Teacher recorded, recruiting students for riots


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If only he could have recruited himself to not be a cuck while Tyree fucked his wife at home check my 6

Can we just nuke California? All these people in these videos always come from CA.

wew lad. My high school freshman classes sucked but at least i learned some stuff.

But i live in cali =/

Not all of us are like this. We just can't speak out in public, there is quite a few of us though.

I heard a national socialist at the end. This bullshit will never beat pure honesty and truth.

Trump 2020

When you sound like a beta, you can't recruit anything but beta's. His voice was so off putting it was hard to listen to.

How can normal people stand for this shit?

Has this guy engaged in any kind of physical exercise in his life?

>feminine men thinking they can beat team Trump

Oh, I can Just smell the Shit Coming this way when Sargon of Acuck Steals this off Sup Forums

no, that's why theyre tryna get kids to do their dirty work.

Cut the Department of Education. End it. No more federal money for this indoctrination.

It's a CIA psy-op. He probably got contact and made to think he was doing this for the interest of the USA. The same with Occupy wall-street. That was CIA too.

>strongly implying normal people go to college

college is anti intellectual meme now, and not really even a meme if ya kno wat I meen

I am still a new fag.. Can you explain to me why Sup Forums hates Sargon, besides the Kekistan thing?

Is it because he tries to speak for Sup Forums? I hear him saying WE a lot, like he is knee deep in Sup Forums, which he might be.

>Tax dollars from hard workers pay for self-hatred indoctrination
California needs military intervention

A difference of Opinion, in all Honesty. He's a bit of an arse, and then he tries to act like he has authority over Sup Forums when he is left leaning, of all things.

What school was this?

Personally I like him, but from what I've seen 100% of the time some new "alt-right" figure emerges, it's Jewish. Even Lauren Southern's real surname is Jewish and her grandparents fled Denmark during the holocaust. I don't even look into it anymore. If someone is allowed to "speak for us" and not lose funding/not have their videos hidden from recommended lists, it's because they're controlled opposition to steer and divide us at the needed time.

And he has not been fired yet?

Free speech faggot.

>if there is no jobs at any particular moment, it's not because there are too many people, it's because people like Donal Trump are not being forced to hire us
did I hear that right?

>we are not all this way
>I'm a moderate Californian

Free speech does not allow a teacher to encourage his young students to participate in violent riots.

I'm pretty sure it's his relatively blue pulled outlooks on race and sexuality

Is this legal in America?

I can'[t believe this idiot is allowed to have anything to do with shaping young minds

Yes. That is exactly what that fucking retard said. And nobody called him on it.

I've listened to quite a bit of his videos, he is usually on point about the topics he discusses. He laughs way to damn much into the mic and actually records it though. I can't stand that.

I enjoy Ben Shapiro also, I don't find being jewish the end all be all thing.


I will try to find some of his things about race and sexuality. I tend to believe more of what Gaad Sad says, if I had to pick 1 person to represent what I think about it.

No idea, the students should be exposed to both sides though if they are going to have to hear this. It also is probably in a HEAVILY mexicanized area, so they are going to get away with it.

Never said we are all this way, I just pointed out that there are more Trump supporters here than people think.



I'm not saying that teacher fucks kids, but he probably at least thinks about it a lot.

>Are you serious right now ??? You people are acting like you guys know the whole story which you OBVIOUSLY don't ! I am a student in her class I can assure you that all this is FALSE rumors about her... whoever did this video obviously has no life because they're just making false alarms... we were just learning about how white people have more privileges which is totally true ! No one can deny The fact that white people have more privileges because I have experience that I have experience a white person having more privileges than me...

>look all I'm trying to say is whoever did this video misinterpreted the presentation and has made a huge mistake and making it seem something bad which is not because all we were talking about his white privileges again no one can deny that is false because that is true ! I would appreciate if you guys don't know the whole story STOP for a second and not comment stupid shit honestly whoever did this are pussies.... there's better ways to solve things then uploading something totally false ! I can assure you that my teacher is one of the BEST teachers I've ever had and I'm PROUD to be her student and I'm GRATEFUL to have her as a teacher.

So basicly anyone who forms a negative opinion after watching the video is also misinterpreting the point and is also wrong? What am I missing here guys?


Why do these people hate enforcing the law so much?

what is all this

Mexicans don't care how their kids are raised. They're arguably more ignorant than niggers on politics and world matters.

Even if you were telling the truth or some how believe this is true. You cannot tell us that we don't know what was said in this video. Only time that happens is when the media spins a short video clip or a small snippit of text, then take it completely out of context. You can't take something out of context for 11 min.

Anyways, even though your post reeks
of shitposting anyways, I will treat it as it it were real anyways.

Is Soros CIA now?

If the US government wanted to put an end to this, they would.

You won't find any public school teachers preaching white nationalist sentiments. Yet somehow these Marxists can flourish. I really doubt its coincidence.

propaganda in the public school system, nothing new at the slightest in the mass indoctrination camps

Can confirm; they have the same stuff at my wife's sons school.

Thats one of the comments on jewtube from a student faggot

So why is the US government pushing this? Clearly they are allowing it to flourish, that's not by chance. If they wanted to stop it they would.

>fight for free speech
>this is a safe space for everyone
free speech and safe spaces are mutually exclusive

It's the liberal teachers unions and their commie leftism.

This is a deeply rooted infection.

No, absolutely. I agree with you 100% couldn't have said it better myself, thanks user.

But yeah see

he's a cuck

I never even looked at the comments.

Who are these 'rich people' who want deportations? The only people who want that are the poor & middle class whites. The rich are for mass immigration.

If you don't start speaking up and mobilizing you get the nuke, too. You're letting this happen. Realize you're being a fucking cuck and get your shit together. Defend your city. Defend your state.

Or don't cry when it gets so bad someone else has to do it for you and you get nuked.

wtf lol you can see on the whiteboard some shit advertising an asian student union; thats the first ive ever heard of that shit being in high school

daily reminder that BAMN is a human trafficking organization

>Tfw your balls tighten as you scroll down cuz you know the comment section is a minefield and your selling fucking moonshoes

>thinks he's "black"
>brags about it?
>spammed his how twitter feed with black on white interracial porn to trigger "Racists"

>latina "We The People" poster

TENTH grade?!

Whoever brought this psycho on school grounds needs to be fired

It's leftist propaganda. Egalitarianism for all, it's bullshit to carry out their communist agenda. I'm in High School in SoCal and the RED ONE is all over my school. The art classes are the most problematic, but there's fortunately a group of red-pilled dudes here, we need back up, SO MANY COMMIEEEEESSSSS, ACTUAL COMMIES, NO JOKE!

wtf I love public schools now!


Do we know which school system this is?
This needs media exposure. This is brainwashing--he's using persuasion techniques on defenseless minors.
I want that teacher's credentials revoked, and I want the speaker to receive a lifetime restraining order on proximity to children.

I don't hate him. I also don't defend him; he doesn't need it. "Kekistan" was forced, which always bothers me.

This needs to be shown to local news

What is the name of the high school?

>y anyone who forms a negative opinion after watching the video is also misinterpreting the point and is also wrong
This is classic brainwashing you uneducated, ignorant, fucking worthless shitskin.
Leave this country. We don't want you; you're worthless to us, and to your community.
Disgusting sub-human piece of fucking garbage. This is why we need to end non-white immigration. Their crotch-droppings are absolute fucking societal nightmares once they come of age.

If it's CIA it's deep state. This is BAMN. They're preying on children.
BAMN needs to be declared a terrorist organization A.S.A.P.!

>daily reminder that BAMN is a human trafficking organization
As I said in the previous thread, the easiest way to slow them is to get Ronald Cruz and Shanta Driver disbarred so they can't practice law. At the moment they handle every legal case around BAMN and it's members meaning they don't have to spend huge money on lawyers.

I'm not American so I don't know how to do it there, burgers will have to do some work. I think you have to find which state they're registered to practice law in first.

He's BAMN. He almost certain fucks children.

That's not enough. Nationwide ban from teaching with a futher lifetime permanent bad from close proximity to children.
They are brainwashing children in this video.

I'm willing to die in a blaze of glory if it meant commifornia gets erased from the map

I agree but it seems like public pressure has to come first because it's not like the cops are going to do something

>10th graders
fucking public schools

Is this our faggot, Sup Forums? Is this the teacher who will never teach again, and the BAMN recruiter who receives his lifetime ban on proximity to children?

pic related. most staff have photos, this faggot is using opsec for w/e reason.

>I'm not American so I don't know how to do it there
Someone within the state she's licensed in needs to file a complaint with the State Bar Association. That gets the ball rolling. If she's in Chiacago she'll be next to impossible to dis-bar.

Anyone injured or traumatized could file civil suits as well, the trick is to file them in different states, even if they have little chance of succeeding BAMN only has two lawyers they can only handle so many cases at once. Once their workload is excessive they either have to hire lawyers or risk losing by default.

Some patriots need to raid that school and lynch those commies

Someone pass this to trump out sessions

The video description seems to suggest the teacher's name is Livier Perez

Not our faggot. Keep looking (if anyone else is even working this one.)
There's no room 229 at Berkeley High School.

he needs to be banned from being near children.

What I heard constitutes a felony. Instructing how to violate the law and instructing people to do it.

Flood their twitter and email box.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Just link it to ICE and have them show up to their riot undercover and watch them deport 1,000 people at once


Yeah I guess that would be illegal huh

Mass messaging sounds like a good idea

Anyone on linked in that can get us a photo of "Livier Perez", H.S. teacher in Oakland?
We need to verify that he's our gay before we begin today's round of Smear the Queer.

Is that a new angle? How can anyone say thats not a demolition?

don't know who the dude is. but looks like this is the lady cited in the YT description

also, more here

I facbooked the name and only women showed up. I think you are correct about it being maybe a Trans man or VERY deep voiced woman.


Oakland Unified


50k a year to indoctrinate children to fight for BAMN, or turn your child into Moldy Locks

>deep voiced woman
thats my guess. allthough Livier may be the lady at the very end of the vid.

The teacher is a woman, two guys are BAMN, the one off camera is Ronald Cruz, one of their lawyers. I would think getting him disbarred over trying to recruit kids shouldn't be hard.

>Ronald Cruz
from 14:11
this is Ronald?

Any idea who the guy on camera is?

Brainwashing centers.

No, at the end of the video you can clearly see a hand holding papers. The sweatshirt it has on matches the Asian guy who walks through the screen towards the end of the video. It's not a girl talking.

yep. same dude as here

Hello there

I was confused where "lady" came from.
I agree the handout person was this guy using the same shirt match.
I thought this was teacher, and the scrawny ass-kicking target was obviously the BAMN recruite (thought they both are.)

We need photos-to-names from via 3rd party sites like FB or LinkedIn.

Beautiful. Nice work, user.

hello ca state bar
