What's the point of being nationalistic if your country is a shithole? What do you have to be proud of?
What's the point of being nationalistic if your country is a shithole? What do you have to be proud of?
It'd be warm af if every corner was made of concrete
Funny how it works out right.
If you're black being blue pilled is the best option for your people
If you're in a shit nation being globalist is your best option.
Democrats want to be open borders to Islam yet Islam is just a more extremist republican.
Only the places niggers and spics live in are bad. The countryside is beautiful.
Tell that to the Germans during Weimar rule
For retirement.
Being NatSoc in India is like inviting bull to hit you by keeping yourself tied to a pole.
well at least its clean...
It's because they don't want to accept that their country is a shithole.
Nationalism is just a rhetoric based on false assumptions. Average worker will not get any benefits from nationalism.
You can find hoovervilles like this in any country, Turnbull.
Terrible bait. It's almost like going to pictures of the outback and saying "Seriously australians, this is the best you got?"
Also what's with the chimney behind the barber shop? What's the Jewish population of that town?
We have towns in the middle of the desert that look better than your major cities.
My countries a shithole because of niggers and profit chasing outsourcing Jews.
Detroit probably has more mansions than whichever city you live
It's a shit hole because it was abandoned (flooded much like open border is doing to Europe right now but at a much faster pace) not because it wasn't once beautiful
Nationalism it's way to make our country better.
Niggers are a symptom of poverty, not the cause.
am sad now
Hello (((RT)))
Fallout 5 graphics are fucking insane.
Because its better to be poor and part of a homogeneous ethnic community than it is to be comfortable but a perpetual outsider.
Human beings are tribalistic, you are either an insider or an outsider period. Jews, Niggers, Spics, Mudslimes, will all pass you up for one of their own every time and the more ground they gain, the more opportunities you and yours lose.
packards are beautiful cars. there used to be raves in the abandoned plant.
Dunno, but it seems to work for Australia.
So that you can actively work to make your country not be a shithole. You stupid fucking liberal shill.
>"my" country
Niggers ruined it. Google Dallas. San diego. Miami. San Fransico
Then what's the cause? White people are fairly economically diverse, some are rich, some are poor, but most are in the middle somewhere. Niggers on the other hand are always poor (except for a few exceptions in majority-white nations) Everywhere on the entire planet that is majority-black is a complete shithole (see all of Africa, and also ghettoes in America/other white nations) without exception.
This. I've lived and worked amongst Blacks, hell I've even had the shitty experience of being the only white guy in an all-black neighborhood. Negros are just genetically incapable of not being worthless.
Net worth 90 million.
>except for a few exceptions in majority-white nations
How nationalism will improve their lives? Does border wall increase their wage? Or discrimination of blacks can give their kids proper education?
You can train a monkey to look cute and perform. Just look at all the shit the Ringling brothers did.
spics and shit weather
built in the 70's shit infrastructure full of shitskins
>San Diego
summer jobs only also spics
>San Francisco
pic related
Nothing, kys
Net worth 250 million.
Dallas is the only non shit city on that list.
America is a ground zero of multiculturalism but it doesn't mean that the rest of the world should follow it's example.
Net worth 400 million
>Will kicking out illegal scum help workers.
Yes. The common laborer loses his negotiating power when an employer can just bring in unlimited amounts of desperate unwashed illegal slave-wage replacements. Working in the meat packing industry used to be a good job until spics flooded the labor pool and now all the safety regulations are gone because if any paco gets uppity theres 10 more to replace him.
The opportunity to rebuild. Take pride in potential.
Don't make me chunda.
I liked Oklahoma, Colorado and most of Missouri and Kansas when I drove through there. California is nice but too overrated and overpriced.
Niggers, jews. Bad news