Lauren Southern asks for POL help
Lauren Southern asks for POL help
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Lauren 'refugee seeking torpedo' Southern
This is actually pretty cool
It's supposed to rhyme, numbnuts.
Not your personal army, slut.
>nu-Sup Forums actually fawn over this cunt
I'm so happy she ditched those Jews she used to work for
>Shitskin thinks his d&c will work here
That's just more proof of your inferior intellect, shitskin. If you were white you'd stop give us more evidence, but you're not that smart, are you?
someone should tweet this pic at her to see if she has a sense of humor
She dropped phosphorus on Israel!
>we are not ur persnal armey lel
Shut up you edgelord cnuts.
Get on board or go back to deddit
Did she stop the refugees tho. I honestly doubt that. Why is nobody stopping those refugee smuggling cunts.
I told whoever the hell it was here last night that I want to have a rough idea of the interdiction plan. Also, after the first interdiction they'll bring weaponry for protection.
She's starting the fire and jew shills want to shut it down.
They try to use reverse psychology or flat out lies.
>reee she's not having babies!
>reee she isn't feminine!
>reee she's a coal burner
>Why is nobody stopping those refugee smuggling cunts.
Because they get a shitton of financing from you know (((who)))
And the government officials/coast guard are corrupt as fuck
Shit ton of funding? Guess who!
>Actually shilling for this zionist whore
pic related names at least some of the NGOs involved with this smuggling
Pro migrant shill, ignore
why does she look so old? it kind of creeps me out desu
>Let those refugees in because I don't like the girl whomst've doing it.
>kikes are financing her to go disrupt the kike funded shitskin invasion of Europe with white nationalists
Good theory. Really sent shocks throughout my cranium.
We need a plant, or a few plants. It's not out of the realms of possibility to disable a vessel from inside. A disabled vessel is subject to salvage law, which means that if prepared we can 'capture' it and hold it for ransom indefinitely.
We need a plant onboard and a tug.
If she had her natural hair color she would look younger
4D Kikery going on then
We'd need a ships mechanic to defect, which they tend to do once they see the animals they bring across.
We need a tug to be running and ready in port near by. Not much more than a few thousand bucks to pull off
why not start actually droning the boats
A few torpedos too
drones + fireworks = sinking ships
Why is she LARPING so hard?
>smells like teen shitskin
Why does Sup Forums sit on their computers so much criticizing the people actually trying to do something?
this guy probably gave her the white nationalist dick and she can't get enough
If she has time to ask for help, she has time to post her breasts.
What is she doing? Travelling around filiming irrelevant protests?
suck this slut that was making jokes about us
>manlet dick
>ever getting wet
shure buddy boi
What the fuck is it with you Brits and piracy on the high seas?
You can't keep posting that debunked image forever
And never comeback, you have the fucking guts to post in here newfags?
oh look, its the lauren southern shill
>He thinks anyone considers him capable of anything anything but being a useless piece of shit
Calm down there edgelords mcedge
Don't kid yourself
You're a low IQ , useless retard like 80% of this board
Only a a couple dozens broke the pizzagate story, doxxed antifaggots and captured the flag
The rest are edgy try harder that just shitpost with having a 0 track record of ever doing anything for the cause, like yourself
So neckyourself
Lauren has done more in a day in her life than you'll ever do in your lifetime
autocorrect shit, Fuck*
and check'd
shes pretty clever for tapping into the autistic right wing nerd virgin demographic
4D kikery
We are the whitest knights
>"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
>Cut off the target from sympathy
Reminder that this was done to Milo as well
Reminder that Alinsky-leftist are systematically attempting to incite hostility to right-wingers in order to neutralize them
I'm not going to give her the time of day until she names the Jew.
ah yes a swearing slut found another creative way of attracting beta cucks, literally epitome of woman right. pathetic
I promise I will never post in another LS thread if you just stop lying. That's my only problem. Hating her as a person is totally understandable, she can be pretty annoying.
Reminder pol is literally proved to be sub 90 iq and will call for it Everytime
>make a Lauren Southern thread
>thirsty-ass Finn waifufaggot is summoned to come to her defense
Every single time.
Any excuse to go out pirating! Arrrrrrrrr
Why can't you stop lying? Are you a pathological liar or a shill? Stop lying and I'll never post again.
Shilling a jew who worked for other jews
we'll miss you then
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
CTR please
>Her defense
She has nothing to warrant having to "defend" herself
You on the other hand.......
So, where'd she get the money to suddenly appear in Berkeley not too long ago, have drinks, then end up in Europe?
Milo did it to himself. He should be on a boat if he wants to stay relevant.
Damn she's cute
Thats so tru goy, errr i mean guy. This nazis have done noffin. Lauren dindu noffin
whether those admissions of her being jewish are legit or not, she behaves 100% like a kike and at the end of the day function trumps origin
>She's starting the fire
with the identitarian movement?
nice (((fire))) shlomosand
just filter all finn homos
What's wrong with the identitarian movement? Genuinely curious, since you're French and might have something of actual value to say if you're not Shareblue.
>Belly button piercing
Why do girls do this? Im going to throw up in my mouth
Once an white nationalist starts gaining traction and attention (((they))) always find something to spin against them.
All these asspie shills getting mad at either not being the kitchen or because she once defended jews in 2015 while she was still with (((Ezra Levant))).
Then she got really red-pilled around the time the ANTIFA people got out of control, then got fired for it.
>pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it
>Complains about white genocide and refugees flooding their countries
>>Help me stop the boats
>>>fuck of Jew. not your army
The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.
Remember this, Sup Forums
>Milo did it to himself.
No. Milo made a mistake by saying something that sounded bad. But spreading it worldwide and ignoring what he said he meant by it, was done by leftists.
Obviously the Alinsky-tactic of removing sympathy from someone requires leverage. People sometimes misstep - Milo did - and then this was maximally leveraged worldwide. It was even written about in Norway.
Keep pushing the jew narrative.
because propaganda is important retard
You see it everyday on Sup Forums, in every e-celeb thread. I just write it off as Sup Forums trolling Sup Forums so it doesn't matter.
>Once an white nationalist starts gaining traction and attention (((they))) always find something to spin against them.
Imagine Sup Forums if all the "Lauren Southern Is A Kike Shill Whore" threads were actually directed at leftists, you know, those people we should try to be against.
Polarizing her is exactly a jewish tactic.
Anyone who genuinely doesn't like her wouldn't even be in here.
I didn't like Milo but I never spent time in his threads.
>Take the Lauren alive, be needing a seafaring wench whilst the crew n I lay low
Hey Pedobrock she'll Cucklet
Yo know that just blindly posting
>Le plebbit xD amirite guys
To every (legit) postition you have been directed to discredit makes you more obvious , right?
It takes a deeper knowledge and some time to actually uderstand the approptiate application of "gobac 2D it" , "cuck" and others
You blindly plastering it around unwarranted singles you out as a p athetic shilfaggot or try hard nufag
She's a civic. I don't see why she's against them coming to Europe. They will assimilate and their children will be just as European as us...
How many threads is she and her beta army going to spam here?
We get it, you make youtube videos
If you're so sure it's bullshit it wouldn't bother you so much that you check every single thread about her for people saying mean things.
>jews dindu nuffin
Jidf pls go
All she does is dip her feet in the water. She never goes beyond a certain point. All she does is go after low-hanging fruit SJWs and a few Muslims, but never anything else such as the nigger problem, naming the Jew, etc. She's the definition of a neocon with a millennial flare, such as cosplay and saying "Praise kek! XDDD" in public.
She's the alt-lite version of Laci Green (Who changed for shekels) or Anita Sarkeesian. She does all these little bread-and-circus things like take pictures with e-celebs, cosplay, act childish, etc. to lure people in, and when she goes to rallies she rubs elbows with other reporters like that faggot Gavin, Sargon, InfoWars, Milo, etc. like as a BUSINESS person. She's purely BUSINESS.
Unless she names the Jew, she's NOTHING to me.
Hello r*ddit
They want to preserve the ethnic and cultural heritage of europeans.Also they argue that not only newcomers must get out also the non Europeans who live here in Europe for decades.With this they work against Schlomos Agenda without naming him
Better teeth back then too
Quit asking for confirmation on a anonymous board populated by outside "actors" (CTrR, sharblue, anarchist raider, commie raiders, libshits disrupters etc) by the double digits, brainlet
Use your own brain
fucking based amirite muh fellow pedes?