I actually agree with most of what he says, is it just butthurt libertarian cucks?
Why does Sup Forums not like him?
Other urls found in this thread:
loll fuck I saw some pics of him yesterday
hes fat with lactating bitch tits
why would you want that being the face of white people?
>is it just butthurt libertarian cucks
There is a team of shit skins civic nationalists who try to discredit him with baseless arguments of being a shill
Not because they care if he is a shill. But because they care about stopping his message from spreading because they have something to lose by a united white race
This is meme they made is pretty funny though
That's a shooped pic. I like his message.
Because I've been in this game long enough to know a coop aggregator when I see one
him referring to the 'alt-right' is more cringey than someone unironically saying praises kek.
As opposed to what? You fading back into obscurity and irrelevance? Seems like you lose either way
There's two types of people who don't like him:
Shitskins civic nationalists (most white civic nationalists will agree with some of his points) because they want to live with whites
Ultra stormfags who can't believe he isn't shouting "gas the kikes race war now"
Personally, he's quite imperfect, but he's good for right now.
They also think if they turn him into a meme it will discredit his message
But they don't realise it will actually cause people to sympathise with him and memorialise his message
You gotta admit though his face has major meme potential
Actual policy change. We don't need him to be effective. He does more harm than good
The people posting against him are the nonwhites who view themselves as "BASED BLACK GUYS IN MAGA HATS."
Spencer looks disgusting in his blue shirt, nipples protruding
I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate on this one, so he is what he is. Anyone that is calling him out for being a complete faggot is an even bigger faggot than OP. We work with the army that we have, not necessarily the one we want.
>They also think if they turn him into a meme it will discredit his message
He did it himself
>The people posting against him are the nonwhites who view themselves as "BASED BLACK GUYS IN MAGA HATS."
He says the white race doesn't exist and he wouldn't like you for thinking you are white. Race mix -- he says so
Hurr maybe Donald trump the president
Mommy...wait. That's not mommy.
T. Based black man
There's nothing wrong with nazbol user.
Isn't his wife Russian? Could be an influence
He did nothing wrong
Debate me faggots
He's a wealthy trustfunder who has never worked a day in his life & lives off his mother. This is the truth.
Also, he & his family make $ off of black people almost solely. So if he hates blacks, perhaps he shouldn't employ them, but he does / his mother does.
"He is in a position to know. Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.
The Spencer family's farms are also subsidized by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in US farm subsidy payments, according to federal data."
wtf is he doing
Spencer is a fag-enabling zionist plant.
Based richard cotton slave owner
Says positive things about homosexuality/communism, says the ideal of an ethno-state is dead. Pretty much just a subversive faggot riding the gibs and claiming to be a white nationalist when he holds none of the values and even shills for tulsi gabbard.
I'll give him a fair shake because he's knowledgeable on genetics and seems well informed on history and doesn't avoid conflict. However when faced with aggressive debate he locks up despite there being tons of supporting evidence for his views. His CNN debates case and point, even avoided arguing with literal kangz "history". His stance towards Judaism, etc.
He's just not well spoken and holds beliefs the vast majority of white nationalist don't believe, his tactic is trying to be palatable to liberal whites, whereas most know that's impossible and better to gravitate conservatives towards nationalism. To me he's the definition of alt-light and even Milo who is a faggot jew denounces gay propaganda and admits jews control media.
>he's unironically using motherjones as a source
Yeah he is pretty good.
Some of the stuff I disagree with, but I'm not autistic enough to not liking him over this.
Dog dick nips doesn't represent me.
Fuck off with this bullshit
We've been trying the "play nice" method for quite a few decades now. It isn't working.
Actually he specifically said he wants to bring White privilege back.
This, frankly, and under the same principle I don't support Trump. His family built their name on the backs of better men, and he's in the perfect position to shill to every global interest outside of the United States. The only people who support Trump at this point are shills, political illiterates, LARPers, or any of the above.
>Richard Spencer owns a cotton plantation
That's absolutely hilarious if that's true.
>he owns a plantation
definitely /ourguy/
Because this place is concern trolling civic nationalists mixed with people too autistic to think any one that does anything is controlled opposition.
He's been planted by someone, and he reeks of Jew.
>obcessed with depeche mode
>poses like he's modeling for a calender
>supports faggots
>runs around wearing pepe pins and doing nazi salutes
>engages in the same bullshit identity politics and tactics that the left does
The problem is that everything he says sounds forced and scripted. I don't believe for a second that this guy represents anything that Sup Forums stands for. He's a fucking cuck, basically reddit if a website could take human form.
Fuck Dicky Spencer.
He talks like a fag, and his shit's all retarded
So he literally owns a plantation he forces impoverished blacks to work on for little money? /our guy/.
He's a really shitty public speaker. I see why the media memed him to be the face of the """alt-right"""
Faggots like you who want white self-interest to remain an edgy internet subculture are fucking annoying.
We're moving on to the public sphere and actually doing shit. You can stay a NEET your whole life and yell at us from the sidelines, but nobody gives a fuck.
He was part of its creation in the early 2000's. Not everything cones from Sup Forums
i love the way he triggers college sjws spencer is our based (((fashy goy)))
He wants an ethno-state without this kind of thing. Personally I don't mind.
>he likes a band I don't like
>I don't like how he looks
>If you don't agree with me on every single social issue, fuck the whole race
>He wears meme pins and makes roman gestures, this triggers me
>Advocating that your own people be allowed to EXIST is bullshit identity politics
Kill yourself my man
What is he actually doing besides getting hit in the face and running from antifa. He couldn't even beat some unknown nigger in debate. I know what you're going to tell me. The "based" even tonight that has terrible optics and will be click bait Monday
mfw he is a welfare farmer
>engages in the same bullshit identity politics and tactics that the left does
How many times do you idiots bring this up to get BTFO? The whole point is to use their tactics against them.
It's butthurt commies here pretending to be white nationalists while attacking every white nationalist they see.
They're leftists. These people pretend to be ''Nazis'', but they attack every single person on the right.
These are the same people who make Communist threads.
>marx was kinda right about capitalism
thats a deal breaker for me
He's ok. But I prefer Nathan
He's redpilling thousands of young people across the country by organizing events at colleges and public spaces all across the country, which inevitable attract antifa and commie fuckers.
The resulting brawls have been getting bigger and more violent for months, which feeds accelerationism, the only cure for the shitshow our society has become.
He's one of the only voices for white identity that anyone knows, and he's far less hated by normal people than, say, david duke. Still hated, but less, and far less by young whites who actually listen to him.
If you have some random dumbass beef with him, fine. But unless you've done more yourself, shut the fuck up about it.
Why not both?
>the band he likes is for fags
>he looks like a fag
>fags should be gassed
>pins are for fags
>safe spaces (ethnostates) are for fags
You should kill yourself. I want nothing less than the wholesale slaughter of the subhumans, and that includes homosexuals.
>Goyim see, goyim do!
Grow a brain.
Seriously if you cant see a shill with that link your a shill as well or a fucking retard
>I want the wholesale slaughter of subhumans
>but identity politics is bullshit
You're either retarded or a shill.
I dislike him like I dislike everyone who claims to be the face of the "alt right" and try to monetize thier fame in the "alt right". The controlled opposition meme about him is started because of how much of a retard he acts sometimes.
I have some beef I want to squash with him. Tell him to hit me up next time he is in Houston.
They are retards who can't understand we need more advocates out in the open trying to push this. We need MORE
Both is fine. And I don't hate Spencer. He's just as well spoken ad Nathan imo
>I want white countries to be no longer white, no more white people, import every race but white
>I want the opposite of that, I want an ethnostate for white people and every other race
Remove the subhumans and that will no longer be an issue. Prove me wrong.
Nah he's just a (((civic nationalist))) who accidentally showed his hand
Give it a rest ahkmal. You will never be accepted among us you dirty brown dog
Homosexuality is not "the norm", you fag. It's the complete opposite, as defined by evolution. The penis goes into the vagina for a reason, dumbass.
he is a legit national socialist, not just the national part most go with, but he does some good like protecting the Lee statue
>trust fund baby
>welfare queen
>uses blacks exclusively for labor
>hates them
lol what a fucking faggot
Fucking based.
I'm so white that I'm nearly see-through. I bet you're a fucking abo, and no, you may not have any of my cigarettes.
Implying that isn't the only correct way to use blacks. Hate them while they make money for you, just like the forefathers
nothing quite like protecting a confederate statue by reigniting KKK hysteria. surprised he didn't try to get his herd to don white robs and hoods too
Sources only matter for opinions.
>If a site like motherjones spreads blatently false info--they get sued.
I thought you didn't like identity politics?
What does white mean?
Nice try rabbi
Because he is a huge faggot.
Nice tactics, kike.
No one is talking about homosexuality, kike.
You faggot KIKES can't argue over anything, so you just change the topic and lie.
Spencer has never advocated for homosexuality.
You jew faggots are all going to be killed one day.
The KKK and other white nationalists organizations had tons of CIA plants in leadership positions. Obviously they want to control such separatist movements as much as possible by having such movements go nowhere politically. Spencecuck likewise only circlejerks vagually unclear plans and does absolutely nothing to progress his movement. Either he is a plant or just incompetent as a leader.
It means I am genetically superior.
Sup Forums is edgy and doesn't like anybody. He's ok, he just needs to tone down on the fagginess and retardation and stop saying pointless shit that causes movement infighting.
Why are you calling other people shills when your whole story fell apart in this thread
The only shill here is you
its a shill anyone against spencer is a fucking shill
cause he's a cringing fat beta fuck.
>Spencer has never advocated for homosexuality.
Don't call me a kike. I wouldn't touch the ashes with a 10 foot pole.
Paul Gottfried literally wrote the book on Carl Schmitt kek
He's fucking far right dude, farther right than Spencer
Spoiler: A massive chunk of the far right is Jewish, just like all radical politics.
>not understanding how farm subsidies work
>Actual policy change.
You're not going to get that from the neoliberal globalist capitalist GOP, we're not doing this revolution within the system, unless Trump does another 180 and really starts cleaning house starting with his kike son-in-law.
So let me get this straight you're a genetically superior (((white man))) who hates identity politics. But wants to genocide people based on their identity and think Richard is a shill while your own story falls apart in under 5 posts
I hope your boss at share blue fires you for your efforts in this thread. Just atrocious
nice try
Do you understand what that tweet means? I'd like it if you could explain it to me.
Get in here now
what is that pin he's wearing?
Race != identity.
So what? Manchild flip flops back and forth on Twitter like a fish out of water.
It means he's ok with degeneracy.
So long as he's not making money putting whites into debt-slavery to kikes, what's the problem? And, I'm totally fine with right white people draining the ZOG of every dime possible, it's helps put strain on this unsustainable system.
What are you, some basic bitch conservative who thinks you'll save white America by voting for Paul Ryan and championing muh small government? NEETs are more useful than those fuckers, because at least NEETs steal from the corrupt system and contribute nothing to its continuance.
Alt-right is just a bunch of virtue signalers circle jerking. They hate anonymous white nationalism because they can't be an attention whore.
>>engages in the same bullshit identity politics
Sorry, kiddo, identity politics are all there are in multi-racial societies. Muh ideals and muh principles mean nothing when fighting for racial survival and dominance.
Don't argue with shills
Not an argument, retarded kike shill.