Why aren't you a socialist, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you a socialist, Sup Forums?
Because my country has an average IQ above 70.
>of sharing shit you worked for with people who sat on their ass all day
Sharing is a willing action.
Socialism is mutual slavery.
Share your stuff. I heard you have 5 apples, but only 4 total family members.
>the radical idea of thinking that stealing is good and bossing people around and telling them how to live is also good
>eating whole apples
>not chopping them up and peeling them
Because sharing is for 9 year olds in the sandbox.
Why do Capitalist countries like Hong Kong and Switzerland have the best living standard and life expectancy there is if socialism is so great?
Because people should be willing to share not forced to.
Some of my views are socialist, which isn't unusual because Australia has never known anything but socialism.
Without cutting myself on all the edge, I'm a nationalist before being a socialist though. I unironically believe that a benevolent distatorship is the only way to have a truly successful country and people.
>the radical idea of sharing
No, it's the idea of radical sharing
Norway, the country that tops the HDI rank, has solid socialist politics in place
I wasn't aware that I needed to be forcibly taxed by the state in order to share.
I am. White National Socialist.
more like taking by force and giving to those who don't contribute
fuck off favela monkey
not real socialism
>The radical idea of taking other peoples hard work through force.
i'd rather use the pretext of sharing to take the whole apple.
that's probably why I'm against socialism. I could use it like that.
I'm a rather bad goy, thats why.
Look man as a waitress, i can tell you splitting tips doesn't work. Because once you realize you'll get the same as everyone regardless, you'll only work hard enough to keep you there. Equality begins and ends at a level playing ground. Everyone is entitled to the earth, but the amount of food you bring home is completely up to you.
Because I bought that apple with my hard labor.
Why am I giving it to this nigger who was doing drugs all day?
People are greedy opportunists it's hard coded in our DNA
With Capitalism there would be two apples.
And they'd be genetically modified to taste better and be larger.
Just objectively better all around.
Because I'm a normal person.
Socialism sounds good when you're immature and thinking you're getting the candy.
>the radical idea of forced sharing
>also known as stealing
Because socialism isn't a good answer to the problems of capitalism?
Norway isn't a socialist country lmao
It's hilarious how leftest are so desperate for an example of working socialism that they pick a largely capitalist that doesn't even have a minimum wage as an example, just because it has "universal healthcare"
I am a National Socialist, the best kind of socialist.
you can have both
except it mostly is
the nordic model is based on economic freedom coupled with a strong welfare state
Because niggers and other sub humans that inhabit my country aren't my equals and don't deserve my money
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