Really makes you think.....
Really makes you think
>still believe whites waste the effort to catch slaves when it was easier to buy them from other blacks and Arabs.
Uppity niggers are pretty fucking stupid. Whites are also pretty stupid to import these animals into their country.
man I bet all those poor africans were doing soo well before white imperialism
oh wait they were starving and had shit tribal factions that got them no where
but muh egypt and muh pyramids
For the sake of argument I will suppose that the picture is true.
If black actually think this, then why do they want to hang around whites?
Replace the middle picture with arabs instead of whites and exchanging 200$ per person and you can put 2017 on it
I ask black nationalists this ALL the time. Uppity college sheboons chimping out at hoop earrings, why not move back to Africa? Imagine how great life would be with only niggers around, right?
Can we start a non profit to raise money for plane tickets to Africa. That would really help the blacks escape evil white racism.
The most important fact about the slave trade was that the overwhelming majority of slaves were sold to whites by their own kind
>white countries only achieved success through black labor
Why aren't African societies successful if they had the greatest access to African labor?
you'd think that if they were functioning human beings, they'd be able to return to a normal state after generations of egalitarianism. not to mention affirmative action.
But where's the original?
You left out the part where the Africans cut their daughters' vaginas off.
the last panel should be another white person telling the white person there now it's racist to say blacks families are dysfunctional. there is nothing wrong with them and in fact we should emulate them.
I think it has a lot to do with wanting to "get back" at the white man. They may or may not know that segregation is best for all parties involved but the blacks are so consumed by their hatred of whites that they are willing to delay their progress as a race just so that they may stifle the white man at every opportunity
b-but my grandfamily said they sold eachother to us... they said they only bought them cause they thought we were helping them by giving them shelter & a better standard of living, since they always seem 2 die yung
I'd tell them that slavery was a mistake, but it's a mistake we can fix. I'd be happy to see my tax money used to send them back. They can live away from a racist society they hate.
I disagree with segregation being best. Total removal is the way to go. With segregation, there will always be agitators demanding integration, and then we'll be right back where we started.
1788, the comic in the last panel, this is about abos.
Where analysis of 50,000 years of skeletal remains has shown rates of cranial damage 6 times higher in female than male skeletons. In some parts of the country 44% of all female skeletons showed cranial fractures.
So yeah, aboriginal families were perfect before the evil white man.
This comic was made on and is displayed on computers and smartphones manufactured in the present day by actual real life slaves in China.
Anyone who really cares about slavery would have stopped talking about African Americans centuries ago.
These stupid fucks will never listen to facts.
Not much point in trying.
It was the jews that bought them from Africa and sold them to America. Blacks selling blacks was a red herring.
I never understood this argument. If there were 300 year old blacks, then alright I get it. But are people who make this argument trying to say that blacks act retarded because in 1700 some slave was whipped really badly?
the whole image is a strawman and stupid anyway, segregation is still this lifetime ago.
It's funny because the author seems to think slavery started in Africa in 1788 and is solely white people enslaving black people
here's the original
>Monkey still carrying a spear
Yea, that's pretty correct actually.
kek'd and witnessed.
it really does, like how jews aren't white. and how it was other blacks who were killing and selling blacks as slaves.
The only difference between segregation and total removal is distance. The idea remains the same; removal of blacks from white society.
Modern segregation (read: freedom of association) may be an easier sell to normies. I do agree that complete removal should always be the goal but baby steps friendo.
> Americans not realising this is an Australian comic about abos
Not that any of your points are wrong, they've been given special treatment for a while now.
>buy them from other blacks and Arabs.
>Still believes this revisionist bullshit
24th post best post
The argument is something like.
>People learn how to not be shitty parents from their parents.
>From 1700 to about 1947, white people were constantly fucking around with black parents' ability to raise their kids (breaking up families, lynchings, etc.)
So boomer blacks were not (as) fucked with, but they hadn't learned how to be good parents from their own parents. So they sort of muddled through it with a D. Their kids in turn were again fucked with less, but could only turn D grade parenting into a C-. Their kids in turn are in their twenties now, so we'll see if they do better.
Makes me think OP never studied historical records. SJW University degrees don't teach anything applicable to reality.
Africans sold each other into slavery. White slave traders brought them over. Democrats bought them. Democrats lost them in civil war and reconstruction. Then Democrats hijack civil rights movement, institute federal welfare, and abortions to replace their slaves with hispanic illegals.