The face of conservatism
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Do buttholes stay tight?
You know, once you see the whole transition from beginning to end it is impossible to see Blaire (Robbie) White as an attractive chick.
I'm throughouly convinced most of the trap fetish that has hit Sup Forums over the years is to due to over-masturbation to trannys/shemales that wear GOBS of makeup and bullshit and look like somewhat hot chicks.
That ain't real world, and when the makeup all comes up you're looking at a dude in drag.
It's mind-blowing how effectively fucked dudes have become over this shit.
This picture alone should be enough to bring you all back to reality.
I don't dislike Blaire personally but I could never look at eh, "them" as an attractive female, especially not after this.
Absolute cringe, man.
Why God, why.
God damn it Norway.
No, but they can squeeze down if they know what they're doing. So actually they become TIGHTER in a sense.
I'd fuck him into next week
I was very calloused towards trannies and such before Blaire.
I had a gay friend in high school, who wasn't out yet. It was no big deal at the time, but as I got older, seeing how they all were in this anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-everything traditional and decent cabal... It made me kind of hate them. Not for being gay or anything, but for their shilling. I'm grateful that people like Blaire are out there desu.
>notices buldge
OWO "What's this?"
I honestly hopes he gets the help he actually needs one day.
Yeah. Since I got into trannys I learned to avoid like the plague their transition photos.
They really shouldn't share them.
I don't even know who that is
shame that trumpflakes worship him so much
old robbiefaggotron i mean blaire white vidyas
Blaire packing?!?!
That would make my day. She better not cut that off.
From an sjw cringe twink to highly fapped to traditional appearing grill.
>whites are so retarded that "subhuman" jews can easily trick them into behaving like niggers
wow, nice "superior" race you got there, chief
>the jews propped Einstein as a fake!!!
>let me post the real noble Aryan ubermenschen
>posts 3 scientists
>2 of them are jewish
Well meme'd lad.
What's the problem?????
WHO WOULNT want the pleasure of experiencing a 2in1 package?
Traps are the patricians choice
The special theory of relativity directly references Lorentz transformations you ignorant CUNT.
I thought you guys prefer dogs
traps and those that encourage them need to be burned on a cross
This is beautiful
She's right, you know.
Did you see the video where she discussed whether trans is a mental illness?
Basically she said:
>I have a mental illness
>This is my only chance at happiness
>What do you want from me?
Made me really sad.
I think it could be fixed by other methods, but we won't know about them until PC police and SJWs stop getting every scientist that challenges their paradigm fired.
I want to see Blaire go balls deep into Brittany Venti. I'd also accept Lauren Southern or Laci Green.
Idk where that meme comes from and I don't want to know.
I've never seen or heard from any animal brothels the anglokike yellow press writes about.
Also all zoopihila content is made mainly by south americans closely follwed by underground animal fuckers from the USA
>Inb4 how do you know
Newfaggots detected
As an oldfag 4chinz resident you get to be expert in every form of moral perversion
Imagine fucking her ass while she's doing that.
so in love with this
>Anglokike press talks about animal brothels
WTF? I've NEVER heard of such a thing.
I agree user. These people are fucked up, but they shouldn't have to suffer unnecessarily. I still expect them to meme though, to be clear.
A super conservative friend posted about her (I mean him) on social media and I honestly couldn't figure out what was so weird about her. I couldn't even listen to what they were saying. And it makes sense. It's a dude with boobs.
Blaire is
Implying you wouldn't smash that boipucci
Brittany's ass? Hell yeah, I'll let the balla touch.
You're showing the bulge above her thigh right?
Asking b/c it also kinda looks like fat squeezed the wrong way.
It's literally because of xenoestrogens. Alex Jones was right.
Either would rock. I was thinking of Blaire's though.
How do we convince them to allow us to do ass to ass?
>since i got into trannys
Just kys mate
>ass to ass
I'm not convinced by that one. It's the same problem with his anti-fluoride message. He doesn't understand how dosage works in biological systems.
More likely is feminism + single mothers.
Anglokike=your ugly father known as the Brit
>dat soap and lampshade after taking care of the jew
I mean going from fucking one of their asses to the other.
Probably could just switch condoms, duh.
Why? Good BJs, really passionate sex. The ones I've fucked are Blaire White tier or better (escorts).
I know that Hans. My point was I've never heard of it, and I peruse British press since our press is so shit.
I think it could be done user. Most trad girls are degenerate as well. Another grill is one thing. But involving a tranny may be a bit much, I mean, what would Jesus think?
(This is how their minds actually work in some cases)
>I'm not convinced by that one. It's the same problem with his anti-fluoride message. He doesn't understand how dosage works in biological systems.
Literal bluepilled retard. This is not the right website for you, newfag.
Jesus died so you could smash that boipucci.
Blaire totally changed my perception of trannies, too. I'd date her.
BTW, is quickly becoming the second gayest board on Sup Forums. Some frog just accused me of not being gay ENOUGH.
All the weaboo faggots have feminization fetish threads, etc. It's turning into a shithole.
>I think it could be fixed by other methods
Why though?
Authorship in medical research, user. You're wrong on both counts. There's literally no evidence to support your position.
In particular, his point about fluoride is very damaging. Caries (cavities) are the most common infectious disease amongst humans; fluoridated water has done more to reduce that than every other advance in dentistry combined.
She actually does pull off the traditional grill look rather nicely.
you are as mentally ill as he is
Food for thought user. You sound like you've earned your senior pimp card.
That alien skin colour
I like how this is the one thread the mods decide not to move to /bant/