the golden one.

Hitler's 100% right, we just face a branding problem as most people equate socialism with communist style redistribution of wealth.

Just replace socialism with populism and the people will love it. National Populism is the future

PNW here, they really aren't doing shit.


It is capitalism in the sense of the people.

You can't do things that harm the Volksgemeinschaft just because it boosts your capital gains.
As long as your business does not contradict the security and well being of your people there is no problem.


Really? Fuck thats blackpilling

What should a 50% English 20% German 20% Norwegian 10% Danish American identify as? Social ills arise from racial mixing, not ethnic. Objecting to general European solidarity because you want to LARP Aryan supremacy will guarantee the extinction of both.

Can anyone explain what the torches are and why they are using them in this case? It's aesthetic as fuck

Cant out argue*

Seriously, that interview he gave with that one nigger was cringy to all hell. He didnt even debate, he just spouted of with some reddit tier sarcastic retort.

wew kek lad. You got a point though, they need a GLR type figure to head the movement

You know there were a lot of white communities in the 80s and the government purposely worked to infiltrate and disband them

It's a nice idea but it won't really mean anything when that small white town becomes CNN's new headline story for being "too white" and they start bussing in niggers and send the Feds in. I mean, assuming the deep state truly does not want to bring back white nationalism and does indeed want this country to turn 100% brown.

You just answered your own question. The spectacle is part of the message.

Huh, that sounds nice, so Hitler's National Socialism, is not really Socialism at all?

From what historical precedent do you people keep drawing this conclusion?

Dude I was kidding

its borrowed from euro nationalists

Ok but what type of torches are they? I think I might want to get some

Aryan =/= nordic

Tiki torch nationalism

I fucking hate Spencer, I think he does more damage than good and he's horrific at explaining common sense positions compared to someone like Jared Taylor.

>inb4 TRS retard says "Don't punch right dude!"

I'm to the right of Spencer, I'll punch whomever I want, he's not allowed to punch back against me.

Is this Russia? Would anyone really consider Putin a nationalist?

In the capitalist model a person can become as wealthy and posses as much property as he can afford, in Hitler's socialism nobody would be allowed to be wealthier than the country or possess so much property he would come to harm the community
Also in capitalism the country's economy is dictated by the markets and the state has no saying in it, in Hitler's socialism the country's economy is dictated by the needs of the people and social interests (like science, technology or architecture)
In a way Hitler's socialism is more similar to capitalism than regular socialism but that doesn't mean NatSoc=capitalism at all

cool, you want a prize for that?

not too sure

>You know there were a lot of white communities in the 80s and the government purposely worked to infiltrate and disband them

Really? Sauce please that shit sounds interesting

>It's a nice idea but it won't really mean anything when that small white town becomes CNN's new headline story for being "too white" and they start bussing in niggers and send the Feds in.

man, I know people will shit on it but you gotta try

That I do not know. I can't think of where you would buy them either. Maybe a hardware store? Or some kind of fancy garden supply store.

To fully understand this I recommend you to read the book "Prussiandom and Socialism" by Oswald Spengler.
The socialism NatSoc is about is the "socialism" the family is about.
The mother gives her baby the milk for free because it is part of her kin, is that bad evil socialism now?

Now imagine that concept magnified to the level of a whole Nation.

Commerce and Capitalism erode culture.

Look at the US, look at you.
When a nation allows somebody to produce porn just because generates tax revenue it is doomed.

I bet he's wearing a vest.

Hans has a rare picture of uncle that i don't have yet. I'm jealous.

If they're doing anything, it's outside of Spokane or up in Shelton (this guy's are WN anyway, so not sure). Thier little to no presence. American Vangaurd is better know, at this point.

>autistic retard that actually looks up to a fat schlub like Spencer


Cool dude, let me know when someone can figure out who you are, or when based Taylor becomes an energizing person.

that makes sense. or at least I hope he is. would be a shame if its just his fat titties.

Spencer> random user on Sup Forums.

Thats the issue though isnt it? Look at how the anto whites reacted to Milo at Berkley. Now imagine if a man like GLR were alive today. Its men like GLR and Pierce that would be lauded the controlled opereratives, the extremists. But we just happen to live in a time when the like of such a faggot as implicit Dick is the cutting edge when it comes to white solidarity and identity. A god damn disgrace and a sign to how far we have fallen.

I agree you have to try, but my point is if the government is truly interested in making this a brown nation, then setting up a white community is honestly a futile effort. National Guard and FBI can come in and just ruin that whole idea and people will simply deal with it.

My hope is that the deep state realizes America is moving away from its roots and turning the culture to one that is more pro-white would be beneficial for everyone. Whites need to take back this country.

So national socialism simply applies to just a family than a whole country?

On another note, the U.S. government is actually trying to bring diversity to a white estonia currently. So you have a point, but either way people need to try

>...the GOE intends to
broaden its Integration Action Plan to include
initiatives designed to address integration of new, and non-European, arrivals. The timing is auspicious. In the wake of several racially-motivated incidents involving Embassy staff and the wider diplomatic community, on March 2 the Ambassador initiated a Tolerance Action Plan to raise awareness and sensitivity with GOE officials, law enforcement, academics, NGOs, and with the Estonian public.

its not marxist socialism, its prussianism. Here's a good article on it by Oswald Spengler

>Hates Spencer, likes Taylor

>Taylor gladly speaks at all NPI conferences organized by Spencer


No. Because it is ethno nationalism your whole country is the family.

Someone in another thread said Home Depot sells them. Or that you could youtube it and it was all pretty easy.

The nuclear family is the pillar of the nation.

Yes, there is, and it's great:

also, here's their podcast:

ban no-fault divorce

They were neo-nazi groups that were usually shut down for illegal firearm possession.

They are tiki torches.



The picture:

Family of six.

Oldest son: fallen 1942
youngest son: died of an accident 1941
middle son: fallen 1945
Mother and daugher: fallen 1945 by artillery hit
father: died (likely suicide) after his wife and daughter died

No movie about them.
Just dirty Krauts I guess.

If he was actually that fat, I'm sure he'd have gotten a better-fitting jacket - that looks bad.

I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying they aren't present in politics, haven't established a single white community, etc. I'm not shitting on it, it's a great model, but they haven't actually done any of those things.

I think he's pretty cute desu

Bullshit, look at this video: The first guy who speaks is right on the fucking money - the MSM is filled with literal anti-white communists.

These whites didn't want blacks in their town. Why did the blacks want to go to the 100% white town? For what reason? Just to go somewhere to push boundaries, they could have lived literally anywhere else.

The federal government (((shut it down)))

Look at these TRS faggots crying that they're metrosexual hero is fucking garbage

White nationalism is laughable because of that fucking loser, his stated positions are incoherent, and can't sway away easy bullshit talking points. Enoch is superior to him in every way, if he'd just lose some weight he should be the one doing tophe speaking tour.

Instead you have a metrosexual prancing around on stage at auburn giving the least convincing, most dull retarded speech imagineable, and he doesn't list one hate fact.


Oh thats a good point, honestly Im worried about security for a lot of them

Ohh gotchya, I'll have to look into AV more I dont know too much about them

Jesus we have sunk, I just hope this is the start of us getting back up atleast

>that video
Jesus christ they stood against it and they just kept on trying to fucking force them to integrate into society. Fucking christ I hope youre right about the deep state wanting a white country again.

Ban multiculturalism and degenerate shit all together. It all harms the nuclear family. When you have an ethno-state, there's no minorities to shit it up.

Is antifa finished? Their turnouts get worse for every fight

You have start somewhere.

The future model is to create states within states, or what we call muslim no-go zones in Europe. We need to act like other ethnic blocs where we create are own self-sufficient and self-governing communities that will slowly grow to replace the State as it begins to crumble from diversity.

>comes from TRS
>thinks this is actually a good argument

No wonder you like Spencer

>They were neo-nazi groups that were usually shut down for illegal firearm possession.

Spaghetti is always better with some sauce user'

No. They knew Nathan Damigo was coming and pretended they had other things to do :)

>TRS faggots!!

>Spencer is NPI/Radix, supported by Identity Europa, American Vanguard and based Taylor himself

Why is TRS always the go to for basic bitch tards?