Hey guys I found this in my neighborhood today on the back of a stop sign. should I be concerned?
Tips please!
Hey guys I found this in my neighborhood today on the back of a stop sign. should I be concerned?
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should get it off or call someone bro
rip it off, or post a sticker over it that says, antifa-free zone, you could find an anti-com sticker if anything.
Put a "goodnight left side" sticker over top of it.
fuck with them
put a picture of pepe over it or something
Draw over it/rip it off
Stake it out and wait until they come back around
Beat them up
Hold on OP I'll make a quick image for you in photoshop to put right next to it.
Laughing Pepe right next to it.
Look for filthy dreadlocked scumbags and start following them. Find their nests.
post official flag of kekistan over antifa sign
A lot of impressionable minds walk by it you know, family's and stuff.
Here you go OP, print this out and ducktape it right next to it.
But a don't tread on me sticker over it.
But definitely don't put razor blades on the back of your sticker, that would be morally wrong.
just smear it with shit.
if you cant find any shit for sale, check your weak chin you faggot
fucking hell you limpwristed cock goblin.
draw a cock and balls on it.
tear it off
fuck me swinging, dont just take a fucking photo of it you panty sniffing poofter
posting pro-nazi memes in a public space seems like a good idea user.
just spray paint a swastika over it and save yourself the paper
No different than gang graffiti.
>shave head
>wear army boots and black suspenders
>chill near stop sign
Draw a swastika under it and write "Sup Forums was here".
fuck off with your kekistan bollocks CNN. spastic
Are you a weak manlet? If not, I wouldn't be too concerned. I wish I had antifa around me, I work out every day for nothing. I'd love to beat their ass for lulz
>Sticking it on the back of the Stop sign in an awkward-to-read position
These guys are brimming with confidence. Really.
Only if you're concerned with wimpy black-clad faggots blocking your path and yelling in your ear.
Just scribble on it with a marker. That's what i'd do to wack toy cunts in my hood mah nigga
so do a spastika and a RCF tag
get some adhesive paper for your printer
I am very concerned about defending myself from gangs.
tape a sandwich bag of shit to it and post the picture
You should only be concerned if you see a burning garbage can rolling down the street. Then you should prepare to fight or hide. Just don't hide in a Starbucks. Those motherfuckers hate Starbucks
Offer them a Pepsi, and they'll scatter.
Yeah trump supporters commit felonies! Get in tons of trouble fuck drumpf i mean maga
Print this out and paste it on top of it.
>only be concerned if you see a burning garbage can rolling down the street
He'll be perfectly safe, because that garbage can will be their prime target.
Report it to the gang task force or code compliance of your city.
Write "I thought borders didn't exist" on it.
kekekekekekistan you fag
I live in liberal land, how do i combat antifa brothers?
Bros is my can safe. I don't want it to be harmed?
remove the "FREE" somehow so people start associated ANTIFA wtih NAZI
>I thought borders didn't exist
Do it op
Use your guns to kill as many as possible the kys to deny them revenge
>Stop sign
I've never seen a rectangle stop sign
Keep it secret. Keep it safe
Just use a sharpy
>Not getting your KEK stencil out and reclaiming the area
>not going full Jet Set Radio Future and spray painting a Pepe
Start upgrading to pic related. For exra durability, you can partially bury them or sink them in to concrete
Fuck you captcha
Don't draw on the metal user.
"Jeez I wonder who's behind this post." Insert merchant Banker
Antifas worst nightmare
Cover that ugly shit up. Some dumbass spray-painted the word "Antifa" on the dumpster outside my work. Erased it ASAP. Just some stupid kid trying to "stick it to the man." Idiots.