What are you looking at, smootskin?
What are you looking at, smootskin?
Other urls found in this thread:
France is so fucked.
Where's Mr. Burke when you need him?
I'm just looking at a pedo lady who fucked an underaged boy
>tfw your husband's the president of franch
She looks like her head fell in the cheese dip back in 1957
you think they still fuck?
more than you think:
>"Sexy", "glamorous", "unusual" ... The new first lady fascinates the foreign media. It's as if they envy us.
Said quite literally no one. Fake news.
Kek u got me frenchie
France will go down thinking they are better than everyone even as their country is burning to the ground. Nothing personal man, but your country deserves everything they get
In the comments:
"Pour les compliments sur la gent féminine, et sur Mme Macron en particulier...
Les commentateurs de ce forum, dans leur très grande majorité, ne craignent décidément personne...
Tout est possible tout est licite, et le pire est le plus apprécié.
Nous sommes au... XXIeme siècle. (?)
La lutte contre le sexisme est plus que jamais d'actualité. (?)
Et on lit ici même nombre de posts d'une rare vulgarité dont les auteurs sont sans doute très fiers. Bravo, messieurs, et compliments à certaine dame."
can some of you fuckers stage a coup d'état gas the cucks and legbeards please?
I dont speak ghetto latin. Translate
from one amerifag to another, translate it yourself or learn to read it like i did you fucking fatty. its not that goddamn hard
thats a meth head if ive ever seen one
That isn't what meth heads look like trust me lol.
>been trying for a week to launch this meme
>open Sup Forums, see this
i love you anons
fucking KYS you scum bag. English or moon, nothing else should be allowed on Sup Forums
>What murders?
don't translate it - cancer.
>Macrons hand gesture and expression
TFW when too smart to not fuck a granny
Looks like a legit banshee
kek he's memeable
First mummy of France.
>implying this isn't badass.
Wtf why are you a ghoul?
THIS. Very much this.
New model for the Forsaken revealed.
Orange is the the new Dead
Welcome to the club. I'm going to enjoy this
...and all the card come tumblin down,
tumblin down, tumblin....
You're jealous.
Good luck with Drumpf.
Really. :)
One of your fellow frogs made this thread.
This is great.
She reminds me of Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.
Is that Donald Trump's sister?
Who is this Slovene darling?
>This is the European white woman Sup Forums wants to save for extinction so much
As long as I have latinas, you guys can kill yourselves over that necrophagic looking whore.
Posting in a pedophile thread.
I wonder what France can do next to be a total joke.
She looks like a fucking ayyy lmao
Apparently a pile of smashed shit.
Step aside, burn victim.