So Pewdiepie is generally entertaining now?

Going full anti-sjw and shitting on the mainstream media every single video.

Who would have thought of this one year ago

Other urls found in this thread:

I like him, never watched a single one of his videos but I like the reaction he gets from others.

>muh based pewdiepie
Here we go again

Yeah, has been for a while now.

Ever since he stopped acting 100% of the time. Now it's maybe 10% of the time.

He needs to get rid of his autism spinner though. Not a good look.

>The one on the right

I've always disliked is gaming shit but hearing about how he acts outside of his videos he seems like a pretty chill dude.

That booty game is bananas.


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>Going full anti-sjw and shitting on the mainstream media every single video.

So he goes after easy targets like every other tryhard faggot?

>Those thighs on the right

the way the thigh fat gently muffins at the top of the stocking

it's good now was shyt before


I have to say for someone who used to be the shittiest channel / eceleb on Youtube he's definitely redeemed himself. The signs showed when he was genuinely enjoying Filthy Frank.

I liked the scrolling headlines for lol, news

To be honest, yeah

I'm not a gamer and never been fan of him until the Wall Street debacle...

Now I follow him and like each of his new videos almost

>my name a'jeff

i never heard of him till the WSJ thing

thought he was a douche for teenyboppers - and he is, but he's hilarious and very entertaining.

and hate sjws

Nevar faggit how it all began.

He got thrown out of 3 rental apartments in 2016 because he was yelling so much during the recordings of his vidoes and was a complete dick to his landlords when they asked him to stop. He's a completely anti-social asshole.

So what? He has a little bit of autism, that's all.

Can he just, finish diying or whatever the media tried with this guy?
i was already so tired of see him and the game cunts in my videogame recomendations, now only watch anti-sjw content and his fucking face its back again, popping up.
Just finish diying please or somthing.

These are the stuck up party chicks when you're drunk you try to talk to and suddenly they're super models because they have 50 nigger,spic,arab,betawhites all over the scent of their stinky underwear and all the hot girls are living a better life.

Then you go home and realize in any other situation they would be friendly and dying to go out on a normal date. But you'd rather be watching Better Call Saul than hooking up with pretentious cunts who secretly think they're better than everyone ever who makes less that 60K a year

He's just cashing in on a fad.
They're all cashing in on a fad.

from what ive gathered he made an innocuous comment in some video, got 'called out', his attempt to deal with the backlash failed, and the whole experience redpilled him

Blegh you jealous user

>drink bleach

his new stuff is actually pretty funny, but its not Sup Forums related. this belongs in /bant/.

Well, he originated on Sup Forums after all.

I always try to dislike him but he's so darn likable. Bless this young Swede.

was the first part a shot at the anti-sjws begging for cash to continue doing videos?

Very fresh content. He's got a real knack for the driest of dry humour and taking the piss. Wish he'd do more of this vaguely political stuff, it's always fun to see his unique take.