If George Lincoln Rockwell were alive today pol would say he's a CIA plant tryingb to stay a coopted shill movement.
If George Lincoln Rockwell were alive today pol would say he's a CIA plant tryingb to stay a coopted shill movement
no he's everything we want out of faggots we got right now
no one is man enough to play his role.
Look at that brow. They don't make men like this anymore.
>he's a CIA plant tryingb to stay a coopted shill movement
he actually was
George LARPer Rockshill had a Jewish neighbor when he was ten and didn't gas her and has a homosexual third cousin. Obvious shill. True Sup Forumslocks stay anonymous behind their newsletters and short range radios rather than facefagging in newspapers.
None of the e-celebs that Sup Forums likes have their shit together or are as good public speakers as he was.
Most people on pol don't actually want to win
They want to permanently stay in opposition because they like the idea of being counter culture
Winning would mean overcoming the mainstream
It's very easy just to corner yourself off and not worry about having to carry a movement forward
Your average poltard abhors the idea of normies adopting pol ideals, because it no longer makes them special
You see this in people rejecting reddit despite the fact that Sup Forums has very successfully infected major parts of reddit
Spoiler: no movement is perfect. No movement is ever going to get anywhere if you consbtantly flake as soon as something goes awry.
A lot of people here seem to think anyone who does anything out in the real world, who puts their face out there and is conventionally attractive must be a shill or a plant. It's kind of sad desu
If Rockwell was still alive, the alt right wouldn't exist because there would already be a right wing facist party in the USA to join.
I'd probably be about as big as the lolbertarian party too.
no, we would say he was going to get killed by the CIA
You will never live in an alternative timeline where Rockwell became President before WW2, allied the US with Germany and formed a European/American Reich.
I will be King of America and bringer of the 4th Reich. Mark my words.
>President Rockwell isn't a thing
Stop reminding me
I personally invited reddit. This operation is moving whether Sup Forums likes it or not.
This is all true. People are actually complaining that mainstream you tubers are making Sup Forums ideas mainstream. The biggest circulated botpasta about Lauren Southern is that she reiterated Sup Forums points outside of Sup Forums. Isn't that good? Don't we want to win and have our ideas be mainstream?
Is this blackpilling? I can't tell but life is feeling pretty dismal now.
Yes, but you can't go back; only forward
I think that most people here are excited about Sup Forums ideas becoming mainstream, but there's a very vocal minority that has dug itself into a comfy little rut and doesn't like anything that threatens to disturb it
In Man in the High Castle, NY's airport is named after him and it's implied he's America's leader. That's a good show.
Manlet can be a Nazi too.
Maybe... but we are all still obligated to make the best of ourselves and try to carve out the best life we can for ourselves regardless of the world we find ourselves in.
I bet those manlets felt better about themselves than 90 percent of lanklets do right now.
I'm convinced that those people convinced themselves that the reason they're alone with no friends is because of their revolutionary political views. As those views become mainstream it becomes more obvious that they're just loser rejects. Rather than ask for help from their newly cohesive white brothers and all the self-betterment resources out there, they just shout that anyone who understands optics or stepping stones must be a Jewish shill. It's better than facing the truth.
There's also some genuine schizos around, like Renegade. And some people that are bitter that their favorite website isn't the recognized leader of the movement, like 8pol and IM, because their identity lies with a website rather than the white race.
This could be true. Many polacks may feel more /comfy/ in their contrarian safe space.
People like Spencer shine a light on this time and time again. Sure, dick is no Rockwell. Not even close. But is he out there at least bringing some attention to partial pol ideals when they get basically no positive attention outside of the internet? Yes. And that means a lot. Moving the overton window and mainstreaming ideas is the absolute only way that MAYBE in 20-50 years there could be a legitimate shot at ethnostates.
He was FBI actually
The shortest one is actually Dan Burros. A Jew.
>tfw the only way whites people will support their own interests is once they're not only a minority but are openly oppressed and killed for being white.
I fear the only way we ever "win" is to become the new Jews in a century.
Good work. Its time to carry on men like Rockwells vision and spread it like wildfire, not bottleneck it against 'normies' and whatever stupid ass shit some polacks think.
Most of the T_d ITT dont get it,yes there are some basement dwelers that only care about shitpoating and the moment our ideas would.go mainstream they would.ho the other way.
But my problems with quite a few others is that normies did not pick our ideas and culture but diminished them.They adopted this "civic nationalism" which is basically a paunkiller but not a cure to the infection the west suffers today.
Even Hitler said that its better to have a small movment than lose its proper core values.
Most reddit faggots that came here cant for the love of god understand this and they are refugees they come and dont assimiliate to board culture.
Just keep breaking down civic nationalist cuck shit like we destroyed atheism with fedoraposting.
trivialize and dominate with a superior mindset.
exactly my thoughts OP
You don't reach the fringe over night
Give them time
Sometimes you have to bully betas.
I hear you. But if the movement (which lets be honest, is not centered on Sup Forums) maintains its values, isn't it better and more promising for eventual success for us to be surrounded by civic nationalist normies than SJW normies? We can't lose ourselves, but we can certainly recognize the value of the general population moving CLOSER to us.
That just goes to show how we always have our guard up.
>its better to have a small movment than lose its proper core values
well you we shouldnt listen to hilter since you know... he lost... and offed himself
also NSDAP was known to beat people into voting for the nazis so there goes your silly gypsy argument
>corn-cob pipe
Obvious CIA agent.
>missing the point this hard
nazis never cared about purity since they coerced the german people to vote for them so there, any questions? also in the Night of long knives they eliminated the core and the hardliners
you dope
There is a difference between keeping the gates closed, and having no gates at all, just a continous wall.
And that wall is the mentality of many here. It's like they want to remain a fringe minority forever.
-He wasn't old enough to be president before WWII, retard.
-And even if he was, back then he wasn't redpilled.
The manlet was a jew that infiltrated and killed himself when he was outed by other jews.
This, he held his ground even in gotcha (((journalism))) interviews.
They didn't have internet and mass media was controlled by the Nazi party so it was easier to control people through violence at that time.
Thos is the problem.tho,we dont have time,in 5-10 years the EU will fall and since i am not a Putin bot i know that Russia will make a move while western europe will be burnong and then it will be war.
Manny people say that muh america saves the day.But look at the US today ots already pretty divided,how far do you think it will be in 10 years once the actual american population(whites) go under 50%.
You can call me a defatist or delusinal but i strongly belive that the US will see a strong internal conflict who might even morph into an all-out civil war.
Tldr by the time war and.conflict hits we'd better have a core movement/ideology organized or who knows which way it will go....
He's good. If he were alive today I think he'd say Milo and Richard are pretty based. xD
>core and the hardliners
Strasserists and Communists were not the core, but they were hardliners, that is the reason they had to be removed.
Is he the one that was assassinated by one of his own people?
>in 5-10 years the EU will fall
[citation needed]
>i strongly belive that the US will see a strong internal conflict who might even morph into an all-out civil war.
and that's your defeatest mentality?
that's the ideal solution for our side.
and what was left survived 12 years, great job mr Hitler, great job
Sure, but those will be the easiest to convert to WN. They only grasp at their civic nationalism BS because they originated from reddit, which is cucked to the gills. I hardly ever see civic nationalism shit on pol regardless, maybe in the trump general but that's about it.
>If he were alive today I think he'd say Milo and Richard are pretty based. xD
lolno, unlike these phonies he put the foot down on the fag question and said that queers deserved the gas chamber.
fuck milo, fuck richie, only doland trump xDDD he is so based 3 scoops xDDD amirite!?
God Bless Commander George Lincoln Rockwell
Yes, but it was a disgruntled ex-member.
user, you're right. Europe won't be saved. That's not what we're fighting for anymore.
We're fighting that we don't go extinct and to build an identity so that we can carve out a PIECE of America and Europe once it's all over as ethnostates. We won't be winning back all of Europe nor of America.
Baby steps dear he'd need a few minutes first to adjust to the hell he woke up in
We're moving on all of America. I want the god damn west coast back.
>They only grasp at their civic nationalism BS because they originated from reddit
Unfortunately not true. The (white no newish) ones who have been exposed to white nationalist ideas but cling to civic nationalism are dating nonwhite women or have nonwhite kids. Test this on the big civicuck personalities. It's a truism.
On the day of the rope these traitors need to go.
i say let the fat gook boy nuke it, then we can rebuild on their kike bones
I watched both seasons and I didn't know the airport was names after him. Cool catch user
>nuke the forests
The "white nationalist" movement is mostly loser types with behavioral problems. There are no competent leaders and few people who can contribute money or skills to the "cause."
Yes, but it was a disgruntled ex-member.
One who was kicked from the group for having marxist ties and suspicions
Your autism is retarded, civic vs. ethno is a spectrum and not a binary
civic itself is already on the opposite polarity of multikulti
gotta nuke something
12 years without the Jew. Can you imagine how much a 100% caucasian American-Europe alliance could accomplish in a 12 year period?
>civic itself is already on the opposite polarity of multikulti
How?? Their position is:
>immigration of any and all races is fine as long as they sign the right paperwork!
They explicitly deny white identity and society. They call it "western" society as if you can fill England with abos and it'll still be England, as long as they came in "legally"
The reason why modern alt-lite e-celebs are called shills is because they lack fervour on certain issues. GLR spoke at an Islamic rally for blacks (here: ).
Otherwise, everything else was spot on. In case you haven't noticed, the only perfect person was Hitler. Drove all non-Germans from the nation and valued honour and traditional values for the society.
If any white people believe this guy; he's wrong. My local metro group has grown from ten to a hundred in the past year and at least half of us are professional class (lawyers, accountants, engineers, etc) guys and many of the rest are in college. Half are married, 25% have kids (many are young). Get out there and join white groups: they're solid respectable people organizing and helping each other as a network of racially aware whites.
Sounds like the Democratic party but they do alright in this country. Now run along kike
that's the only way he'd be allowed to be alive today, so you are correct.
>Get out there and join white groups: they're solid respectable people organizing and helping each other as a network of racially aware whites.
This is it. This is how we become the new Jew. We'll network like crazy in real life and dominate.
This goes perfectly with my plan to have every white womb produce 6 children. That way your kids can network the same way in their schools through all grade levels at once with their presence.
We will win.
Doesn't mean they agree with all the legal immigration that currently goes on already. I consider myself civic and I agree with 95% of WN demands. There's people who agree with 40%, 60%, or 80%, so you're foolish to assume just because someone isn't ready to say "whites only" that they're necessarily ok with an artificial population displacement program that we're pressured to accept
Makes me sick desu. Called my mom for the first time in a while today, who has never been politically involved, and even she has more pro-white conviction than those cucks.
We know you are shills because you fall for the stormtard memes with unabashed fervor
What's the 5% you disagree with? Let me guess: your based Korean girlfriend should be allowed to stay?
I think the best outcome without unnecessary bloodshed is to just go hard lolberg and repeal forced integration, allow ethnic enclaves, etc. On the other hand I also want full repeal of Hart-Cellar and I'm persuaded to be in favor of more harsh policies if you have a situation like Paris.
How did his speech about how they should live separately make him not perfect? Because he didn't go up there and make a public fool of himself calling them all niggers like a retard? Rockwell didn't want to live with them and they didn't want to live with him. Sounds like they had common ground to talk about.
Hitler had kind words about muslims desu.
That's the practical way of how it'll happen, of course. So why counter signal WN? Be honest, do you have a nonwhite gf or family member?
This "he didn't shoot all the blacks" attitude is the same one that calls someone a shill for saying "zionisms great, send all Jews to Israel"
I don't counter-signal at all. I only counter-signal things I find personally repulsive, so that would go equal if they came from WN or other camps.
Because that's not all there is to it.
Calling them niggers is retarded? This is what I'm talking about, you still conform to the social lines drawn by the Marxists: who cares if it is politically incorrect to call pavement apes niggers or Mexicans spics, who cares. Whites only.
Hitler enjoyed Islam... outside of Germany. Big difference. Spencer isn't a Marxist or leftie, that's not what is being claimed. His lax stance on social degeneracy, like faggotry or other perverted nonsense (as in, the same physical removal, politically incorrect stance he has on niggers) is the issue; like all other e-celebs, they do it primarily for the social brownie points and cult of personality built around them. You forget how many of these people are just contrarians. A great litmus test for donald faggots and actual NS (and not the skinhead tatted faggots) is if they are PC or not.
You're white, and individualism is in your nature, but you need to stop this shit and accept collectivism. The acceptable frame in this conversation is "I'm white nationalist, but have what I consider realistic practical views about its implementation." The alternative is counter signaling WN, which you've done here. Be part of the white identity or get fucked. I know I'm being overly serious, but this is a serious movement.
Rockwell was a great polemicist and had no aversion to saying naughty words.
Saying nigger this, nigger that, in 9 times out of 10 in today's word is stupid, and cancer, it's a good sign you're a low iq hick and have not much to say. The other 1 time, you have something important to say and you're probably in a position where it's foolish to allow it to be lost or damaged by something that will be easily leapt upon by the Marxists and vipers.
Different world.
>His lax stance on social degeneracy, like faggotry
Don't punch right. If someone's for faggotry or any other objectionable things then we can debate those once we have a white society. You can hang him at that point for being a gag enabler for all I care. If someone is for white nations and anti-Jew then the only acceptable response is "I'm on his side. I disagree on some points politically but we're on the same team". Otherwise fuck your infighting purity bullshit.
Actually I'm trying to join movements. I've always had a feeling even before Sup Forums / Sup Forums that diversity was a fad and things would get to this point, and if my generation is turning into nazis then I might as well do my part and make sure they're the kind of nazis I'd want to hang around with.
Yes goy don't object to us co opting any traction and putting people on watch lists
>muh' Dick Spencer is dah Rockwell of the current year
>w-why are you posting smug anime girl pictures? Richie "only 1k$ to join by boytoy club" Spencer is le based savior of the white race
>what do you virgins mean he is a bumbling fat retard that's never done anything but be a public embarrasment? He is the leader of the alt-right, you're a fat virgin because you remember rules 1&2 and aren't going around throwing roman salutes and spouting cringy memes like a retard.
There's a lot of different groups. I.E. is pretty serious and young, TRS is more intellectual and memelords but know when to be serious, TWP is more working class guys, Stormer Book Clubs and IM are more hardcore obviously. All are their own thing but allies and show up when needed. Find your fit and get out there and stop counter signaling whites.
>you can't be white supremacist and read chinese video game books
Richards an effete fanewhore preppy Nancy. But he's moving the movement and a real leader will rise in his place. Stop fucking counter signaling him if you give a shit about white people.
Which is why Rockwell is still leagues above Spencer.
>low IQ hick
So anybody who says nigger is a hick? That's some advanced anti-white bullshit, mate.
Interesting, this is news to me. What of the Jew? Does he name the Jew for what it is?
Therefor, the night of the Long Knives was a mistake because fuck party unity and clear values that all believe in.
The issue is, you are assuming that those people even WANT a white society. The civcucks don't want that. Faggot-acceptance retards don't want that (less white kids if faggotry is enabled), the Zionist neo-cons don't want that (and they're (((right))), but only for Israel). What the fuck are you talking about? The entire point is that they AREN'T on the same team: they don't want a white ethnostate. The pole in the post above proved me wrong on Spencer so I stand corrected, but I don't know is stance on PC Jewish shit, like the Lollercaust or other things related to the Jew.
Purity insofar as having a cohesive and clear goal of a white ethnostate. Yeah, stop wanting that. Kikes, man.
>>So anybody who says nigger is a hick?
That's totally what I said, right? I also specifically said low iq hick, cause if I used hick as an insult you'd oughta sock me.
Yes, going in front of a group of black islam on stage and calling them niggers is downright retarded. He spoke there because they AGREED on the common ground that they wanted to live separately. Rockwell was there to expand on these ideas and help facilitate that. If him facilitating the separation of blacks from white neighborhoods and society is him "shilling", please bring on more shills.
Nah Rockwell was a shill you should be mean to people because they're niggers
That's the pro-white thing to do!
>So anybody who says nigger is a hick? That's some advanced anti-white bullshit, mate.
It's classist. Whites need to get past this, on both sides. The working class guys who give shit to guys in collared shirts at my group meetings need to ease the fuck up, and the college boys who scoff if racism isn't couched in three levels of protective irony need to do the same. We're all white.