Howdy Pol, so today my brother, who is a huge liberal normie and has a black girlfriend, was in Boston and happened to walk through the protest. He had no idea what was going on, said he was closer to the Antifa people who were screaming "FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING NAZI" and were generally being irrational and trying to incite violence. I had told him about Antifa before and he almost didn't believe me until he saw it for himself, he also said the free speech trump people were generally peaceful and just "chilling". When he came home to tell me what he saw i was already watching the Tim Poole livestream. Anyway, do you guys think theres hope for nuetral liberals to see the light if they are exposed to the evils of Antifa? What do you guys think
Is There Hope For Liberals?
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I think you should get gay with your brother
I do think that if more light being shed on just how unpleasant antifa types are more people would think twice. But I don't think you really need to work too hard at it.
All I'm going to say is, if one was rich and wanted to ensure a future nazi government, the most efficient way to do it would be to encourage Antifa and give them weapons.
Sometimes this makes me wonder about the true motives of George Soros.
Aussie range ban when
Can someone redpill me on antifa
Is the fact that they are incapable of discussion and merely resort shoulting "fucking nazi/fascist" memes an indication that they are just paid to be there and spout catchphrases and they aren't sure why? Or are they literally retarded?
In some videos of Trumpfags asking them sensible questions, you can see them getting kind of flustered and they just keep yelling "fuck you fascist"
It's like they have been given a script and don't know how to contribute anything else because they have no dog in the fight.
It would be kind of awesome if there was a guy funding liberal groups to stoke reactionary sentiment 5d chess style but Soros is the guy who stopped funding Femen when they had a go in Israel, just a straight up kike
Probably the former.
Paid protestors is an ancient left-winger tactic. Round up a bunch of homeless and debtors, pay them 50 bucks and laugh at the news.
the leaf has a good point, that's how the black panthers got shut down, they were always touting their guns and were ultimately invaded by the FBI
Yep, ultimately the thing you have to remember with Jews is that they are not long-term oriented. Hyperchess is not on the menu.
I think they are cringy betas who are literally retarded, and only doing it to get dirty antifa pussy
as a lib, no, because the very idea that antifa and the other shills in our ranks reprsent my personal views is nil, and I do not think supporting a political movement like yours that seeks to end my life for wanting to fuck the wrong person would be more permissable than whatever retarded shit antifa gets up to. Try not sucking the dick of polarization for a while and you might get some converts, accept global warming and the sane versions of LGBT if you want more, but don't expect the rational members of the left to give up keeping creationism out of the science classroom just to spite a bunch of clowns playing gestapo and sjws
I might not be popular here for saying this, but i literally don't care who you fuck. i personally am again'st race mixing but thats your own dam right bro. I'm no fan of fascism, more of a conservative. I think the Trump movement is all inclusive if your a nationalist, the Nazi larpers are pretty much irrelevant
And she'd still be hot....
this op
fuck off fag
Brap posters = into the oven when the time comes.
Weak people flock to ideologies that make them feel powerful.
Thats why Antifa is actually a thing now. We have an entire generation of weak, spineless men and damaged/undesireable women who all have a burning desire to take revenge on those who they perceived to have sleighted them.
Those people being strong, assertive men and attractive women who optionally have families.
Antifa promises them revenge on those they think hurt them and power over them as well as safety in numbers. The left, the media and Hollywood have been cultivating this since the 60s. The Soviets were playing the ultra-long game and unbeknownst to them, the pieces they put in motion would keep moving after they were gone.
And this is the result. Legions of effeminate, emasculated males and undesireable, mentally damaged healthy-at-every-size legbeards desperately seeking somewhere to belong after society rightfully casts them out.
An army of useful idiots that for the first time in their lives feel like they belong somewhere.
Most wont be salvageable without breaking their spirits. Some will remain so even after.
The only way to save them is turn them from that path before they start down it. The point of no return is reached soon after they turn to the left. This is by design: the indoctrination centers of leftist thought have had 60 years to hone their technique to retain as many bodies for the meatwall as they possibly can.
you haven't experienced the pleasure of the bonding between two brothers gently caressing their butts with each other penises. slowly sliding it up the crack, with both cheeks gripping your penis to the point you explode all over your brothers back.
This, fucking degenerates
>nazi larpers are irrelevant
it doesn't matter how irrelevant you think it is, theres no poll measuring this kind of public opinion here, so the only reasonable response I can have as a political movement is to take it seriously. I like a lot of select traditional values, but the right embodies ignorance in almost every aspect just as much as the left seems to more and more represent taking intelligent and thoughtful premises and then grinding them into meat paste for the lulz. I don't take any political movement seriously that fights things like race mixing and immigration harder than our broken first past the post system, that ensure the current power structure is untouchable and makes bitter enemies out of half the country with the other half. I also like having rights, and pol is pretty staunch on re-appeal the 19th and that I do have poll numbers on
your a massive faggot and should kill yourself immediately
>he thinks this is effective shitposting
Stay smalltime, newfag.
yes and this is why i keep telling you stupid faggots to stop dressing up in battle gear and hosting "fighting strategy" threads. you will win no hearts or minds acting like antifa thugs, not to mention the field day of propaganda photos you give the MSM without even making them work for it. all they do is take a picture of you in a gas mask with your club flagpole and spiked gloves and Trump tshirt and add the caption "radical rightwing terrorist nazi at trump rally!"
They might when they see scores of antifa members hanging from trees.
I can honestly say I have no idea what this thread is about because I was distracted by that ass
>We have an entire generation of weak, spineless men and damaged/undesireable women who all have a burning desire to take revenge on those who they perceived to have sleighted them.
very well said, i feel like for the majority of Antifa its already too late, they are brainwashed beyond the point of no return. The university system is a literal contagion, these people will just have to be outbred by conservatives
>We have an entire generation of weak, spineless men and damaged/undesireable women who all have a burning desire to take revenge on those who they perceived to have sleighted them.
Are you talking about Sup Forums being butthurt over the jews?
>When people see a strong horse and a weak horse
>their natural inclination is to side with the strong horse
Despite the origin of the quote the veracity of it cannot be denied. People will naturally tilt towards the winning side in any contest.
This is a contest that will decide the fate not just of the United States, but of the West in general.
If your opponent is willing to utilize violence as a means to suppress or silence you, you MUST answer in kind or they have already won.
You can cite Gandhi to me all you want but the only reason anyone knows his name is because thats the only time its ever fucking worked.
Every other time in history its turned out like modern Tibet... or the United States of America.
It's really fucking round and shiny, Jesus Christ.
God I hope that is fake.
shes going to turn into a porker 100%
I am 100% pro freedom, but that doesn't mean im "for" degeneracy. If white communities want to exist in peace then so be it. I think we should be united through individual liberties, the only reason democrats are in power to the extent they are is because of open borders policies. otherwise the majority white population would continue voting conservative
>go to bar with buddy
>girl with shaved head, neck tats, etc., comes in with 3 beta-males in orbit.
>look at girl. blonde hair, tall, cute face. could have been a beautiful girl.
all of them, my God, totally irredeemable.
You know how Sup Forums is "anonymous" but people hide behind Anonymous and the screen? You know we all shitpost and argue over anything? They are pretty much LARPing that.
Sadly. You can see how it's starting to build up around her thighs now.
Shit squat form.
checke'd kek would never lie to us about something this important
why can't the rest of your country shitpost like this again, you let the leaf take the crown
Don't worry mate, were getting NBN and will shitpost the board into oblivion one we get that sweet fast internet.
Speaking of Boston, did anyone else notice how many fat jewesses were there on Antifa's side? I almost didn't believe in the jew memes till today.
But Antifa don't even argue... they might as well be replaced by repetitive robots.
Us 4channers would have to be at least replaced by Markov chain spambots. For instance, the most recent vote the Senate took on a
movement to cite cloture on a move to happen to debate was on an unemployment
benefits string note that finally ended up passing to play a order suffrage
on the happening to speak was the Snap Act, which ended up transient on an
overwhelming bipartizan franchise of 79-19. Before that it was the Omnibus
Unexclusive Orbit Management Act, which ultimately passed 77-20
that doesn't seem to be the case to me. it seems to mostly be the product of gerrymandering, immigration, which are both balancing factors that ar etherefore irrelevant, and the dominant factor; whos in power right now that isn't the football team I mean political party you are a fan of. unlike football results though fans of these shit parties actually end up winning more often if the previous party had the office the last time.
OK, using your idiotic reply, that still can be applied to my initial premise of you stupid faggots losing the PR war. Explain how you will be perceived as "winning side" when your pictures and videos are all displayed on national news networks taken out of context, with their own propaganda commentary injected in?
use your fucking mind and think past your 5 minute scuffle dumbass
The pendulum theory is responsible for the fact that the party in power goes back and forth, i think that is in large part due to the fact that the government has way more power than it should, which is what conservatives argue again'st. The Democrats shouldn't have the power to do 90% of what they propose and the republicans shouldn't have the power to nation build and start wars on a whim. If it weren't for that we would probably only have liberty oriented parties. On the other hand, there wouldn't be nearly as much racial tension if it weren't for the open borders immigration policies switching from Europe to the third world under both parties
Social Media, Facebook and Youtube exist.
When people have videos of reality shoved in their faces, the media narrative is exposed for what it really is.
Thats why every rally we confront Antifa at its always an unspoken rule that we dont throw the first punch. When they are shown as the aggressors ans we are shown time and again to be demonstrating in favor of the First Fucking Amendment and having to defend ourselves the public's immediate perception is that Antifa is anti-first amendment while being a violent aggressive movement.
Thats why the videos showing would-be Antifa mouthpieces being destroyed to the point where they reduce themselves to trying to shout buzzwords and preprogrammed slogans over us get so much vision: they show that your average antifa faggot cannot articulate what they even stand for nor can they defend their opinions. This makes people immediately perceive them as violent idiots and in combination with their level of organization makes people naturally wonder who is calling the shots for them.
dat faaaaaaaacccce
Still would.
hmmm don't care would still fuck the shit out of that
>utilizes your constitutionally protected right to protest to fight fascism
it's the same thing as all other liberals: their highly-evolved logically-processing brain has been tainted with emotional triggers at key points, such that they lack the ability to think through complex ideas—if they try, they'll hit a trigger, and sperg out with emotion. this is the natural way of women, and feminized nu-males—often raised by either single mothers or weak fathers—have taken to this as well. women are supposed to be the overemotional sex, and men are supposed to be the overly-logical sex, but guess what: when you make everyone overemotional, you can pander to their feefees to get them to riot in the streets like fucking imbeciles.
>10/10 body with a butterface
literally my fetish
>which is what conservatives argue against
no they don't. bump incoming
That is not a butterface faggot.
Sage incoming
how don't they, besides the military interventionism that i mentioned. if your referring to the Trump care deal, thats not conservatism
now that the bump is out of the way i can type shit.
nobody on the political horizion in america is for state rights, especially not the conservatives. they are increadibly for federalized activity and favor a ton of industries that profit off of federal spending and other economic actions the current government is made up of.
The right only gives the appearance of prefering state rights because it A: gives them a political means to pretend they aren't against homosexuals or other contraversial issues, while virtue signalling to the poor sods such as yourself that actually believe they are for state rights. They only ever want to roll back policies and make them state driven when they are social or occasionally educational. they are laws like abortion and gay marriage, hot button issues that only a fool would mistake for a government that actually put emphasis on the local instead of the national and federal. just look at the comparative spending of the presidential race and the lack of effort needed on such a monumental task as scaling back federalism will require.
This is only a virtue singalling platform for the right. IF you want to have america be state driven again instead of federalism, you would have to fight so many corporations and garner such support, that you would not have time for a wall or other petty bullshit. The right doesn't focus on this. they just use it as a meaningless buzzword on the front of their box, like how uncured bacon and salami is just bacon and salami cured with natural nitrates instead of manufactured ones.
no. leftism is a cancer. you dont fucking argue with them its fucking pointless.
the majority of what you stated in which the right (republicans) are hypocrites is true and I agree with you, its these aspects which make them differ from the founders which they revere. I do believe in states rights, the whole point of giving states sovereignty was because of liberty and so that we would have multiple political experiments from which you could choose to live in. To me you sound like more of a classical liberal, so i don't see why you don't just call yourself a libertarian. As to the corporate interests in government, it goes back to what I said about the government having to much power. If the government didn't have privileges to grant to companies than you wouldn't have the extent of lobbying interests in Washington that we do. First and foremost, we need to scale back the power of the federal government, then you'll see a withdrawal of corporate interests
Cute. 10/10 would eat her anus.
Because I favor socialism in a local schema that is the pre (but very brief) federalism. I also do not hold any belief that libertarians want defenses built in against corporations, who have everything to gain by making the world or this country into one centralized buying market.
In any case it's no surprise our country ended up like this,. if we had telecommunications from the start federalism never would have gotten off the ground. it was one when decentralization lost because it used to be shit, but now in modern society and a bigger america it is crippling this nation. I agree that corporations will see less success in meddling with many governments, thats why the EU exists after all, but more importantly, they will still be meddling in smaller areas, but for less gain. The biggest problems with our country as it stands is federalism and first past the post.
There IS hope for a large percent of liberals.
Keep in mind many of these people are decent agreeable types who just assume their societies elite and governing class are on the side of them and of the truth.
When the nice lady teacher in high school tells them something -- it is a assumed she is correct. Why would she be a teacher if she didn't't know what she was talking about?
They assume the newscasters and novelists they watch and read are presenting accurate information and they are getting a broad range of the best opinions.
They are just too trusting to believe that their information is filtered by Jewish gatekeepers who are trying to mould their minds.
I know retarded liberals who have literally never heard the best arguments -- or any real arguments -- against liberalism
They truly believe Liberalism is the only way a human being can be a worthwhile person. It's a sad state of affairs.
Fucking Aussie
sorry, I forgot how the meme goes. Help, anybody?
is it possible that whites have an inherent disposition towards liberalism with the exception of a religious moral basis agains't degeneracy, and the jews manipulate our inherent liberalism through the media and other avenues? It seems like white western peoples are the only ones who have discovered liberalism, and any other people who have, found it through us (the west). there must be some genetic reasons behind this
He's the jewiest of jews. He has cards stacked both ways.
Liberals have brainwashed themselves to turn a blind eye to Antifa.
They don't even see Antifa as one of their own. They see them as Anarchists and that their Anarchy isn't part of their liberal utopia, but instead something that is nihilistic in nature.
They think like this because they want to employ the "No True Scotsman" fallacy to their movement. They don't want to think about the idea that they're aligning themselves to people who chase down Jews and beat them in the streets.
They're teenagers who live in their basement.
9/10 Antifa members were found to be unemployed or living with their parents. 5/10 were college students.
They're a bunch of manchildren that, instead of coming to Sup Forums and worshipping waifus like our manchildren, have decided to put on black outfits and LARP as revolutionaries.
By the way, who is your favorite waifu?
when you speak of corporations it sounds like your referring to monopolization, which is only possible in actuality through government force. If a corporation provides a cheaper and higher quality product than the competition, then whats the problem, they aren't forcing you to buy it. if a competitor can come up with a cheaper alternative than he's free to do so, in which case its not a monopoly. I kind of lost you on the second half, but decentralization is only possible if we restrict the power of the government. The only problem is that once legislation and amendments are made, it's next to impossible to remove them. So in all honesty, we may be doomed
Good lawd where is sauce
it is
Any updates about what Tim Poole is hiding under his beanie?
10/10 post