Why didn't it just turn off its phone. I wouldn't ruin my mom's dinner to deal with some stupid Internet drama.
Aw that's a shame.
This person's whole life is an internet drama
Xir was shaking too much, didn't you read?
>Hahaha trans people kill themselves coz they are fags not because of bullying!!!11
>Sends trans people thousands of messages to kill themselves
Stop bullying innocent kids /pol
>i was about to share it, but will not because its violent
>seriously guys, believe me
top kek
Post this. Screencap.
Was this coordinated or is this tranny faggot just freaking out because some Republican was mean to them?
Can someone explain what this comic means?
Good, queers deserve the gas chamber harder than any jew.
>literally shaking
How long am I banned for this time then ?
Fags thinking too hard. That's all.
I thought that comic was forgotten, based on the lack of edits on here of late? Writer is a fucking drama queen, from the absurdly anal, moping, and sanctimonious comic protagonist to this hysteria.
It means they are mentally ill.
oh joy, I can post, mods are not total faggots after all.
>I might get killed tomorrow
Don't kill yourself
Oh please. This guy is getting exactly what he wants: an easy way to be the victim. Otherwise he has to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to be the victim, as evidenced by this comic:
Good job helping this poor guy out, Sup Forums, I'm proud of you.
no gender:no oppression
trans gender-choice:oppression of cis aunt
it's just nucking futs
It is bullying itself.
>contrary point of view = Nazis
>literally shaking
Its not a meme. Sup Forums is always right
Bonus points for making bruce jenner have to ban 1,000+ "nazi"
He should come on pol for a bit, that would toughen him up, he soon stop crying about the slightest little thing.
She went to bed thinking she might be gassed.
>man believes is a woman
>not a drama queen
It means he created a walking strawman character so he could dismantle some crazy shit that he came up with in his own head.
I wonder how much that bum makes off e-panhandling? That's the worst part, thinking that ridiculous cartoon actually generates money.
Because he wanted to be the center of attention on mother's day.
Half of that family looks dead inside.
>When people who intimidate companies including video game developers for a living play victim.
Guess you are not familar with the term "Drag Queen", huh Paco?
I have never nor have I ever seen someone shake due to emotions/stress.
Why is this such a common meme? I feel like anything less than a warzone/mass trauma can't induce shaking.
>being able to control yourself while under attack
Victim blaming much?
Good job
>literally shaking
pleasant dreams
There's actually some great bantz if you're patient enough to sift through all the transniggetry on Normiebook. It's amazing how all the transfaggots all are fat or ugly as sin.
>Banning Nazis
I've got money its one drunk Aussie cunt with a lot of free time.
>gassing trans
Are you having a stroke or something user?
Seriously? In 2017?
That scared the shit out of me, thought I'd forgotten mothers' day
Funny enough, I went to the ER one time thinking I was having a heart attack or stroke and actually was fucking shaking. Thinking you could literally die any second is something else. That comic writer should be ashamed for thinking that petty shit is anywhere close to real threat.
>"telling retarded mentally ill people to kill themselves is HILARIOUS!!"
Yeah no.
Disgusting faggot is probably shaking cause he forgot his dragon vibrator is stuck up his degenerate pozed arse.
thank god, this idiot gives legitimate trans girls a REALLY bad name
Bullying them would be too much of a kindness, they just eat up the attention
This. One Aussie is like an entire troll army.
I believe he still has a penis, so he's technically a trap and not really trans anything. Unless traps are transgender? I don't even fucking know anymore.
>Keeps saying hes gonna get killed.
Is he hinting that he wants to be murdered unconsciously?
people hypersensitive with extremely soft upbringings like that are usually psychologically unstable, so i'm not surprised
i dont either, honestly. i have sympathy for the girls(male) who try to hide their origins and live a normal life but I CANT FUCKING STAND people who use it as an identity. does thay make sense?
if he's asking to be killed, it's not murder then. just saying....
Completely untrue, legally you can't consent to a crime.
>trans anything
what is boxing and mma?
Because internet drama is it's life force
This is funny tho, as Sup Forums is fucking obsessed with traps, you have to admit. I would estimate that 85 percent of Sup Forums posters have a computer packed full of "chicks with dicks" porn (young and attractive "boipussy", naturally, so it isn't gay).
No, I want them dead.
it's a different culture though, traps have japanese origins and they know that they are males they just dress up as girls for fun while trans people are a cultural marxist tool that drives people into insecurity of their identity
Dat high T Neanderthal brow ridge, dat huge manly jaw, dat thick black stubble coming through the caked on foundation, he's one hellva guy !
Just got an epiphany.
SJWs, trannies and other trash golems keep blabbing about receving death threats because they want to kill themselves.
It's all projection.
Please Stop using the word trap wrong.
Trap is not short for transvesta or short for anything else,
'A trap' is a litteral 'trap': a guy (with a dick) so good looking in makeup and girls clothes that you think his cheesecake image is a girl till you see the dick later. Got trapped into being gay for a moment
They should get to it already.
Tyler is a fucking wizard
this. we really should feel bad for these people. they don't even know the pleasure of an anonymous internet drama.
Yes, you make a very good point indeed. It's part of the whole sick thing of revolving your whole life around something as base as sexual identity. Jap traps are good nips at the end of the day with no subversive agenda, but these SJW radicalized transbeasts are sinister.
tfw i am a transnigger after reading this
>gender reassignment surgery
They don't even fucking know.
Lopping off your dick would mean you're transsexual.
I love that statement. >they're just being mean because secretly they love x
You sure there's no other reasons? Like, 100%??
He took this back later.
Time to use your new status to apply for good jobs and/or college admissions. Nobody can challenge your self declared race, and octoroon mulattoes can look white, so have at it.
Excuse you?
Newfags can't browntext
This is actually frustrating to try and figure out. I need to go to bed.
That fuckin face at the end
> transbeasts
that's also a point, traps are always males who already have feminine features and they use that to look like girls, imagine there's 50 guys in a group out of those 7 have feminine features and 3 decide to be traps for fun, pretty reasonable, while transbeast never gonna be of those 7 feminine males, they gonna be the ogre looking guys in the group with potbellies who pour a bucket of paint on them and demand to be treated specially
I also might be killed tomorrow. I am probably not going to but there is always a chance. Anyone might get killed but chances are slim except if you are nigger. So whats the fucking point ?
Don't even try, it makes no sense, the text in one frame doesn't follow on in any rational sense from the text in the previous frames, all of his comics are like this, autism.