When will goys swallow the ultimate redpill?
When will goys swallow the ultimate redpill?
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...Anonymous (ID: 7U42nh43) Archived
Drumpf Is Finished
05/10/17(Wed)20:04:25 No.125028058
13 KB
He will be impeached within the week!!
Okay guys this thread is for the glacier dental threads that have been 404ed all day. get in here. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
...Anonymous (ID: 7U42nh43)
05/10/17(Wed)20:06:07 No.125028261
8 KB
>Have three locations within 5 miles of eachother.
>Located in ghettos of alaska. Similar to Hillary taking kids from poorest areas of the world because they can't defend themselves.
>Market every month to local elementary school. (possibly to recruit kids)
> have a location right next to pedo police Anchorage Alaska. We've all seen the Los angeles police dept pedo badges they wear.
>Same building they are located in with police has a crematorium.
>Will share photos of recon. They have a storage container located outside that is not for rent, but is shippable by boat. WAHT THE FUGGGGG. perfect for storing children then hauling them off to Kebab Land or Asia. Absolute skeeetch.
>they have a sign at one of their dental offices to call and wait at the door until they answer.
>There is a business called Le Projecto that shares a building with glacier dental.
>Tried tracing the owner of glacierdental alaska turns out its owned by a shell company who is a part of a massive network of other companies.
>two of the locations are not servicable including the one next to the crematorium. The sign is purposefully dulled out to show they do not accept customers the locations.
keep us posted larping alaskan
Yes the earth is flat and Math, Science, and Visual evidence prove it. Not bogus theories freemasons feed the masses. In fact it is the easiest conspiracy to prove. Go ahead take 5 minutes and attempt to prove to yourself that the Earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared, bet you won't :)
8 inches per mile squared of curvature is unmeasurable.
The spin of earth is also unmeasurable.
The Theory of gravity is also unmeasureable.
Countless laser tests have been done over 8+ miles with zero curve detected.
Countless high altitude rockets/balloons have been shot into low earth orbit and every picture/video they take shows nothing but a FLAT PLANE with sun spots under the sun. (if you don't get why that's a big deal go back to school)
You can zoom 50+ miles away and see the shoreline and buildings of things you shouldn't otherwise see if we were on a curve. (anywhere in the world under any and all weather conditions, its not refractions you dopes)
You can see Polaris (the north star) from the (((southern hemisphere)))
There are endless proofs just google 200 proofs the Earth is not a spinning ball and enjoy that you have been lied to.
∞ch net/pol/res/9891932 html#9911007
Then you have NASA and other space agencies clearly using CGI or fake studio sets under water.
China has my fav one, of course NASA congratulated them for this great space walk
When this was live streamed I laughed so god damn hard. If you believe this then you are forever blue pilled and lost
Then you got NASA with bubbles come out of their equipment and space suits.
Then there is video of Russians also faking it.
THEN the moon landing hoax a simple look at how there is more than one light source in the moon landing official pictures means they were not lite by the sun but by more than one source as the shadows go off at different angles
THEN the fact that the (((moon rocks))) brought by america after the landing turned out to be nothing more than petrified wood
Also the fact that thrust doesn't work in a vacuum nor does combustion
Endless endless endless proofs
Oy vey good goy
Go prove to yourself the Earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared
shouldnt take more than five minutes
bet you wont :)
ITT: shills trying to discredit our movement with bullshit conspiracy theories
you uneducated morbidly obese degenerates are worse than UFO fags. better kys.
Pls tell me why day length varies depending on season?
Pls tell me why day length varies depending on latitude?
Pls tell me why day begins at different time depending on longitude?
Did someone who claims the Earth is flat just call me uneducated?
>wew lad
Not this shit again
also sage
what if space is filled with water?
cuckchan is so full of plebbit now it's pathetic.
Hey, but what does it fucking matter?
"Earth is flat!" but I still have student loans
"reptiles control global politics!" I have to still somehow get into medical school
"Flat earth!" I still have to take care of my old parents....
At the end of the day, conspiracy theories, whether they are true or not, will not change my life at all. I must work, to climb the economic ladder. Nothing stop this.
nice try SHILL. no ones falling for the flat earth meme
And the moon is flat too? Or is that a sphere made of cheese? This argument is a dumpster fire.
Conspiracy theories are about escapism and role playing. Consider Snowden's behavior after leaking NSA documents and every conspiracy theorists behavior after leaking interdimensional NWO secrets.
these threads always make me laugh
is it just for keks? why would anyone push a flat earth meme this hard
I've taken the flat pill user, and people ask why. but if we had the bible as god intended and not the version (((they))) shill we would understand that Earth is a realm, not a planet.
Mudslimes believe that earth is flat, this is why.
You should not insult their feelings, user. Racist truth about Earth being spherical should be silenced, otherwise mudslimes chimp out peacefully.
Why can't people see that we were lied to our entire lives.
If the Earth isn't a sphere then what is it? I always hear the "it depends on perspective", but what does that mean? Is the earth torus shaped?
Here's a video that puts things in perspective that isn't from any sort of government agency.
ah yes, goldberg at it again I see
thanks for our daily "let's make Sup Forums dumber" thread.
cool, tasty
Flat Earth is literally a PsyOp from ((them)). There's even a card for it in the Illuminati card game
I wouldn't say the earth is flat, but its defiantly provable to not be round
Flat earth and ball earth are both misinformation
The Concorde had a normal cruise altitude of FL600 (60000 feet) avg airplane is around FL350... from the concorde at cruise level you could see the earth's curvature... explain?
People need to stop with the "Flat Earth" threads
We do not know its flat, We can only prove it is not round.
You can not prove it is not round.
To someone with connotative dissonance, you're right i can't
Try me.
But I can prove to you that it is spherical.
Tell me more seriously man what the hell is it then?
Fuck off cia nigger
>Earth is flat
>can still dig a hole
really made me think