I live like an hour from Charlottesville. I keep thinking about how easy it'd be to grab my gun, drive up there...

I live like an hour from Charlottesville. I keep thinking about how easy it'd be to grab my gun, drive up there, and assassinate Spencer. Why hasn't someone done this yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because nobody cares

Because he's a widely known media figure and if he's murdered, he'll become a martyr for his cause.

Because op is a do nothing faggot

Because you're a faggot and there is no point in doing so.

Spencer would kick your ass, too.

All of the above.

Is there a video of this?
Can carrying torches be the new alt-right thing at rallies please...

He's a literal nobody and his only cause is to earn money.

>>Spencer would kick your ass, too.

That fat faggot keeps getting beaten up by leftists.

Spencer has to be controlled opposition. Everything he does is so fucking cringe.

Hes a forced meme and nobody cares

Because all the other Leftists are cowards just like you. Besides, Spencer has armed ex-military guards now.

This IS NOT CRINGE. If you understood how powerful that image is you wouldn't say that. This is extremely reminiscent of what mob lynches were like, and millions of Americans know this from news/classes/media. When American's see this they see racist KKK like people not civilized conservative. If you support such blatant race baiting CIA nigger shit then KYS SENPAI

He is. He's a zionist and fag-enabler.

Were you by chance that Antfag that jumping punched Spencer in the face and didn't even make him fall to the ground?

Go back to Leftypol faggot

He is. The media put the spotlight on him shortly after clinton's "alt right" speech

I legitimately believe this.

I had no idea who this cunt was until during the US presidential elections and he came out and self-proclaimed he was "leader" of the "alt-right".

He's a cancerous faggot who is profiteering from cultural divisions at best, and at worst he's a kike who's on the books of the Clinton Foundation.



>Richard Spencer likes to have Conferences and like Jared Taylor, Spencer is “Jew” and “Faggot-Friendly”. If you pay money to attend a “Spencer-Fest” or a “Taylor-Cotillion”, you may well trip over a Jew and fall in the lap of a faggot. Its dangerous, save your money, donate it to real efforts to save our Race and Culture. Do NOT attend these Fag-Fests.


I wish someone would. seriously, this guy is such a huge liability

a hour away you said.

He is. No one knew about this faggot until the media declared him a leader of the alt-right right after the Hillary's speech.



None of you have the balls to do anything about it

Sucks to be you, faggots.

But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the tiki curse.

because we're not niggers.
niggers kill their problems.
start acting white.

go back to r/the Donald and talk about how based black jew trannies are, dumbass

It's cringe because white supremacy is fucking retarded. If every thing the alt-right does is spergy and cringe-inducing, it's because the 'movement' is worthless bullshit.

>I keep thinking about how easy it'd be to grab my gun, drive up there, and assassinate Spencer. Why hasn't someone done this yet?
because the Mossad hasn't told you to do it yet, Chaim

Tell the FBI hi.

Non white detected

>white supremacy is fucking retarded

Let me guess you are creating more Elliot Rodgers with your gook gf

Leftist shill spotted. Hang yourself, Low-T faggot

Yeah, Spencer is a dumbass, I won't punch right, but internally, there is no way this works for the cause of white people

>fucking tiki torch

fuck off racist you don't speak for "white" people.

Why haven't you assinated Hillary yet ?

He's worth more dead than alive.
Most people don't give a shit about him, but if he was assassinated it would make people rally around his "cause".

Calm down just calm down. Calm down just calm down. Calm down just calm down. Calm down just calm down.

Way to out yourselves as the newest newfriends, Spencer has been on my radar for years. Five minutes of Google will tell you he has been in the game for a long time but you're just D&C faggots who found /ptg/ from Reddit comment sections so what do you know anyway

Neither do you, fellow (((white))) person.

Do you guys think we will ever see a real skintard punch dickhole spencer in the head?

>He is.

Maybe try changing your posting style when proxyfagging.

Go to bed, Chris.

you fat chink. yer so fuckin dumb. pretend rice-nigger. hes a creation of laura bush

What if they met Chris-Chan?

Keep running your mouth OP
I would hunt you down, along with the rest of Sup Forums

What the fuck does any of that mean?

Spencer is actually pretty big, he'd curbstomp you.

He's 100% controlled opposition, but it's going to end badly for him and his (((associates))). Sure, he's trying to legitimize nationalism only for (((them))) to bring it down as and when they see fit, just like any controlled opposition, but it already has way too much steam that (((they))) can't handle and was around long before (((Spencer))) was memeing across the internet. How's it going to end badly for him and his (((associates)))? The same way it did for Rohm and the Brownshirts for the exact same reasons.

Yeah nice to see you picking up a stick and organizing something fag

I'm sure he's a plant.At this point I'd bet everything I have on it.

Because no one wants to take on the CIA. The last person that did got wasted in Dallas.



>canadian calling somebody else a chink

If you want to see how "virtue signalling" on the right looks like just look at Spencer and the alt-right. They don't give two shits about the optimal way of saving the white race. They just want to have a circle jerk about how righteous they are for "fighting back". The go to response to any criticism they face is always "well, what are YOU doing about white genocide". The alt-right is the SJW cancer metastasizing in the right. I mean those who proudly label themselves "alt-right".

Tell me more...

as a former sniper I think about these kinds of things a lot. People don't realize how easy it would be with the proper training. If you have the means to do it without getting caught OP, id recommend it. This dude needs to go away.

Depending on the venue you wouldn't even need to be that far away. All you really need is a gilley suit, rifle, suppressor, and maybe a ballistics calculator and you could 100% do this without getting caught.

Kill a KGB agent who is anti-white?



the dc snipers did it with even less.

Richard Spencer is a puppet created by the media to be their strawman punching bag

Wow enjoy prison.

Those dudes were bosses. They didn't need the gilleys because they pulled off some high speed urban sniper shit. I have a lot of respect for those niggers.

However, I would imagine that in an environment like Charlottesville a gilley suit would be extremely useful, and due to the terrain you would be better off getting off an further shot from the tree line if you could. Engagements in an urban environment are a lot closer.

Just cause you didn't hear about him until Shillery doesn't mean he wasn't around.

Those of us actually aware of white nationalism before retard newfags came for the election or trayvon knew of him. Fuck this board has been shit since Dorner and Trayvon let alone now

I'd like to punch you in the face you fucking commie fuckhead.

He isn't that important or influential.

no he isn't. you are controlled opposition everyone shilling against him is controlled opposition you are fucking newfags from fucking reddit FUCK OFF.

Spencer is the real deal, you can see the hate in his eyes

How to create a martyr 101


>ywn wage asymettrical warfare against your government

Why live

He was asked to define "White" because of Northern Indians and some of Iranians and Turks and he couldn't answer, instead he insulted the professor. This is the one thing I'm unsure of.

I'm half Italian half Turkish but my skin is pretty white.

The whole white black thing is ancient anyways. Only niggers and minorities play the white black game.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Either way I'm fucking confused.

organizing people is good. Organizing people with crude message and optics that antagonizes people is less good. It's constructive criticism and how organizations and people get better.

Half Turkish
Half Italian
In Canada

GET OUR CANADA IS FOR ANGLOS AND FROGS, return to your ancestral homelands and make them great

This, unfortunately
If somebody killed him Reddit would worship him and we'd never hear the fucking end of it

I'm close as well. Where you at OP? Harrisonburg fag here

Ive known about him for year but no one outside of trs gave a shit about him until that documentary where half the people listening to him was reporters.


I keep thinking how easy it would be to get OP on a list lel

because we would kill your entire family

I'm born Canadian, since it's hard to claim myself as racially Canadian I have put things into context.

Doesn't matter if he's a nobody
He'd be generated as a martyr for dying under a cause

The same reason that you haven't.

FBI here, yes we saw this thread. Please don't kill him ;)

It must be depressing to wake up every morning and realize you're still a nigger.

I can understand not liking or caring much for Richard Spencer, but I don't know why Sup Forums actually hates him.

>I always think about doing this. Why don't you guys do this for me?
Fuck off.

Assassinate him I'll skin your child alive in front of you. Make a move. I dare you.

I don't either. The guy is putting himself out there for the cause which is more than I can say for most of larpers on this board. Every Time someone starts to speak out or tries to organize everyone here immediately calls them controlled opposition or CIA honey pot. I am really curious who the fuck everyone is waiting on? And if a genuine charismatic leader showed up would everyone call them controlled opposition?

>his only cause is to earn money
The guy's from a rich family, I don't think he's worried about money.


This would solidify white nationalism like never before.


So I take it he's not facing any charges for punching that antifa slut?

He's a pan-europeanist.

SJWism is just a product of multi-racial society,as is the ALT-RIGHT, it doesn't matter what we call it....these things are part of much larger forces

so it's a good idea?

Why would you, though? He's /ourguy/