Not sure what to think?

I see value in the old family unit but I can't help but think it would never work out in today's age. This isn't a MGTOW thread because I think that's really just ignoring the problem. Wouldn't it be better for a woman to have a full time job? If a woman just stays home today all she does is browse the internet getting hit up by chads 24/7. We all know that the world lacks self control hence all the drug/obesity/adultery problems. Kind of went on a tangent there but the question is Should women be house wives or workers?

One of the first thing my dad ever told me about women is that if you don't satisfy them in bed they'll 100% cuck you.

In a way it's your fault for letting them cross the line.

If they work full time, who would take care of the kids ?

Stay-at-home parents are necessary, however if there are no children then a career is more profitable.

>Wouldn't it be better for a woman to have a full time job?

they had for that past 2million years
and it's called raising a family, you know the thing that makes having the human race possible?

and producing babies at least 10
you think women contribute anything to society by working in HR departments? or by becoming a biased "journalist"

you are obviously a LOW IQ individual OP KILL YOUSELF


Career women are boring though... they lack something

No, they should stay home. The absolute best time of my child hood was when my mother only worked part time and could spend much more time with us. If she had just been a stay at home mom it would have been even better.

women educate children until puberty
men educate children until adulthood.

these are two distinct roles in society.

men teach boys how to be men and girls how to be women.
women teach boys how to love and girls how to be strong.

this was the balance on our planet for 200,000 years. when the rate of mortality for men was around 70% before the age of 25, and women lived into old age and kept traditions alive. they embraced the role of mother and men embraced the role of fighter.

this is why all men lost their virginity to a trained prostitute, who understood the arts of female pleasure and opened this doorway for the youth. and why all women lost their virginity to their husband, who would go on to become provider and lifetime companion, already trained in the art of love and able to defend them.

women don't NEED to be good at sex, because men want to fuck them regardless. Men NEED to be good at sex because bad sex creates an inharmonious or imbalanced female psyche- since they are trapped in emotional cycles based on the moon. the art of both sexes is forgotten, but still instinctual this is why we have female pornstars, male leaders etc.

to clarify if a man survived past 25 he was likely going to make it into his 60s or 70s, proven in combat for 10 years, smart and reliable enough not to die stupidly. this is why experienced/seasoned men always married younger women and these women did not suddenly become widows.

this is also where the trope of the secret young lover for older women comes from. a man loses interest in his wife over time, and she looks to the younger men who are waiting to prove themselves and find their own wives, the risk for her is low because they are likely to die. today it's essentially cougars and milfs. as you get older and mature these women no longer are appealing to you.

dude weed lmao

I have $1MM net worth but if my wife doesn't work at all then it shows she is lazy. Unless we have kids but that seems unlikely.

Ideal: have small business together.

I'm right there with you, OP. It seems MGTOW is the solution if you want to check out, if those guys are happy with their decision, then I see no reason to hate on them.

But I still have the biological desire to be wanted and to reproduce with women. I just look around me at a lot of the women I know and I don't see mothers. I see women who are just chasing the next 'fun' thing or the next dick to hop on, not thinking about their future. Maybe it does get better with age but who wants some used up woman who has banged 20+ guys by the time they are 25? Anyone who says that number of sexual partners doesn't matter is obviously full of shit, you don't turn a whore into a loving wife. It's probably why the divorce rate is so high, these men try and inevitably fail because there wasn't any quality to these women to begin with.

In a way I just want to be an edgelord and totally check out and say 'watch it all burn', but that isn't going to make me happy.

Spotted the Muslim. Also it seems the consensus is stay at home moms are the best but rarely do you find a woman who is fulfilled by this anymore. They all want more, when did raising non degenerate children become not enough?

they could go back to work after the kid is old enough so I think it's good if both parents work, especially with that unemplyoment rate and the shit ecomony so they can save up for the future too.

>rarely do you find a woman who is fulfilled by this anymore.

because they are manipluated since birth to believe it's not enough an you also need to have a career that get yu 6 digits

just look at how the avergae happyness of women went down the more they went into career jobs

also anecdotal evidence for me is that they are pathetic, manhatten is the elefantgraveyard for uteruses filled with 35year old cunts that fucked different guys every week and now have nothing,
diminished looks a shitty career that doesn't make them happy and no children

that's why the birth rates are under replacement level for white people EVERYWHERE


like we used to with Mary and baby jesus on her arms

now we look at mothers and think that they are poor white trash that got knocked up by Skippy who works at the gas station

Stay at home wives worth their weight bring in income by gardening, clipping coupons, and having profitable hobbies like candle making. A good woman saves the family money with efficient meal planning and cleanliness.

Women will still cheat for emotional needs or out of spite

Maybe because kids are a fucking pain in the ass? You try spending 24/7 with a 2 year old. It's not easy. And when kids start school what the hell is a mom to do during the day? Only so much cooking and cleaning to do.

There is plenty to do.
That extra time could be spent putting in a little extra towards a warm reception for her mate when he gets off work. She knows how he likes his drinks and bath water.

Cringeworthy LARPing stormfags pls go.

I'm not even saying you're wrong, just the way you're both talking.

absolutely this

as someone who grew up with a stay at home mom the outcome will most likely be a substance abuse problem or cheating my friend

make more kids to keep them busy

Why in the fuck is some permavirgin debating about the family unit?

If it doesn't "work out" in todays age then the West will fail natural selection. Mother Nature is a cruel and unforgiving mistress.

yeah I'd like to go the trad way as well but it's gonna be really hard if your family is not in a high-trust community where people support each other.

Thinking like that would make me insecure as fuck and hate women.

Women should work at churches and community events like they used to.

The biggest success of the Jew is not the destruction of the family but the destruction of local communities.

>I see value in the old family unit but I can't help but think it would never work out in today's age.

It doesn't and if it does it's because you got lucky. Marriage doesn't make sense unless you live in a fundamentalist Islamic country.

Those things are no longer perky at all.

Disregard that laws, programs, and media encourage women to cuck for profit.

She's getting up there...past the point of no return I think, too.
Still a qt though.

Women can have jobs. They just shouldn't be full time, nor should they be at a place of social or professional prominence. The way I figure it, working four hours a day leaves her with plenty of time pick up the kids from school and clean the house before I get back from work.

She could breed 5-10 batches of kids of a higher genetic quality than you could ever dream of.

Just saying.

Not a good stay, either.


>Muh white race!
>Refuses to have children as women are too much to handle
> Good goy


Weird thing to say there.
What is your motivation?

You do realize she's a kike

>In a way it's your fault for letting them cross the line.
This right here folks, this kind thinking is why women have all the rights, with none of the responsibility. This is gold star level cuck thinking.

>I see value in the old family unit but I can't help but think it would never work out in today's age.
>a gorillion percent of merriages end in divorce
>older generation neglected, useless and forgotten
it currently is not working todays age. this isnt a matter of wonder if it could work, it's a matter of concluding that it does not work.

your dad admitted to being shit in bed. a fine martyrdom in itself but you didn't have to dishonor him like this

>Women want muh independence
>Start working full-time
>Majority of households now have nearly double the income
>All housing prices are jacked up accordingly to exploit the new well of wealth
oy gevalt

The state.

The reverse is just as true, except moreso. Sure, women are hit on hard when they're youngish, but come 40, men are much more likely to trade up for a younger mate.

The most important thing for a man is to accumulate power and wealth, and not let yourself go physically.

look at that acne-ridden, saggy-titted jewish whore

at least she has nice lips

Why the state of course, which is exactly what the Jews want.
>he who controls the youth, controls the future

you sound pretty cringworthy, tbfh