ouch, actually made me regret voting for Trump
Ouch, actually made me regret voting for Trump
Too many poor irresponsible minorities who wouldn't put money into the system.
Stop posting Tsuyu.
Can't wait to see the 150 replies this gets
i'll bite....
you're free to earn the money to pay for the service of health care.
>The freedom to be forced into universal healthcare
>liberals knowing what a freedom is
You're free to whine about healthcare.
clearly b8 thread
Why the fuck do so many people feel entitled to the work and money of others? Why not just donate your money or make a foundation to pay for healthcare costs for poorer people if you're so concerned? Why do people demand that other people must buy in?
Trumpcare is universal healthcare you retard
stop posting this you illiterate leaf.
>people still can't hage and side
inb4 nazi mods anyway too busy eating hotpockets
>believe X
>don't believe anti-X
>logically consistent
Twin digits at the end of my post's number and Tsuyu dies.
Fact freedom of speech is a right.
Fact The right to bear arms is a right.
Fact healthcare is not a right.
>republicans claim to believe in freedom
>but they dont believe in my freedom to walk in their house shit on their carpet and steal their TV
wtf i love democrits now
Sage goes in all fields
>not beliving in the freedom of exterminating shitskins
Medicaid didn't go anywhere.
>Negative Rights
>Positive Rights
>Not having the state put a gun to your head and forcing you to work as my slave means you don't believe in freedom.
All rights are a spook
That's first off, not an argument.
Second off, that's not how freedom works.
>socialism is freedom
>freedom from taxes
>freedom from monopolistic services
>freedom to choose what services you want to pay for
>war is peace
We have the freedom to DO things. We do not have the freedom to MAKE OTHERS do things, like pay for our healthcare.
>lol you don't believe a part of your income should be forcefully taken to pay for healthcare for people who don't work?
>what are you, anti-freedom?
Only people who should get free healthcare and people who were either born with a condition or got into some kind of accident that wasn't their fault or at least not completely when they were to young to have their own healthcare. Everyone else pays for their own shit.
Hell even the two examples I gave could probably be moved to the parents health plan.
If you love peace
How come you are against me trying to preserve peace by going to war?
>freedom to
>freedom to universal
>freedom to universal healthcare
freedom to speak, freedom to practice your religion, freedom to vote, freedom to own a gun. But freedom to healthcare?
Please rephrase so I can shut this REEEEE off inside my head.
Even the UN, in its list of human rights, says you have a right to healthcare, but doesn't say anyone else has to pay for it for you.
Isn't it astounding how people are so utterly shallow and unreflective that they don't see the difference until it's pointed out FOR them?
ANY of your freedom doesn't require someone else to provide something. You have free speech, but no one has to provide you with a podium. Same goes for healthcare.
>freedom means being required under threat of force or action to financially support other people
>freedom means you do not have the exclusive right to your own economic gains
>Freedom = Slavery
Freedom to live, boom, philosophy solved
Flag is canadian, he didn't vote for trump, unless he committed voter fraud.
>The freedom to get stuff given to you
I am for universal healthcare but this argument is just poor
Where's my freedom to free food, housing, water, electricity, vidya, and sex?
Who gives a single shit about the UN?
You can't magic rights into existence. Either they exist or they don't. If men just by fiat claim they exist then they don't necessarily exist in the first place, and certainly aren't any more real by people screaming about how they must be.
My mother went from paying $40 for all of her meds a month, to paying $170 on obamacare, which she couldn't afford because of her lacking retirement. And then she died because she couldn't afford it, even with my help, she didn't tell me she was paying her rent with my money and not buying her meds.
My albuterol went up in cost too, almost doubled when obamacare came to be. It doesn't matter anymore, prices are fucked on meds, I hope they'll go down, but I doubt they will.
>republicans claim to believe in freedom, but they don't believe in freedom to force people to pay high taxes?
Canadians are fags and deserve to be hanged.
wheres the freedom in universal health care? Your forcing people the pick up the slack. People are tired of welfare and this shit is welfare on steroids. I cant afford to pay for your cheese and bread now. You really think i have money to pay for all your bullshit MRIs and STD medicine? If i dont want to buy car insurance ill take the bus. What choice do i have in your healthcare. Pay it your self faggot
Hey Leaf, I'll back universal healthcare when you back the funding of my gun, you know the 2nd Amendment.
>vote for trump
Are you guys really falling for this low tier bait?
>republicans claim to support freedom but they don't let me legally live in your house without your consent
damn republicunts
>They do it for free
no law prevents you from getting healthcare, therefore you do have freedom to healthcare.
I have freedom to have house, doesn't mean its given to me at your expense.
>implying we're not free to buy whatever type of healthcare we want
Most blatant shill on this entire board. YOU AREN'T EVEN TRYING.
I'll be honest, I laughed out loud at the "logic". Thank you for helping start the morning with a smile, leaf.